Topic: The Forge - Rolling Thunder  (Read 28248 times)

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Offline Bonk

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The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« on: April 15, 2008, 01:28:25 pm »
I'll fill in some background and info in this post as we go.

As usual:

Shiplist: FireSoul's OP+4

And of course:

The Online Campaign Interface (OCI)

Basically the same mission pack as before but with Dave's latest versions plus the new Warp Patrols pack to get some testing in on them.

Please post any issues, suggestions or constructive criticisms. (I expect the map will need a little work)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 06:33:18 am by Bonk »

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2008, 01:33:21 pm »
Logged in, first one... ;D
Lord Krueg
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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2008, 05:01:24 pm »
I noticed the map isn't showing planets or bases.
May we also make it so the roster shows only hull class instead of specific ships?
ie. CA instead of D7C.

Nice to see the Forge back up.
And the map is even different from the last one.  ;D
TY, XC.  :notworthy:
Lord Krueg
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Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2008, 06:31:23 pm »
I noticed the map isn't showing planets or bases.

Yes, I disabled base and planet display on the webmap. I also put the homeworld display on the roster inside a "showplanets" conditional.

May we also make it so the roster shows only hull class instead of specific ships?
ie. CA instead of D7C.


Nice to see the Forge back up.
And the map is even different from the last one.  ;D

Yes it is, and I thought you might appreciate a new map, though it has a few rough edges.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 10:28:52 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2008, 06:44:29 pm »
Well, I'll give it a few days and if there are no major issues I might just let it roll as is, and post a better description. As I can make any necessary map edits or mission list changes on the fly.

I have also scheduled a full backup of the database at 4:05 am every day, so we should never lose more than a day if anything goes wrong so long as major issues are reported promptly. (I made a slick little script to do it this time around)

As usual, expect weekly or biweekly db cleans depending on how quick it clutters.

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2008, 06:51:22 pm »
I noticed the map isn't showing planets or bases.

Yes, I disabled map and planet display on the webmap. I also put the homeworld display on the roster inside a "showplanets" conditional.

May we also make it so the roster shows only hull class instead of specific ships?
ie. CA instead of D7C.


Nice to see the Forge back up.
And the map is even different from the last one.  ;D

Yes it is, and I thought you might appreciate a new map, though it has a few rough edges.

oops... :-[
And TY, Bonk... ;)
Lord Krueg
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Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2008, 07:35:56 pm »
I guess I better fill in some info in at the top of the thread soon... ;)


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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2008, 10:14:26 pm »
Ran several missions, and all appears to be working well :)
Starfleet Headquarters out.

Fleet Commodore, XenoCorp, ISC Fleet.

Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2008, 01:39:58 am »
I was on twice and everything seemed to just be humming along.
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Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2008, 07:55:34 am »

Coolness!  Good to see the Forge back!

I know there were issues with the warp missions, but will have to read through that monster thread to recall them all.

thanks Bonk!

Offline Corbomite

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2008, 03:53:14 pm »

If we have to use our e-mail address from here to access the OCI and IIRC we can't make a new character with that e-mail on the server once it has been used, how do we access the OCI if we transfer our stats to a new account?

Offline RazalYllib

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2008, 04:44:41 pm »
Awesome front end Bonk!

How EZ it to set up on the webspace end?

I'm slowly working through my router issues, but the server box is fine and has been tweaked a little....though Had an unrelated power issue that diverted attention..but replaced the breaker (fried), pushmatic type ... expensive cause they dont make em any more. It looks like sooner than later will have to replace the panel itself...not the most thrilling task or cheap.

I think I got my sea legs w/ the .gf files and the editor back (i think) and it wont be long for an alpha test of the Friction Effect.

I understand there are "new" terrain codes that is recognized by newer scripts, I guess u folks have modifed the definitions file in artifex and added them on the this stable?
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Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2008, 04:46:48 pm »

If we have to use our e-mail address from here to access the OCI and IIRC we can't make a new character with that e-mail on the server once it has been used, how do we access the OCI if we transfer our stats to a new account?

Uh... :scratchead:  ... activating complicated, obfuscated question processing modules...

...5% ....50% ...99% ...100%

Processing complete - response:

Um, isn't that why I created the OCI's transfers page? So you can use one server account that matches your forums email and just switch it to whatever race you want whenever you want? (well you must be logged off the server to transfer to another race)

The transfers page does not use a different account, it just changes the race of your existing account,  nothing else. (note: do not retain foreign ships for long periods, I expect people to report that unaddressed exploit should they see someone doing it... i.e. transferring from Gorn to Prime with A Gorn DN and proceed to warp double in missions for many turns without buying a Prime ship... I'll address that eventually)

Ok, all that said, are you telling me you have created a second server account and do not want to use your first one anymore, and now your forums account does not match? If so, just use your first account and use the player transfers control on the OCI. If you do not want to do that I suppose I can edit your email address for you in the forums database. Or you can do it yourself so long as you can receive the re-activation email at the new address.  (you'd need to logout/login on the forums for that to take on the OCI)

Clear as mud?

Bottom line, use the transfers page on the OCI and you can skip all of the complications of multiple server and forums accounts.

Look for "Race Transfers" under "Player Controls" and you should find what you desire.

Now, if you're looking to create multiple accounts to exploit PP transfers, that is frowned upon, and current OCI settings should make it unprofitable anyway. (I doubt that is what you are up to, but I just thought I'd mention it anyway)

EDIT: on further examination, you question is still not clear.

Do you have one account on the server that matches your forums email address? If so, why don't you want to use that account?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 05:17:18 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2008, 05:14:09 pm »
Awesome front end Bonk!


How EZ it to set up on the webspace end?

Pretty easy. Best if the server database host is local to the webserver. (and best if the serverkit and database are local as well, better yet on the same box connected by named pipe) You can also run all three on the same box, but you want lots of CPU and ram if you're going to use the OCI shipyard with a large shiplist.

If you have not run your own webserver before I recommend Abyss from Aprelium, follow their instructions to install PHP on Abyss (supports fastCGI which may also support eAccelerator or APC) DynDNS can be a help too (assuming you're on a residential connection with dynamic IP and no existing domain name) (and be sure to enable zlib output compression in PHP as well @~level5 but I might have a gzip handler switch in some of these webpmaps too... I'd have to look, or its easy enough to add)

I strongly advise against a shared/freehosting environment. Parsing the shiplist is just too demanding for a shared host. I also would not send the sql queries and results over the internet in the clear (you could setup SSL for MySQL though).

Also, the OCI  uses SMF 1.0.x authentication. So you would need to have an SMF 1.0.x forums install on your webserver as well. Though this could be disabled and replaced with a simpler auth scheme if you can code it.

Uh, OK, maybe its not so easy... but its not really as complicated as it sounds. Note also I have a flatfile webmap that displays lots of stuff, but it only reads the database, it cannot edit it.

I think I got my sea legs w/ the .gf files and the editor back (i think) and it wont be long for an alpha test of the Friction Effect.

"Friction Effect" ... cool!  8)  I assume you're up to movement impedance tricks? You could also edit the impedance values in the db (SQl or flatfile) mid server for some interesting possibilies.

I understand there are "new" terrain codes that is recognized by newer scripts, I guess u folks have modifed the definitions file in artifex and added them on the this stable?

No. Not stable. Use stock terrain definitions. I'd like to come back to the new terrains at some point, but it's tricky as it directly involves the serverkit, mission scripts and the client (and could cause mission incompatibilites - we need to maintain backward compatibility for mission scripts as much as possible)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 05:34:10 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2008, 06:30:25 pm »
DynDNS can be a help too (assuming you're on a residential connection with dynamic IP and no existing domain name)

Further, if you run the game server behind a router you will need to use the CentralSwitchAddress line in (it is not therein the gf in current releases) Additionally, when you run a "serverplatform.exe -install" at the command line in the folder you run it from it will advise you of this if it detects a local IP address.

Like so (example domain):
Code: [Select]
Listen = 1
CentralSwitchPort = 27100

Or use the IP address if you have a static public IP, if it is dynamic however you will need to use a dynamic dns solution or modify that setting and kick the server every time your WAN IP changes, which can be unpredictable, but usually weekly DHCP leases are common these days and 9 times out of 10 you'll get the same IP address again.

I've used Deerfield's DNS2Go in the past, it was quite reasonably priced and very reliable. I have not used DynDNS mysef, but it is free... I think others in the community have used No-IP after experiencing troubles with DynDNS. yeah.. it was: hehe... looks like he's running Fedora (ugh - Fedora - blech) on that box now and has not setup a webserver fully. Was that Castrin or Pestalence's site? I forget.

Some routers even come with a Dynamic DNS client these days, or sometimes in newer firmware for older routers.

Offline Corbomite

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2008, 08:24:43 pm »

EDIT: on further examination, you question is still not clear.

Do you have one account on the server that matches your forums email address? If so, why don't you want to use that account?

I haven't tried to change anything yet. I have one account under this e-mail and I was looking at the transfer screen to see how things worked (I wasn't around when you first set this up so bear with me). I noticed that there were names listed under various races that were other people's accounts, but no obvious way to create an account from there so it looked like you could only transfer to an exsisting account. That led me to the question of how I do that if the OCI will only recognize my forum e-mail address and a new account requires a new address. Clear as mud?  ;D


Never mind! I was looking at the prestige transfer screen, not the player transfer. DOH!!

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2008, 08:44:44 pm »
(I wasn't around when you first set this up so bear with me).

Ah I see, no problem at all.

I noticed that there were names listed under various races that were other people's accounts, but no obvious way to create an account from there so it looked like you could only transfer to an exsisting account. That led me to the question of how I do that if the OCI will only recognize my forum e-mail address and a new account requires a new address. Clear as mud?  ;D

Yes, clear as mud.  ;D  Have you looked at it today? (I fixed a bug in it late last night) It should not be showing you other player accounts unless I have you configured as an RM or admin... If it was showing you other player names that was a bug. (introduced by restricting transfers by location at Dizzy's request and I forgot to declare the global config variable for it inside the function, actually it was due to me using a newer config file and older code for the oci, chanes were made for SGO at Dizzy's request but files got shuffled a little since then, but I've got it sorted out now I think... but you don't need to know that...)

The transfers page should only give you a list of races to transfer to, you should not see any other player names on that page.

See the attached images, The first is before I transfer (Bonk, Kzinti), then I selected Gorn and pressed the "Transfer!" button and the second image is after I pressed the transfer button showing that I am Still Bonk, currently Gorn and that the transfer was successful.

Now when I log in, I will be Gorn, (and will show as Gorn on the OCI roster) but still have my Kzin ship until I trade it in for a Gorn one (required -  you can do it right there on the OCI, buy new race ship, and trade-in old race ship). All that has changed is my race. My Account email, Character Name, PP, Glicko.. etc will all still be the same. Only one account is involved. Use the same single login at the Serverlist login. The whole idea is that multiple accounts are not required to play different races. Does that explain how it works?  (I have changed my race back to Kzin since this post)

I think this whole thing has enough features now that some merit explanation. I will add a help page for the OCI to my todo list. ;)

I admit, that transfers interface is a little awkward. I'll look at making it more intuitive.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 09:29:50 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2008, 09:17:30 pm »
Here is the config file for the OCI, it will explain much of the functions and configurability:
(anything after "//" is a comment or is commented out - oh cool, I forgot SMF will color code them as orange! but it didnt preserve the spacing quite right though...):

Code: [Select]

//emails faked for this post
$serveradmins = array();
$serveradmins[0] = ""//Bonk
$serveradmins[1] = ""//Frey
$serveradmins[2] = ""//Braxton
$serveradmins[3] = ""//SFHQ

$serverRMs = array();
$serverRMs[0] = ""// Krueg
$serverRMs[1] = ""// deadman

$campbaseyear "2263";

$showplanets 0 // set to zero to disable planet display
$showbases 0; // set to zero to disable base display
$showplayerloc 1; // set to zero to disable player location displays

//database config info faked for this post
$D2dbhostname      "databasehost"; // The D2 MySQL db servers hostname OR IP address
$D2dbport "portnumber"; // The D2 MySQL db server port number
$D2db "databasename"; // The name of the MySQL D2 database
$D2dbuser      "user"; // The MySQL user to connect as
$D2dbpass  "password"; // The password for that user
$D2campname "The Forge"; // The D2 campaign name (just for titles)

$cssloc "/oci/oci.css"; // path to css on webserver

$ociroot "/oci";  // root webmap folder
$forumsroot "/forum"// SMF forum root
$useforumslink 1// show a link to the SMF forum

$usekills 1; // Use the kills page - set to zero to disable

$BattleRepDelay 0; // Delay in minutes before battles appear on the recent battles and destroyed ships pages
$BattleRepNum 200; // Number of Recent battles to report - keep low to minimise server load

$RosterShipDet "class"; // Ship detail shown on roster page "class" or "ship"

$usetransfers 1; // Set to zero to dssable player race transfers
if ($usetransfers == 1) {
$transferanywhere 0; // Set to zero to restrict transfers to planets and bases - set to one for transfers anywhere
$transfermode "any"; // Set to "allied" to limit transfers to allied races only, or "any" for any race

$usePPtransfers 1; // Allow character to character prestige transfers, set to zero to disable
if ($usePPtransfers == 1) {
$PPtransfersMin 6000; // Minimum transfer
$PPtransfersMax 1000000; // Maximum transfer
$PPtransfersTax 0; // Transfer service charge in percent, charged to donor
$PPtransfersSur 2000; // Transfer surcharge, charged to donor

$uselocations 1; // Set to zero to disable Wormholes/Stargates
if ($uselocations == 1) {
$locationsmode "Wormholes"; // locations mode "Wormholes" (black holes) or "Stargates" (homeworlds, starbases)
$locationsally "any"; // Set to "allied" to limit locations to allied hexes only, or "any" for any race hexes
$locationsprice 50; // Price in PP per hex moved
$locationsfail 0; // Probability of wormhole/stargate collapse (0-100) 

$usejavairc 1;
if (
$usejavairc == 1) {
$d2IRCserver ""; // IRC server in use by D2 server - faked for this post
$d2IRCserverport 6667;
$d2IRCGenChan "#General@TheForge";

$usets 1; // Use TS webpost page
if ($usets == 1) {
$TSlink       ""; // TS webpost page address

$useOoBadmin 0;  // Heh, started this back in '02, I still have the code somewhere... I must finish that and make full use of OP+4

$useshipassign 1;
if (
$useshipassign == 1) {
$RMshipassignmode "any"; // RM ship assignment mode: "any" or "allied" ship races.

$useshipyard 1; // Use shipyard pages (fill out forums and D2 server info above)
if ($useshipyard == or $useshipassign == 1) {
$shipyardanywhere 0; // Set to zero to restrict shipyard to planets and bases - set to one to allow shipyards anywhere
$MinimumBidFactor  6; // The multiplier for the minimum bid for a ship (in
$TradeinFactor 6; // Trade-in multiplier (converse of MinimumBid Factor)
$Cost_Difficulty 1.0; // The cost multiplier for the current difficulty setting (in
$MaximumOwnedShips 3; // Max ships owned as set in  - NOTE: I can set this to 6 and they'll work in mission but not in spacedock.
$classcostmod  = array(); // This is a modifier per <eClassType> for the price of a ship (don't change this line - it just declares the array - edit the lines below according to
$classcostmod[0 1.0; // Shuttle class cost modifier
$classcostmod[1 1.0; // PF class cost modifier
$classcostmod[2 1.0; // Freighter class cost modifier
$classcostmod[3 0.9; // Frigate class cost modifier
$classcostmod[4 1.0; // Destroyer class cost modifier
$classcostmod[5 2.0; // War Destroyer class cost modifier
$classcostmod[6 1.5; // Light Cruiser class cost modifier
$classcostmod[7 2.0; // Heavy Cruiser class cost modifier
$classcostmod[8 2.25; // New Heavy Cruiser class cost modifier
$classcostmod[9 3.0; // Heavy Battlecruiser class cost modifier
$classcostmod[10 4.0; // Carrier class cost modifier
$classcostmod[11 5.0; // Dreadnaught class cost modifier
$classcostmod[12 8.0; // Battleship class cost modifier
$classcostmod[13 1.0; // Listening Post class cost modifier
$classcostmod[14 2.0; // Base Station class cost modifier
$classcostmod[15 3.5; // Battle Station class cost modifier
$classcostmod[16 5.0; // Starbase class cost modifier
$classcostmod[17 1.0; // Monster class cost modifier
$classcostmod[18 1.0; // Planet class cost modifier
$classcostmod[19 1.0; // Special class cost modifier

// Limited availability ship classes:
$limavail  = array();
$limavail['SHUTTLE' "limited"; // Shuttle
$limavail['PF' "limited"; // PF
$limavail['FREIGHTER' "avail"; // Freighter
$limavail['FRIGATE' "avail"; // Frigate
$limavail['DESTROYER' "avail"; // Destroyer
$limavail['WAR_DESTROYER' "avail"; // War Destroyer
$limavail['LIGHT_CRUISER' "avail"; // Light Cruiser
$limavail['HEAVY_CRUISER' "avail"; // Heavy Cruiser
$limavail['NEW_HEAVY_CRUISER' "avail"; // New Heavy Cruiser
$limavail['HEAVY_BATTLECRUISER' "avail"; // Heavy Battlecruiser
$limavail['CARRIER' "avail"; // Carrier
$limavail['DREADNOUGHT' "avail"; // Dreadnaught
$limavail['BATTLESHIP' "avail"; // Battleship
$limavail['LISTENING_POST' "limited"; // Listening Post
$limavail['BASE_STATION' "avail"; // Base Station
$limavail['BATTLE_STATION' "avail"; // Battle Station
$limavail['STARBASE' "avail"; // Starbase
$limavail['MONSTER' "limited"; // Monster
$limavail['PLANET' "limited"; // Planet
$limavail['SPECIAL' "limited"; // Special
// To limit individual ships for this interface add " lim" to the end of the SFB Year Last Available field in the copy of the shiplist placed in this folder for use by the webmap

// Empire/Cartel Names
$empstring = array();
$empstring[0] = "United Federation of Planets";
$empstring[1] = "Klingon Empire";
$empstring[2] = "Romulan Star Empire";
$empstring[3] = "Lyran Star Empire";
$empstring[4] = "Hydran Kingdom";
$empstring[5] = "Gorn Confederation";
$empstring[6] = "Interstellar Concordium";
$empstring[7] = "Kzinti Hegemony";
$empstring[8] = "Orion Cartel";
$empstring[9] = "Korgath Cartel";
$empstring[10] = "Prime Cartel";
$empstring[11] = "TigerHeart Cartel";
$empstring[12] = "BeastRaiders Cartel";
$empstring[13] = "Syndicate Cartel";
$empstring[14] = "WyldeFire Cartel";
$empstring[15] = "Camboro Cartel";
$empstring[16] = "Rogue Pirates";
$empstring[17] = "Monsters";
$empstring[18] = "Tholian Holdfast";
$empstring[19] = "Lyran Democratic League";
$empstring[20] = "WYN Star Cluster";
$empstring[21] = "Jindarian";
$empstring[22] = "Andromedans";
$empstring[23] = "Neutral";
$empstring[24] = "Mirror";
$empstring[25] = "All Races";

// Short Empire/Cartel Names
$empstringshort = array();
$empstringshort[0] = "Fed";
$empstringshort[1] = "Kli";
$empstringshort[2] = "Rom";
$empstringshort[3] = "Lyr";
$empstringshort[4] = "Hyd";
$empstringshort[5] = "Gor";
$empstringshort[6] = "ISC";
$empstringshort[7] = "Kzi";
$empstringshort[8] = "Ori";
$empstringshort[9] = "Kor";
$empstringshort[10] = "Pri";
$empstringshort[11] = "Tig";
$empstringshort[12] = "Bea";
$empstringshort[13] = "Syn";
$empstringshort[14] = "Wyl";
$empstringshort[15] = "Cam";
$empstringshort[16] = "Rog";
$empstringshort[17] = "Mon";
$empstringshort[18] = "Tho";
$empstringshort[19] = "LDR";
$empstringshort[20] = "WYN";
$empstringshort[21] = "Jin";
$empstringshort[22] = "And";
$empstringshort[23] = "Neu";
$empstringshort[24] = "Mir";
$empstringshort[25] = "All";

$serverteams = array();
$serverteams[0] = "Alliance";
$serverteams[1] = "Coalition";

$empcolor = array();
$empcolor[0] = "#0000FF";  //Federation
$empcolor[1] = "#FF0000";  //Klingon
$empcolor[2] = "#00FF00";  //Romulan
$empcolor[3] = "#FFCC33";  //Lyran
$empcolor[4] = "#660099";  //Hydran
$empcolor[5] = "#996600";  //Gorn
$empcolor[6] = "#FF66CC";  //ISC
$empcolor[7] = "#00FFFF";  //Mirak
$empcolor[8] = "#0000FF";  //Orion
$empcolor[9] = "#FF0000";  //Orion
$empcolor[10] = "#00FF00";  //Orion
$empcolor[11] = "#FFCC33";  //Orion
$empcolor[12] = "#660099";  //Orion
$empcolor[13] = "#996600";  //Orion
$empcolor[14] = "#FF66CC";  //Orion
$empcolor[15] = "#00FFFF";  //Orion
$empcolor[16] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[17] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[18] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[19] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[20] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[21] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[22] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[23] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[24] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[25] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace

$rankstring = array();
$rankstring[0] = "Ensign";
$rankstring[1] = "Lieutenant";
$rankstring[2] = "LtCommander";
$rankstring[3] = "Captain";
$rankstring[4] = "Commodore";
$rankstring[5] = "RearAdmiral";
$rankstring[6] = "Admiral";
$rankstring[7] = "FleetAdmiral";

$hexname = array();
$hexregion = array();

* Dynaverse server database connection                                        *

$D2db_link mysql_pconnect($D2dbhostname .":" .$D2dbport$D2dbuser$D2dbpass);
if (!
$D2db_link) {
// somebody added the html formatting and link to the no db connect error -wasn't me, good idea!
die('<body bgcolor="000000" text="FFFFFF"><div align="center">Could not connect to Dynaverse server database, please try again later.<br><br> Please visit <a href=""></a> for more information.</div></body>');

$query "SELECT Width,Height FROM mapdescription";
$result mysql_query($query);
$line mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC);
$mapdimx $line['Width'];
$mapdimy $line['Height'];

for (
$mdx 0$mdx <= $mapdimx-1$mdx++) {
for (
$mdy 0$mdy <= $mapdimy-1$mdy++) {
$hexname[$mdx][$mdy] = "";
$hexregion[$mdx][$mdy] = "";

// planet names

//$hexname[5][7] = "Earth";
//$hexname[19][3] = "Lyra";

// region names

//$hexregion[5][7] = "Federation Core";


Offline [KBF]MuadDib

  • Lt. Junior Grade
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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2008, 09:27:03 pm »

and double thanks for throwing in the new missions!!!
Life cannot find reasons to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it.

Offline Corbomite

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Re: The Forge - Rolling Thunder
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2008, 09:35:28 pm »
Yeah this is pretty neato! :thumbsup: Its too bad you didn't work for Taldren and set this up out of the box!

Now if you could just change the server speed to 9 please! Speed 8 is like swimming through molasses. It took me 20 minutes to do a Convoy Raid in a nebula. As you noted elsewhere, we ain't gettin' any younger here!  :P I know cluster flies! Don't make me tell them how to find you!!! ;)