Topic: Joints, Hardpoints and Damage Points  (Read 23145 times)

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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Joints, Hardpoints and Damage Points
« Reply #40 on: December 12, 2007, 01:33:53 pm »
IIRC SFC3 was released to coincide with "Nemesis"? Finished or not, it had to come out when it did. Taldren would have gladly continued to patch it, just as they did with the other SFC titles, and get it to be a much better game, but Activision's "1 patch policy" wouldn't allow them to do so.

I think it could've ended up a much better game if Taldren was allowed to keep going with it. Too bad!
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Re: Joints, Hardpoints and Damage Points
« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2008, 04:02:01 pm »
Yeah, SFC III was released to be the "big movie game" for Nemesis...
IIRC, there was even a sticker on the box promoting Nemesis

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Joints, Hardpoints and Damage Points
« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2008, 04:45:34 pm »

SFC 4 should be SFB in 3D!!

Na.  While I wouldn't mind an SFC4 being more challenging as OP is, I actually liked the fact that SFC3 wasn't based on SFB as much as previous versions were.  Gave the game more flexibility, and that flexibility is what allowed the gave to survive as long as it did, considering the odds against it from the beginning.  That's why the mods were so fun to play.  In my opinion, SFC shouldn't be as much of a carbon copy of SFB as possible. 

If SFC4 were made, more races, more systems and weapons, more missions, better graphics engine, native joystick/gamepad support for 3D flight, make it multi era and allow older ships the capability to be refitted with newer tech as it becomes outdated or standardized in the fleet for modern starships.

Also, have it so that when you take on critical missions, the outcome can have a more noticeable effect on the entire map in terms of race relations, political alliances, etc., and also taking part in some classic Trek storylines would be nice.

Oh, and most importantly, larger player support!!!  6 player skirmishes isn't enough.  Granted, it's fine if there's only 6 or less of you, but have a code limit of 10 or 12 players per skirmish/mission. 
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Joints, Hardpoints and Damage Points
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2008, 04:59:56 pm »
I discovered something interedting about SFC 1 last week!!

Try this out....

Assign a ship, any ship, to Mirak in the shiplist instread of Federation, Klingon, etc.

Of course, if you've downloaded the whole SFB Kzinti fleet models like me you'll have tagged all these as Mirak in the SFBSPC13.TXT shiplist file already.

Go to FMSE and write a scenario script with one side as Mirak (Kzinti) with the ship or ships you changed.

Fire up SFC 1 and run the scenario. Guess what, it runs the Mirak as a race.

If you try this with ISC , Jindarins or any other SFB race not in SFC 1 it will not work. For some reason SFC 1 was going to have the Mirak in it and still recognises it as a valid race tag despite it never using the race in the end.

As the MIrak (Kzinti) are the toughest of opponents to face in SFB (think of a SSCS taking on a fleet single handed and winning) it is a sad loss that Taldren decided to not include them in the end. However, the valid race link does exist for them in the software.

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Re: Joints, Hardpoints and Damage Points
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2008, 07:11:55 pm »
Oh, and most importantly, larger player support!!!  6 player skirmishes isn't enough.  Granted, it's fine if there's only 6 or less of you, but have a code limit of 10 or 12 players per skirmish/mission. 

I actually would like to see up to 10 or 12 per side, that way if you wanted to fly combat missions for a campaign that you run on the side you can have a whole fleet that is human controlled on each side (not three people who can fly three ships each, as the ai flies to many ships that way).

Just my two cents, internet speed is faster, machines are quicker and more powerfull then in 2001, why not use it.
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Joints, Hardpoints and Damage Points
« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2008, 05:47:39 pm »
Allow the planetary (ground) actions of landed troops as in SFB which would make campaigns more interesting.

It would allow SFB style invasions with the problem of landing, reinforcing and supporting landed troops (or preventing the enemy from doing so) whilst attempting to gain or maintain space superiourity.

I've seen such intence battles at wargames conventions in the past and it puts a whole new dimension into the SFB game battles. Lyrans are the best equiped for invasion and assault type scenarios with the Troop Lander Pallet (well armed).

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!