"tracert" stands for "Trace Route" and that is exactly what the command does.
That means: it looks like too many network hops to me, the added latency could be enough to cause the firewall detector server to timeout. Also the more hops between me and the directory server increases the likelyhood that my packets will pass through some superhorny ISP filter somewhere and get blocked. The directory server behaves exactly like many port scanning programs or scripts, I imagine many security devices flag this kind of thing now and either drop the packets or put them at the lowest priority.
The thing is, I think I would have gotten a similar tracert the last time I was able to login to the Dynaverse. So I don't know if this is the issue or not, I am just leaving no stone unturned.
Have patience Krueg (I know you have lots

), I will get to the bottom of this one way or another. Unfortunately this has stopped me working on other more fun stuff like the sprites file or my NSISBASS radio stuff.

I will not return to those tasks until we solve this.
There have been some changes on the net recently:
http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/03/25/2124224Most likely totally unrelated, but as I said, I am leaving no stone unturned.
Part of the new hardware that went in at Dynaverse.net/Xenocorp.net in the last weeks was a new gigabit switch to increase the speed of all things local, but the directory server itself is not connected locally any longer (another change). Next time I'm talking to Frey I'll get the details of exactly what hardware the directory server is connected to the net through. It is possible there is some niggly little setting somewhere that has been neglected or forgotten.
Curious Krueg, can you post a tracert to sfc.client.dynaverse.net for comparison? A tracert from SFHQ who can connect would be good too... if we have way more hops than people who are connecting that may be the issue and it may be possible to adjust the directory server firewall detector to account for it.
Since others can connect I am still assuming this is a client side issue, but certainly have not ruled out serverside issues as a possible cause.