Topic: D2 Down Today?  (Read 14224 times)

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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2008, 09:57:46 am »
 I did the dx update and had no problems logging on last night. I hope you guys get it worked out.


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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2008, 12:03:12 pm »
Cool, thanks again for the info SFHQ. Did you do the directx websetup update or the full install? I did the full install...

Maybe its my connection. The best I can get now is 26.4Kbps. Maybe its just too slow? It used to work at 28.8.

I'm going to try and get my Kubuntu install running again and test from there, as I can get a better connection speed in Linux.
I just did the web install since I'm on DSL, but believe me I remeber my days only a year and a half ago with evil dial-up. 26.4Kbps I think SHOULD be OK.. I remeber being as low as 19.9Kbps on rainy days before and though naturally slow, OK on the internet and OP also was OK.
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2008, 12:08:59 pm »
Makes sense. I'm currently working on the assumption that the full march08 directx install has borked the Dynavese for me.

I am going to do a fresh Kubuntu/Wine install and get OP up and running on it again to see if I can connect, to eliminate the directx update and connection speed as possible issues.

I'm off to get a pack of smokes to see me through this, be back in a few hours...

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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2008, 12:09:21 pm »
Just tried again to make sure everything was OK, it is server side..
The firewall message is so general unfortunatly.. all I can suggest for now is process of elimination to quadruple check your settings to make sure nothing has changed.. if you have multiple OP installs with the message.. then it will be something recently changed on your system(COMPUTER, or router/network LAN, or LAN to WAN configuration), if its only on one of your multiple OP installs, then it will deal with the configuration of that OP install, and if you only have one OP install it'll be harder to isolate, so then I could only suggest going through all your network LAN, router, NAT, Modem configs and make sure the XP firewall did not sneak back on for whatever reason

No multiple installs, never have...checked my FIOS router, settings are the same as when I set it right after we got it, triple checked all other settings with firewall, etc.
All is as it should be...
I play Battlefield2, MechWarrior4 and Warcraft online just fine...only OP seems to have issues. I tired again a few minutes ago, still getting firewall message, and I noticed as well the "patch check" time is very long, more so than usual, so I even double checked Gamespy for updates, none found.
I'm the only one who uses this system, so no one else did anything I don't know about, and it's used almost exclusively for gaming, so it's unlikely some nasty got into it.
I donno... :(

Try disabling your software firewall and configure your router for the proper ports for SFC OP.. I know SFC does not like software firewalls AND it also does not like active anti-virus going when trying to play online.. turn off Anti-Virus and Software Firewall on the system, then configure your router for proper ports and try logging on..
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2008, 12:12:08 pm »
Pretty sure Krueg knows all that. I'm having the same trouble (no router, no AV, no software firewalls). Straight dial-up connection.

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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2008, 12:14:09 pm »
Makes sense. I'm currently working on the assumption that the full march08 directx install has borked the Dynavese for me.

I am going to do a fresh Kubuntu/Wine install and get OP up and running on it again to see if I can connect, to eliminate the directx update and connection speed as possible issues.

Let me get my game configured and see if I can get Vista to log in.. I have SP 1 installed along with March 13th release of DirectX (9.0c v LE and 10.1)..

For stability, I also have to add Direct X runtime files manually from the April DirectX 9.0c SDK into the System 32 folder and the sysWOW folder (28 DX files not used in Vista some of which OP needs in the system32 folder and 8 goes into the sysWOW folder).. then again I am running 64 bit OS, but have had no problems except minor server lagging when playing OP..

Let me get a fresh install going and get the DirectX set up correctly.
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2008, 12:33:21 pm »
Pretty sure Krueg knows all that. I'm having the same trouble (no router, no AV, no software firewalls). Straight dial-up connection.

Yeah...I do.
I do have the DX update as well.
I never run AV, firewalls, etc with SFC, or any other time I'm gaming online.
As far as the Verizon FIOS router, since the first day we got it I've never had to open ports or any of that and the router firewall has been disabled since I hooked it up because all the PCs on it have software firewalls.
And I've checked all my settings a dozen times, everything is as it's supposed to be.
And last week, I was on and playing just like always with no issue what so ever.
I had this same issue about a year ago, but finding a GSA update I didn't know about solved it.
Not so this time...*sigh*
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2008, 12:50:50 pm »

Well here is a new one on me...

I had installed DX end user update March 13, 2008.. the 34 MB installer before I installed Vista SP 1..

After installing Vista SP 1, re-ran the March 13 update and it said I had equivalent or newer version installed.. so all is OK..

Just now, I Downloaded the March 7, 2008 DirectX Redistributable 64 Mb package and ran it.. it just updated about 16 of my Direct X files that the March 13th Updater did not check..

the March 13th DirectX install may not be a complete package.. Try the March 7th    69 Mb package located at

and see if this helps.
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2008, 12:57:47 pm »
I just re-ran the March 13th update.. says Equal or newer version again.. so I guess I am completely up to date on current DX install.. now to try out OP.. Give me a min to install OP Enhancement and then log in..

I should have no problem logging in.. I have Road Runner Turbo on here...

10 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up... so connectivity should be no problem for me.
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2008, 01:32:45 pm »
OK.. running SFC OP with OP Enhancement Package v5.1 in OP + v4.0 using Mod Chooser...

Have not updated missing files from Direct X 9.0c SDX as of yet into Vista ...

Running game in XPSP 2 compatibility mode (Win 2K compatibility mode may be better or smoother since the game wa built in Win 2K.. however XPSP 2 compatibility mode works just as well).. and running as Administrator..

Launched game, went into networking.. and waited for Directory Server Log in.. after about 3 min, I got Firewall message..


Relaunched game immediately

Directory server access poped right up.. logged in, and got on BoneYard server.. although that took me a bit to get a character created due to missing DX files.. however I did get on the server without incident..

so it may be that you don't have a complete DirectX update.. i recommend the 69 Mb installer I posted above.

EDIT: I was running with Firewalls turned off and Anti-Virus Disabled...
« Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 01:59:47 pm by Pestalence_XC »
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2008, 01:40:54 pm »
I just checked I can log into the Dynaverse with the new DX update.  OP with the 5. something installer/updater/everything under the sun package.

Logged in no problem, played alittle, everything looks alright on my machine with the new DX
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2008, 02:34:45 pm »
Hmmm... velly intelesting... I did use the full 69.5 MB offline installer here.

I just got back from the store. (what a nice walk, - 10Km - I think spring has finally sprung! the snow has started melting and I can smell the spruce and manure spread in the fall! :))

Anyway, I'm going to do a fresh Kubuntu/Wine/OP install now and see if I get any joy, as I still cannot connect from windows.

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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2008, 06:08:28 am »
Nvidia and Linux do not mix.

So I'm going to try reinstalling that march08 directx offline installer. Too bad MS does not use NSIS which has an internal CRC32 check on the installer integrity. They don't even provide an MD5 hash for comparison.  >:(

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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2008, 09:33:55 am »
I was online last night playing without much incident using Vista and the DirectX 69 Mb installer.
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2008, 03:43:33 pm »
Cool. Good to know. I'm documenting my connection trials here:,163379916.0.html

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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2008, 07:01:06 pm »
Holy cow! I think I found my problem:


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1   145 ms   138 ms   136 ms []
  2   158 ms   137 ms   136 ms
  3   182 ms   134 ms   131 ms []
  4   170 ms   133 ms   133 ms  rtp629047rts []
  5   174 ms   132 ms   131 ms []
  6   208 ms   169 ms   170 ms []
  7   213 ms   143 ms   150 ms []
  8   164 ms   143 ms   143 ms []
  9   195 ms   175 ms   175 ms []
 10   210 ms   156 ms   160 ms
 11   169 ms   153 ms   149 ms
 12   154 ms   158 ms   161 ms []
 13   232 ms   160 ms   163 ms []
 14   216 ms   161 ms   161 ms []
 15   231 ms   158 ms   162 ms []
 16   170 ms   164 ms   161 ms []
 17   201 ms   176 ms   179 ms []
 18   207 ms   178 ms   179 ms []
 19   222 ms   208 ms   209 ms []
 20   271 ms   209 ms   209 ms []
 21   239 ms   209 ms   207 ms []
 22   270 ms   212 ms   212 ms []
 23   261 ms   215 ms   212 ms []
 24   214 ms   214 ms   213 ms []
 25   306 ms   229 ms   258 ms []

Trace complete.

...seems a bit much. I've yet to test a fresh install of OP though.

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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2008, 12:31:20 am »
Can I just ask what mod that server is running to I can attempt to join? :D

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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #37 on: April 03, 2008, 12:40:42 am »
For that server, you need Nuclear Wessels last mission package and OP + v4.0 that is about it..

for easier reference.. you can just get the OP Enhancement Package v5.1 and have everything for OP at one time.
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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2008, 07:39:23 am »
Holy cow! I think I found my problem:


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1   145 ms   138 ms   136 ms []
  2   158 ms   137 ms   136 ms
  3   182 ms   134 ms   131 ms []
  4   170 ms   133 ms   133 ms  rtp629047rts []
  5   174 ms   132 ms   131 ms []
  6   208 ms   169 ms   170 ms []
  7   213 ms   143 ms   150 ms []
  8   164 ms   143 ms   143 ms []
  9   195 ms   175 ms   175 ms []
 10   210 ms   156 ms   160 ms
 11   169 ms   153 ms   149 ms
 12   154 ms   158 ms   161 ms []
 13   232 ms   160 ms   163 ms []
 14   216 ms   161 ms   161 ms []
 15   231 ms   158 ms   162 ms []
 16   170 ms   164 ms   161 ms []
 17   201 ms   176 ms   179 ms []
 18   207 ms   178 ms   179 ms []
 19   222 ms   208 ms   209 ms []
 20   271 ms   209 ms   209 ms []
 21   239 ms   209 ms   207 ms []
 22   270 ms   212 ms   212 ms []
 23   261 ms   215 ms   212 ms []
 24   214 ms   214 ms   213 ms []
 25   306 ms   229 ms   258 ms []

Trace complete.

...seems a bit much. I've yet to test a fresh install of OP though.

And that means...? That a greek document to me. What does it indicate your problem is?
Last night, out of sheer desperation, I did a fresh install of OP.
I still get the firewall message.  >:(
I've gone over and over my settings, probably a hundred times, and can't figure it out.
I even tried taking my FIOS router out of DMZ mode and opening the ports instead, no joy.

And, OP is still the only game out of 3-4 I play on a semi-regular basis online that gives me issues... :banghead:

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Re: D2 Down Today?
« Reply #39 on: April 03, 2008, 08:17:50 am »
"tracert" stands for "Trace Route" and that is exactly what the command does.

That means: it looks like too many network hops to me, the added latency could be enough to cause the firewall detector server to timeout. Also the more hops between me and the directory server increases the likelyhood that my packets will pass through some superhorny ISP filter somewhere and get blocked. The directory server behaves exactly like many port scanning programs or scripts, I imagine many security devices flag this kind of thing now and either drop the packets or put them at the lowest priority.

The thing is, I think I would have gotten a similar tracert the last time I was able to login to the Dynaverse. So I don't know if this is the issue or not, I am just leaving no stone unturned.

Have patience Krueg (I know you have lots ;)), I will get to the bottom of this one way or another. Unfortunately this has stopped me working on other more fun stuff like the sprites file or my NSISBASS radio stuff. :( I will not return to those tasks until we solve this.

There have been some changes on the net recently:

Most likely totally unrelated, but as I said, I am leaving no stone unturned.

Part of the new hardware that went in at in the last weeks was a new gigabit switch to increase the speed of all things local, but the directory server itself is not connected locally any longer (another change). Next time I'm talking to Frey I'll get the details of exactly what hardware the directory server is connected to the net through. It is possible there is some niggly little setting somewhere that has been neglected or forgotten.

Curious Krueg, can you post a tracert to for comparison? A tracert from SFHQ who can connect would be good too... if we have way more hops than people who are connecting that may be the issue and it may be possible to adjust the directory server firewall detector to account for it.

Since others can connect I am still assuming this is a client side issue, but certainly have not ruled out serverside issues as a possible cause.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 08:36:49 am by Bonk »