Topic: Assassin's Creed for PC  (Read 1838 times)

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Assassin's Creed for PC
« on: April 11, 2008, 02:53:28 am »
Well it hit the stores April 8th.. I'm going to try and get a copy tomorrow and see how it is.. it is suppose to be another DirectX 10 game.. However from reports I have seen.. the Jeresulem area seems to cause a CTD so definately a patch coming...

I have been waiting for this game for about 8 months now to come to PC... It has been out in Beta for about 2 weeks now.. but I didn't get into the testers group.. so I'm just buying full version tomorrow if at all possible.

Who else is going to take the plunge?

I'm getting an arsenol of kick ass games now..

Hellgate London


Call Of Duty 4 (although it is DirectX 9)

and next Assassin's Creed

Add this to my Elite Force and Elite Force 2, SFC all titles, Dom Wars, Armada and Armada II, KOTOR and KOTOR II, and a few older one's like Tron 2.0 Max Payne 1 and II, Never Winter Nights Original with all expansions including CEP, BF 1942, Halflife 2, Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow, Etc.. all of which works on Vista, except Dominion Wars.. at times it works, other times I get Can Not play on Windows NT error...

SFC EAW and OP have D2 lagging issues and I have yet to test out SFC 3 on this new system.

but I have enough games to keep me busy when I take breaks from trying to work kinks out of Vista and the SFC game series..

Assassin's Creed will be a much welcome addition to my stockpile of games.. I usually buy a game once a month..

I saw the posts for that Sub game, Silent Hunter 4.. that will be my bargin bin hunt next month..
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Offline Lloyd007

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Re: Assassin's Creed for PC
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2008, 03:14:11 am »
What did you think of Hellgate: London? A lot of sources panned it for showstopping bugs and 'bland' gameplay but still it looks interesting to me if said bugs are gone.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Assassin's Creed for PC
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2008, 03:20:59 am »
I haven't gotten any bugs in Hellgate so far.. the latest patch seems to have cured a lot of them..

the only thing that I do notice is that you really need a great graphics card.. either that or keep game settings low...

Other than that.. I like it.. you can play free online, or you can get the goods stuff with a subscription.. I play free.. my wife won't let me subscribe.. which is good.. that is how I buy all my other games :)
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Re: Assassin's Creed for PC
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2008, 04:54:15 am »
Here are some screen shots
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Assassin's Creed for PC
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2008, 03:32:16 pm »
Looks pretty good the skill bar looks like wow butt the Graphics look siimlar to GW.You mean you have all those old Star Trek games nonot the Taldren ones?

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Re: Assassin's Creed for PC
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2008, 06:59:27 pm »
I don't know about the PC version, but the PS3 version is quite spectacular.  The views from some of the city viewpoints are just amazing.  The feeling when you do a perfect frontal assassination on an idiot guard is even better. I sometimes play just to get some aggressions out. 

Oh, and running across the rooftops to tackle an archer while putting your hidden blade through his throat....yumm.

My poor 9 year old nephew had nightmares after watching me play the game. 
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Offline Lepton

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Re: Assassin's Creed for PC
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2008, 07:17:22 pm »
Find me a high graphics quality game that isn't about murdering people or killing monsters and I'll give a damn.

System Specs:

Dell Dimension E521
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Re: Assassin's Creed for PC
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2008, 10:24:34 pm »
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