The new server really shines on the forum search script I wrote. It used to take like 14 seconds to search the whole db, its down to 9 now (well for a search for "tequila" in all boards in post bodies and subjects in the last decade). Select a single board to search and wow! Zip! I'd almost say we even have the horsepower to run SMF's own search now, but I know it would still be a problem (it would still take like 40-60 seconds and cripple the entire server for the duration as it uses php to do the searching and not MySQL). With this improved performance I could look at filling out that search script to make it a little more sophisticated and flexible. (If I weren't so busy playing with NSIS/BASS...)
There's still a few tweaks here and there but she looks pretty good so far!

Yay team! is better than ever, thanks to all the contributors and members that keep SFC alive!