Yes please....more tutorials!......after all this time...I finnaly got around to DLing MS last night....
I dont know anything about 3D modeling on a PC.....but I did major in mechanical and technical drawing in the concept of transfering 2D drawings into 3D objects isnt beyond my pea sized brain....
So I have to start at square one....
Can you detail the conversion to .MOD tree?.... had to export as LWO and convert it to Mod....
And I have M6...can this be used to set up the hard points?
Should I just try a couple private kitbashes first....or some retexturing?
I know you've proably answered these questions a hundered times....I just need a kick in the right direction
And yes.....I'll sart hunting around the old forums first
OK...I found the pluggin for importing Mods.......Yea!.....but there is none for export yet I take it
And I see that Paint shop pro 7 is a free I'll get that tonight....
Guess I'll attempt a stock model kitbash first