Topic: Login issues.  (Read 1284 times)

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Offline vortex79

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Login issues.
« on: March 28, 2008, 01:40:20 pm »
Ran into another quirk with the tavern. I had a technical glitch due to not having the proper ship list I guess.. during a mission. I updated the lists, but now I can't login because it says I am still logged in and it's about half an hour or more after the incident. Do I have to wait for a server reset to rejoin the tavern?

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Login issues.
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2008, 02:44:18 pm »
Ran into another quirk with the tavern. I had a technical glitch due to not having the proper ship list I guess.. during a mission. I updated the lists, but now I can't login because it says I am still logged in and it's about half an hour or more after the incident. Do I have to wait for a server reset to rejoin the tavern?

If a reboot of your system doesn't fix it, you may need to make a post addressed to Strayy's attention about it or send him a PM.
Yes the server admin's forum name is just "Strayy"  ;)
Lord Krueg
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