Well made it through the first three tutorials. I figured out that the "mission incomplete" isn't an indication that you "failed and can't do the objective", it's an indication that you haven't done the objective.
Sunk that cruiser in tutorial #3, have no idea how, just looked at the thing in my periscope and clicked "fire" a few times. I don't have "realistic torpedo attacks" on though, just "point and click".
So I went to tutorial #4 the convoy attack, spent an hour getting into position, dodging the DD's... then fired all my torps, and the promptly turned a 180 and went after the DD's that were about 5 miles behind me. Gotta figure out how to lock a target I guess

Then I got a little bored waiting for the torps to re-load, surfaced, and started firing the deck gun at everything in sight. Needless to say, the DD's came running after me, I knocked out all their guns (they must be on "tutorial-easy" mode)... then they tried to ram me, but int he course of my maneauvering, I ended up ramming one of them. That was pretty cool. Then a couple of freighters ended up sinking me with their guns. That was kinda neat. The graphics are awesome btw.