Man, this *is* a good week for me. Was scrounging through an old hard drive and found a file called Opened it up and FOUND MY FLAGSHIP. Super happy!
Okay, so my plan is that I'm going to update my flagship for myself and then use that as a basis for a general release as a pirate. That way I'll have my custom flagship, while you all can enjoy the ship as well.
Back story on the ship. Instory, the ship is crewed by Rangers from the Babylon 5 universe. Lost in hyperspace with a scientist onboard and way off the beacon, they were dying.. running out of supplies and desperate to get back to help with the War against the Shadows. They tried an experimental jump drive enhancement to try and regain the beacon, and it instead shunted them into what was unknown space. The process destroyed their ship although they escaped in escape pods. The pods took them to the nearest habitable planet, where fortunately there was a spaceport and civilization. Where they discovered that they were not in their own universe with the Insterstellar Alliance, but something called the United Federation of Planets. Working together, they built themselves a base of operations and took scouting and recon work and eventually were able to get their hands on a surplus Federation starship which they rebuilt to suit their need to get home. Although the scientist who had gotten them there was killed in the accident, his assistant was still alive and was familiar with some of the basics of his mentors theory. So now, these Rangers are travelling the galaxy attempting to gather the technology to allow them to form a jumppoint in warp space and follow the beacon home. That's the story at any rate.

Out of story and on the ship itself.. way way back, I decided that I really liked the looks of WZ45's Lethality v1 and wanted to make it my own. So with my limited skill, I flipped and chopped and painted and came up with something unique to myself. Flew her around lots and lots, then started using other ships to test with and backed her up. Then a couple of hard drive crashes and lost drives later and I couldn't find her again. Until yesterday.
I had started to recreate her using more modern meshes. Took WZ45's v2 Lethality and parts of the Terran Anubis and Sorcerer, plus his new LN-68 nacelles. Wasn't looking right, but was getting there. But today was mostly a drag and drop and tweak session. Still not done yet, but here's some WIP pictures showing the original (well except the deflector) with where I am with the rebuild. Again, this will be released as a modified pirate version once I've updated my flagship and do a few more tweaks.

So wow, a few things on the go again, totally happy about that. ALSO, Starbug with updated textures is up for download, as is Red Dwarf again. I'm working on SFC3 versions of both.