At the risk of being sexist, and more in the line of appreciating beauty.. all I can say is "Ooooo... sparkly...Oooo, curvy".
She really was a fine, fine, FINE piece of art in those days.

(ahem, cough)
In-laws have been in town all week.. :p Kind of delaying me doing anything really productive.
But I have managed to squeeze in an hour tonight, which gave me enough time to get these arranged, and to get another idea together and in here. Also gave me time to get the bottom of my Daleks complete.
Originally, I didn't have this guy.. now I do.

Just a bit more work to his upper body to complete him, and now that I have the arms reversed to what they *should* be.. it's really close to being complete.
So, here's my Black Dalek, plus his attack wing..