Welcome aboard man, always glad to see another person here in my our home away from home.
This place is an extension of many years of hard work with the SFC series of games, and Frey, the owner and the DGA help keep us running.
Feel free to look around, We have just about any topic you could ever want covered here somewhere, needless to say alot of Trek and Sci Fi references.
we can start a thread in the other games forum to discuss WoW stuff.
Ten forward is kinda like the lounge, lots of day to day topics go there, If you like debating, Hot And Spicy is the forum, but you would have to ask an Admin for access. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, take all the time you need to get used to this crazy bunch, and If you see a Dizzy here, STFU is just his way of saying hello.
Now to get him addicted to SFC and my plan is complete!
1. Play wow and SFC
2. ???
3. Profit
PS. I'm sure the pic will surface soon enough, what with the friends I have here.