Topic: cloak  (Read 4678 times)

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Re: cloak
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2003, 06:43:23 am »
Ever flown a Neg'var before? Now it can be refited with foward Ions (more powerful than before) and over loaded level 4 dizies, maybe an AMM or 2 on the rear heavies; shields, what shields? The trick then is that you dont have to recloak like a Rom would have to, but you have that option. Its a tough bugger that can with standand a 1 on 1 with a Sov, need I say more?

Well I will say more, the Vorcha for a CA is probably pound for pound the best CA out there in terms of foward mounted weapons. I really think Klingons have a great set of ships that despite some obvious limitations can really dominate a battle if flown right.

erm thats all I have to say  


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Re: cloak
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2003, 07:22:42 am »
I must agree with Blitzkrieg.

If you're in a Klingon ship, and you're fighting like a Rom (uncloak, alpha, recloak) you're going to lose.

Klingons don't cloak to attack, so much as they cloak to gain position and spend some quality time getting their shields back up (taking a 'break' from the battle, if you will).

If you're fighting in a truly Klingon style, you won't be using your cloak all that much.  


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Re: cloak
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2003, 07:29:03 am »
No I haven't, i don' fly  DN's. Everyone and their dog flyes DN's and I never go with any tide. Every argument I see orbits around DN's.  Why don't you talk about how effective a  k'tinga is without cloak  ? or even with cloak?
Sometimes it looks that the only class in the game is the DN.  I even made a bird of pray color  poster  with the new laser printer saying "DN's are for idiots". It's on the wall, near the monitor.  

But that is beyond the point. What i wrote  is that the main focus of arguments against the cloak is more related with romulans.

P:S.  The best BC is now the raptor. Not saying that the vor'cha isn't good- actually it is the only big ship i allow myself to  fly.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kevlar »


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Re: cloak
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2003, 03:02:03 pm »
no i am not recloaking after the alpha. i just cant come in for the good position and decloak inside of weapons range with out taking much damage on my hull before my shields are up. and yes i am useing the beta patch.  i find it lame that to play klingon you have to use a big ship or have overwhelming skill. so far every thing i have been told about useing the cloak requires great skill. to fly fed all you have to do is turn on anti cloak scan launch probs and to be able to do a HET and hit the z key in a timely fashion. to me the skill ballance  just does not add up.   you have to use the cloak for klingon there shields and weapons dont add up to the fed. so if you try to fight without the cloak the fed or borg will eat you up
« Last Edit: March 09, 2003, 03:04:55 pm by KD4 »


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Re: cloak
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2003, 04:04:20 pm »

 no i am not recloaking after the alpha. i just cant come in for the good position and decloak inside of weapons range with out taking much damage on my hull before my shields are up. and yes i am useing the beta patch. i find it lame that to play klingon you have to use a big ship or have overwhelming skill. so far every thing i have been told about useing the cloak requires great skill. to fly fed all you have to do is turn on anti cloak scan launch probs and to be able to do a HET and hit the z key in a timely fashion. to me the skill ballance just does not add up. you have to use the cloak for klingon there shields and weapons dont add up to the fed. so if you try to fight without the cloak the fed or borg will eat you up  

Yeah I know.  It's kind of hard to do compared to what the feds do.  I've found that it's best to decloak slightly out of your own weapons range and then speed up a little to get in range to fire if you are doing long-range alpha strikes.  Klingons have the best long-range weapns so sometimes it's a good idea to take advantage of this.  Those dizzies hurt even from long-range.  If you have to decloak when you are closer to the enemy, then you should do it while he is distracted or too busy fighting someone else to get a lock on you fast enough.  Sometimes it's good to decloak right after he has fired most of his weapons so they are charging while you decloak.  Also, look at the location of your enemy's hardpoints.  If you have to take damage while decloaking, try to take it where he has the least amount of or least damaging weapons.  Hopefully you can fully decloak before he HET's.  Timing is crucial.  You want to catch him off guard.
Well, that's just my two cents.  


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Re: cloak
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2003, 04:14:23 pm »
  Cloak still innefective??

Tell that to the trail of broken soveriegns behind me. It works fine now. Some fed players, when using legendary crew, can het in time. So? Speaking for Romulans, you till control timing, and can utterly obliterate any opponent, with enough in-between time, that is.



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Re: cloak
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2003, 04:20:48 pm »
Yes its not always easy to bring your weapons to bear being a Fed trying to find a cloaker, I find there are a few stratagies that will work though that help big time. Dosnt change the fact that Roms now control the game almost completly and can manipulate procedings to there liking. Feds and Klingons have been fairly equal from the start, after playing both sides a lot I prefer the Klingons slightly.


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Re: cloak
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2003, 04:51:39 pm »
the only successful anticloak (successful) tactic i have found has been to keep at high speeds and overload your beam weapons and pray that you can be at a close enough range to inflict some sort of damage. this keeps your angular velocity high and thus, a harder target to hit.

it will also force the cloaker to decloak and fire before the "you must fire" warning comes on.


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Re: cloak
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2003, 06:52:21 pm »
  Alright, though it pains me to do this, I'll now release the flawless anti-cloak. Start turning towads a decloaking foe, or, if you have them, show them your aft fire. As they are in hte process of recloaking, fire a probe at the last second. The impact on their hull will de-cloak them. This will give you ample time to turn and shoot them, so long as you aren't flying a complete cow.



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Re: cloak
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2003, 03:23:33 am »
What about targeting/HR the cloak?

In 1.00 it is considered a cheat/bad form, as the cloak can not be repaired.  
But in the beta patch the cloak can be repaired, and if they really want to use it effectively, (damaged cloak means more chance of detection), they will have to repair it.
From memory there is only 7 repair crews(legendary officer)? A paranoid cloaker will use those very quickly.

Just my $0.02



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Re: cloak
« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2003, 11:42:26 pm »
I have noticed that the AI's have the ability to HET instantly since the patch. The very second I decloak the AI  HET's and fires before I am even half uncloaked. Players on the other hand can't do it. The time to HET seems to be longer now for us.
As a Romulan, I use a warping attack, called the Warping Dagger, see tactics section for the presise means of this attack. It isn't perfect but it reduces the damage they can cause before you can fire.


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Re: cloak
« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2003, 03:33:12 am »
Best way to do it, is to get 2 AI's as wingmen with you. If I'm in a smaller ship and want to fight a DN to get the points, I get 2 AI's of the same class as myself.

When the battle starts I cloak straight away and order the 2 AI's to attack. If you watch the fire fight you'll see the recharge rate of the enemy and if you manouver into position and decloak just as the enemy has fired, you can hit him with an Alpha strike, and cause some serious damage.

If you're fighting a Human Opponent......then practice....  


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Re: cloak
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2003, 08:38:15 am »

how do you use the cloak to attack? why is is every time i try to decloak behind and to the side of a fed he HET's and fire's on me before my shields come up? now i expect to get hit by the 360 phaser but this is just getting rediculas. i try to decloak on a weak sheild and the phase in is just way the f--- to slow. so what am i doing wrong? from what i am seeing the cloak may be a little better but any fed that says the cloak is to strong must not be able to do a HET and hit the z key in any kind of timely fashion  

I can't believe this has turned into a "how to defeat cloak" thread.  Cloak is very dangerous to do, chances are the cloaker will take much more damage with his shields down then is worth it.  But, it has its uses.  To answer the origional post, the reason you can't uncloak and have shields up and be able to fire before your Fed opponent can HET and hammer you with your shields down is because with the Best Ship, Best Cloak and Legendary Officers it still takes 4 seconds to fully uncloak, but you are targetable from the instant you hit the "C" key to uncloak.  That is 4 full seconds, which is an eternity in this game, that you are a sitting duck with shields down and not being able to fire.   Many of us would like to see that cut in half, down to about a 2 second phase in/out, but realistically that ain't going to happen.

Your only tactic is that the first time you do it, you are going to get HET hammered, if you survive it enough to cloak and reposition for another pass, you will hopefully pull the second one off before his chance to HET has recovered enough, but the third time, he shouldn't be able to HET, and if you are lucky and he tries it, he will stull out and be a sitting duck for you to hammer.   But, chances are the Fed will be able to pull off at least two HETs before he will stull out.



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Re: cloak
« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2003, 09:52:24 am »
My experience is that HET-time in 1.01 Beta goes down as officer levels get higher. So a so-so helm will not be finished with the HET until you are fully decloaked. And since officers don't progress that fast anymore, i would say it's a fair deal.
