Topic: atheorhaven's WIP and release thread (re: TARDIS v3r released.. :)  (Read 113599 times)

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Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2008, 08:22:54 pm »
...just maybe the Rani and maybe Romana.

Romana became Lord President of Gallifrey.  I doubt very seriously that the ruler of the Time Lords was either absent or overlooked during the Time War.  Knowing Romana she was most likely in there pitching until the very end.  The Rani was much more likely to be found in a laboratory working on weapons to use against the Daleks in the Time War than to be found in the trenches.  She probably fried when the Doctor did whatever it was that burned Gallifrey and 10 million Dalek ships.

Oh, and if you want a seriously retro Who model, try modelling the SIDRAT from the Patrick Troughton episode "The War Games".

(Oh, and the woman who played Romana II married Richard Dawkins.  What a lucky bastard he is.)

This is the only picture of a SIDRAT I was able to find.  The Target novelization of this episode claims that the SIDRAT is colored dark green on the outside.  Oh, and here's a good source of older pictures from Doctor Who episodes.

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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2008, 07:57:24 pm »
Has anyone ever tried adding a "pivot point" like on a brk.mod to a model? Might make it rotate?
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Offline atheorhaven

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2008, 11:54:35 am »
Has anyone ever tried adding a "pivot point" like on a brk.mod to a model? Might make it rotate?

Just tried it last night on this mesh.. it didn't do anything in SFC 1 at least..
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Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2008, 01:33:23 pm »
I would have thought that using a full-on battlestation would be more in keeping with a TARDIS.  It would give the TARDIS model something closer to the indestructability it's meant to have.  It would also sort of ease you into the "bigger on the inside" thing since you'd have a tiny blue box with 20 Ph4s, torpedoes, etc.  Just imagine a load of Ph4s whipping out and zapping the living Christ out of some unsuspecting starship in a server like.....Slave Girls 8.  I can hear the Teamspeak chatter in my head now (from the non-Who fans).  "Hey, there are no enemy ships here.  There's just a stupid box floating around me."  "I can't believe we wasted our F-SBB on this."  ZAPP ZAPP ZAPP ZAPP KABLOWIE VREEEE VREEEE TWANG TWANG ZAPP ZAPP!!!!!!!!  "Holy Flaming Jesus!!  What the Hell happened to my ship?!?!?!?!?"
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Offline boxy

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2008, 03:12:41 am »
Question if I may, when i try to use the model attribute editior to give my models some glows, they dont show in the editor, only in game? on your wips it shows the glows..  is their a function i need to switch on to see the glows whilst in the editor as it is a massive pain, having to guess them, and it normally looks awfull.  thanks.

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2008, 04:52:38 am »
Has anyone ever tried adding a "pivot point" like on a brk.mod to a model? Might make it rotate?

Just tried it last night on this mesh.. it didn't do anything in SFC 1 at least..

Do you just have something against SFC OP?

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Offline atheorhaven

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2008, 09:47:32 am »
Just tried it last night on this mesh.. it didn't do anything in SFC 1 at least..
Do you just have something against SFC OP?

Not at all Frey.. just that the SFC 1 Demo loads faster.  ;)

I usually test ships in the SFC 1 Demo and SFC 2 Demo, and if there ever would have been a SFC 3 Demo, I'd test in there as well.  Generally, the demos load quicker than the main game, so they're ideal for testing sandboxes.  :)
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Offline atheorhaven

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2008, 09:50:33 am »
Question if I may, when i try to use the model attribute editior to give my models some glows, they dont show in the editor, only in game? on your wips it shows the glows..  is their a function i need to switch on to see the glows whilst in the editor as it is a massive pain, having to guess them, and it normally looks awfull.  thanks.

Normally, before I start on a glow, I manually create the glow file.

So for something like this:


I'll then right click in the directory, create a new textfile (that'll be 0 bytes) and name it:

Then at that point, I'll recache, and then open up Model Attribute Editor.  When I save the attributes and reopen it, it seems to work everytime.  :D
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Offline AsYlUm

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2008, 09:59:24 am »
That tardis rocks man.. great work.. love the way you have detailed in with textures and kept the poly limit low low with out decresing the quality  8)         <-- gagarin video

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2008, 10:19:48 am »
That tardis rocks man.. great work.. love the way you have detailed in with textures and kept the poly limit low low with out decresing the quality  8)

Thanks AsYlUm.. high praise coming from someone who textures like you can  :)

The thing that is actually the most polies is the light cage up top.. without it, the mesh would probably be around 1200 polies max.

But this TARDIS is probably one of the more detailed texture projects I've done.. the door panels alone were three layers for just the panels.

I do have to correct the windows though.. instead of 3x3 they should be 2 high and three across.  (sigh).

With that change, and the addition of the console to the break .MOD that I have planned.. I may just re-release it..
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Offline AsYlUm

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2008, 10:28:10 am »
cool... make a low poly doctor too, and make him one of the _brk pieces in the .brk_.mod... then when we blow it up we will see him and the console fly out..  ;)         <-- gagarin video

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2008, 12:01:26 pm »
cool... make a low poly doctor too, and make him one of the _brk pieces in the .brk_.mod... then when we blow it up we will see him and the console fly out..  ;)

I liked the idea of Zoe and Jamie on the console actually.. especially this shot which shows it's happened in the past:

Although the color is wrong on it.. should be more like this:

Although... Rose on the console would be cool too.  ;)

Personally though, I don't think that having the Doctor fly out would look right.. if anything, he should always survive.. maybe on the console as well though.  :D
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Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2008, 01:34:23 pm »
For showing accumulated damage prior to actual destruction you could use the method depicted in the Virgin Doctor Who Missing Adventure The Crystal Becephalus.  Under pressure from two time-related forces generated by a time-traveling restaurant (secretly owned by the Doctor) the TARDIS tries to vent the accumulated pressure via having the roof lamp explode and fountain time-energy straight out the top.

Atheorhaven, the Doctor did survive the breakup of his TARDIS in the episode people are referencing with the "Zoe on the console" pictures.  The next episode after the TARDIS breaks up the Doctor finds himself in a bizarre forest made entirely of cliched aphorisms ("Look before you leap.", "In for a penny; in for a pound.", etc.).  From there he must battle his way across the forest and through hostile fictional characters such as Gulliver and the Minotaur.  Finally the Doctor encounters the foe responsible for his woes:  the Master of the Land of Fiction.  I'm afraid you'll have to watch the episode to find out if the Doctor manages to save the day and rescue his beloved companions from the clutches of the Master of the Land of Fiction and return them to a state of reality.   
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Offline MajorRacal

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2008, 08:42:17 pm »
The question you the have to ask yourself about The Mind Robber, is were the events as literal or as fictitious as they appeared to be?

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2008, 02:40:13 am »
Couple more quick things.. added something else to the break mod and corrected the main textures (had too many windows).

Needed to have something in the TARDIS with the console, and tried something that I *haven't* seen done before in SFC or BC.  ;)
Grand total: 60 polies added to the break mod.

Also, now have Red and While Daleks colored in the new series format in addition to the standard and Black Dalek..
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Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #35 on: April 14, 2008, 12:20:08 pm »
Ha!  Good old K-9.  If there's any way possible you should include a tiny sound bite from K-9 when the TARDIS explodes.  Maybe something as simple as "Apologies, master!".  If you truly want to model something from Doctor Who that has never been done for SFC or OP try doing Chameleon from the Peter Davison eral.  They dreadfully underused him and it would be nice to see him again, even if it is an appearance as minor as explosion debris.

Here's a bit of him from his first episode.  Back in the early 80s that robot was the absolute pinnacle of special effects technology.   

It's just a rotten shame they kept him stuffed in a closet from The King's Demons until Planet of Fire which is when they killed him off.

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Offline atheorhaven

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2008, 02:16:17 pm »
Ha!  Good old K-9.  If there's any way possible you should include a tiny sound bite from K-9 when the TARDIS explodes.  Maybe something as simple as "Apologies, master!".  If you truly want to model something from Doctor Who that has never been done for SFC or OP try doing Chameleon from the Peter Davison eral.  They dreadfully underused him and it would be nice to see him again, even if it is an appearance as minor as explosion debris.
It's just a rotten shame they kept him stuffed in a closet from The King's Demons until Planet of Fire which is when they killed him off.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to do a custom death sound for a particular ship. :p 

And the reason that I chose K-9 was because I could do him up in only 60 polies.. doing a human-ish form is a lot more than that.  I *am* trying to make the TARDIS playable after all.  ;)

 On the plus side though, if I did release K-9 as a standalone, his nose laser is about the color of a PH-1.  :D
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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #37 on: April 14, 2008, 02:37:18 pm »
Dear Lord, you could have him be a fighter for the TARDIS. :\

If it were up to me I'd put him in with the break model of the Baker-era TARDIS, along with the console and TARDIS walls.

And if anything should be used for TardisDeath, I'd choose that sound clip from when the Tardis breaks in The Mind Robber.

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #38 on: April 14, 2008, 03:08:43 pm »
Dear Lord, you could have him be a fighter for the TARDIS. :\

If it were up to me I'd put him in with the break model of the Baker-era TARDIS, along with the console and TARDIS walls.
And if anything should be used for TardisDeath, I'd choose that sound clip from when the Tardis breaks in The Mind Robber.

That was initially the plan.. do a set of skins for my new TARDIS to match the original, Pertwee era, Baker era and maybe McCoy era skins.  But I was also thinking of him being in the regular break mod more like an Easter Egg.  :)
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Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: TARDIS v3 released.. :)
« Reply #39 on: April 14, 2008, 05:15:17 pm »
Dear Lord, you could have him be a fighter for the TARDIS. :\

If it were up to me I'd put him in with the break model of the Baker-era TARDIS, along with the console and TARDIS walls.
And if anything should be used for TardisDeath, I'd choose that sound clip from when the Tardis breaks in The Mind Robber.

That was initially the plan.. do a set of skins for my new TARDIS to match the original, Pertwee era, Baker era and maybe McCoy era skins.  But I was also thinking of him being in the regular break mod more like an Easter Egg.  :)

K-9's nose laser is actually the color of a PH-3---bright red.  Every once in a while they would slip in another color to represent stun or some other setting.  The TARDIS prop was the same prop all the way through Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee, and partway through Tom Baker.  The one and only change done to the original TARDIS box was that the St. Michael's Ambulance Society decal on the door was painted over early in the Hartnell era.

  I believe it was in The Hand of Fear that the beat-up old police box finally collapsed and damn near brained Elizabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith) when the roof fell in on her.  After that they built a new TARDIS prop and it underwent a number of minor changes over the years.  The roof had different slopes, became a stacked roof, the light on top changed a few times and the color/patina changed as well, from lighter and newer-looking to darker and battered.  Oh, and don't forget about the one episode with the infamous blue flashing light on top. 

And if you're going to do a Who-related TARDIS destruction sound you should go with something really impressiv and use one of the "TARDIS take-off malfunction" sounds.  You know, lots of scraping and beeping and bellowing and grinding.  Sort of a "We've got to get out of here, Doctor!"  "I'm trying!!  Oh, these stupid controls!!!!"  "Doctor, hurry!"  "Too late!!!!"  Kaboom!

Here are a few good materialisations/dematerialisations for you to try out.

(This one is probably your best bet.  The sound is taken from Spearhead from Space and was a sound effect for the Doctor's first attempt to escape his exile to Earth in the TARDIS.  Needless to say the take-off was unsuccesful in the extreme.) 

Or you could just say "Eat hot death, Beeblebrox!" and do something really clever and original. 

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