lol. well in this case there's no harm in giving it a try, you don't have anything to lose on that disk.
You mention mobile rack however... how is the bios detecing the disk? Are LBA and SMART enabled?
Manual partitions should not be too hard, it should give you a gui in the setup, create a 38GB ext3 partition, set it to root '/' mount point, and create a 2GB swap partition then off you go.
EDIT: actually make that a 36 or 37 GB partition, its best to leave a little breathing room as actual disk sizes are often smaller than they say on the box.
EDIT2: also, if going th reinstall route, then set it to reinstall grub as well of course.
EDIT3: lol, and you'll probably need to delete any existing partitions before creating the new ones. - should be able to do that right in the setup gui.