Now now... we all know what OS "hackers" use...

Seriously though, javascript is really getting out of hand these days. I regularly come across webpages that saturate the CPU for minutes at a time now... that never used to happen before (at least on non-porn/warez pages... now it is everywhere). Javascript scripts are constanly trying to dial out if leave pages up while disconnected... I'm scared to look at some of the javascript code out there.
It gets worse and worse. I'm seriously considering using Lynx as my main browser, but the Win32 Lynx dist kind of sucks. (ncurses on windows just never seems to work out very well)
The most efficient browser for windows now might be IE6 wth all javascript and images disabled. Hmmm.. lemme give that a try...
I'd say Firefox, but the javascript codebase bloat of the XUL framework of the application shows no sign of slowing down. I find that applications written in C are much faster efficient, stable, reliable... just better in every way. I can't imagine why somebody would code something as performance sensitive as a web browser in javascript. I'd love a totally javascript free pure C firefox, that would be sweet.
EDIT: I'm posting now from IE7 with all scripting, images and other useless crap disabled and wow is it ever fast! And I can still post! All those broken image boxes are a little ugly but holy smokes... this is great!

EDIT2: NOTE:: windows XP is unable to display a desktop background with images disabled in IE... interesting, I wonder if it breaks anything else?