Topic: A possible alternative to Windows, other than Linux?  (Read 6450 times)

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Offline Centurus

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Re: A possible alternative to Windows, other than Linux?
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2008, 07:25:03 pm »
Good luck with that.  It's never worked for anyone else before in the past.  But, may I recommend Candy Barr.  She was an incredibly goregous woman back in the days of stag films and burlesque shows.  If anyone can help reset your mind, it's her.

It works for me.  But then again I've always had a weakness for Diane Lane. 

Candy Barr I don't recall ever seeing.

Hey Nem, here's some more help to help settle your tortured mind.

*does the Macarena*

One of the advantages of not being up on "pop culture", I've never seen the macarena and its hard to imagine you doing a dance I've never seen.

Trust me, Diane Lane has nothing up on Candy Barr.

And as for the Macarena, forget about that.

*smacks Nem with a rubber chicken, and has him materialize in a tailor made suit sitting alone at a stage, and then comes out from the curtains and re-enacts the scene from Striptease in where Demi Moore makes her stripping debut, and sees Nem try to leave and laughs evily cause Nem is attached to the chair, which is attached to the floor*
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Offline Centurus

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Re: A possible alternative to Windows, other than Linux?
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2008, 07:25:30 pm »

The pen is truly mightier than the sword.  And considerably easier to write with.

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Re: A possible alternative to Windows, other than Linux?
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2008, 04:25:32 am »
Trust me, Diane Lane has nothing up on Candy Barr.

And as for the Macarena, forget about that.

I downloaded a Youtube video of Candy Barr and still prefer Diane Lane.  To each his own.

*smacks Nem with a rubber chicken, and has him materialize in a tailor made suit sitting alone at a stage, and then comes out from the curtains and re-enacts the scene from Striptease in where Demi Moore makes her stripping debut, and sees Nem try to leave and laughs evily cause Nem is attached to the chair, which is attached to the floor*

Fortunately due to my nephews life long fascination with chickens I have become immune to all forms of chicken attacks and this failed to work on me.  You must have hit Punisher with the ricochet instead.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: A possible alternative to Windows, other than Linux?
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2008, 04:35:21 am »
Trust me, Diane Lane has nothing up on Candy Barr.

And as for the Macarena, forget about that.

I downloaded a Youtube video of Candy Barr and still prefer Diane Lane.  To each his own.

*smacks Nem with a rubber chicken, and has him materialize in a tailor made suit sitting alone at a stage, and then comes out from the curtains and re-enacts the scene from Striptease in where Demi Moore makes her stripping debut, and sees Nem try to leave and laughs evily cause Nem is attached to the chair, which is attached to the floor*

Fortunately due to my nephews life long fascination with chickens I have become immune to all forms of chicken attacks and this failed to work on me.  You must have hit Punisher with the ricochet instead.

Na, just with some people they don't feel the effects of my rubber chickens for a while.  It depends on how fast I smack them.
The pen is truly mightier than the sword.  And considerably easier to write with.