That would be cool! I like a tough server. (Graduate of the School of Herr Burt

) I'd definitely login for some tough hardcore missions.
A hardcore server by Pestalence just sounds like a good idea to me!
Should we consider a 64 bit build of the kit?... would take a bunch of work and time... and I'd need a 64 bit system and OS to do it on. ...hey this discussion sounds familiar!

It would probably be overkill but it just makes sense to me to produce a 64 bit build if people are going to run it on 64 bit systems.
Oh but wait... I'm not sure if that hardcore shiplist is Kosher with the serverkit, I've never QA'd it myself. It may be missing required ships, classes, specials... this of course depends on the starting ship settings in all years the server will run (which also applies to all server AI generation, whis it is best not to disable but satisfy in a minimal fashion...) The best way to test this is run your server on its final settings with accelerated time over the entire time period the server will run with debug output to the console or file. (don't accelerate it too fast, i.e. - at least 50% more time per turn than the sum of all the time related AI generation settings...) If you see any errors, then your shiplist and settings are not final! You could of course run the stock hardcore shiplist client side and modify it only serverside as needed if necessary.