I barely remember Storm Season. Was that the OP server that turned out to be VERY VERY VERY Alliance heavy in terms of player count? I remember trying to rally the troops time and time again to no noticable affect. There weren't many troops to rally.
BTW, I'm still undefeated after 3 league matches.
My 2nd match was a duel between my HDD and a Klink something or other D5W maybe? I don't know, they were within 1 BPV of each other I think. The klingon player had never faced plasma before, but was wise enough to run from it. He still ended up eating some and taking some follow up phasers which did a few internals. The real problem was he lost some power and was unable to really make an effective getaway on a floating map. I had only lost a lab in the exchange and that was due to leaky shields not a downed shield. I ended up pulling in behind him forcing him to run away as fast as possible and unable to bring his dizzy's into arc. I would have had a 2 turn f up pretty quick and would have phasered him in the meantime. We both agreed that it was hardly over but I had a clear advantage and he would be better off disengaging. I had another match lined up and was a little limited on time so I let him go taking the victory points.
My 3rd match was an ugly little scenario. I was allowed up to 162 points for any one ship. My Kzin opponent was allowed only 100 BPV(he chose a cl I think 4 dizzy's and 4 drone racks). Sounds fair right? Well not really. Not until you understand that my speed was nerfed to baseline 0, meaning at most I could go speed 8 by accelerating every impulse. Oh... and did I mention my shields were down and my opponent started at range 15. Oh and the biggest ship under 162 in my fleet was a 132 point CDD... At the end of each turn I had a to roll one D6 to see if my engines came back up. On a 4 I could go up to Baseline 8(16 with accelleration), on a 5 I could get to 16(24 with accelration), and on a 6 my engines were fully back up. There were other d6 roll rules for the shields to come back up(which they did finally 10 impulses into the match after two sets of dizzy shots).
My opponent understandably I suppose chose to go all out and play very aggressively. He ate the first plasma F in order to get into a good close overload range dizzy before the end of turn 1, so when it was clear he was going to keep coming, I gave him the other f. He managed to take it on another shield, but adding in my phasers, he took some signficant internals from the exchange. Meanwhile he had managed to knock out some of my systems(bloody downed shields). I managed to get my S into arc for the first firing oppurtunity in Turn 2 and at that point he was too close to do much but turn and run. Unfortunately for him he hung in too long to try the second set of overloaded dizzies on my unprotected hide. This ended up putting him in a position to take a bolted plasma S and some phasers on his number 4 shield while attempting to run away. 10 more internals later, I followed that up with hit and runs. He had taken some pretty serious damage at that point. Kzin ships just aren't meant to eat plasma. Then my shields, my gloriously strong undamaged CDD shields, finally came up. At that point it was pretty obviously over. He just hadn't done enough internals. I honored our gentlemans agreement not to destory his ship if he didn't destory mine. He disengaged and I took my third win.
To be sure I thought this was a fools mission for me at first. I contemplated sending a 50 point frigate in as a sacrificial lamb and not risk the best ship in my fleet. Turned out the CDD's ability to soak up some heat before losing good systems was what made it go well. That and he had some bad rolls, 3 of his total 8 disruptor shots missed altogether. My bolted S hit.
I netted enough campaign points for the victory to fully repair both ships, and banked another 20 odd build points. I'm about 40 build points away from finally getting a heavy cruiser of some model or other in my fleet. Two more solid victories ought to do it.