Topic: Working on another one...  (Read 4846 times)

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Offline Atolm-Rising

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Working on another one...
« on: February 24, 2008, 08:54:09 pm »
This one is totally based on the Rom CA from the Nintendo DS game Tactical Assault, but I made it a bit clearer of a design, and I made it for PreTOS(possible Earth/Rom war era).
Special thanks to the deadman for the renders

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 10:56:55 pm »
it look like the control of the nintendo 64 :)

so what's under the ship?

Offline Starforce2

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 11:00:40 pm »
romulan? It looks cardassian. It's a cool ship either way.

Offline Terradyhne

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 03:17:04 am »
this would never fit earth-romulan war era unless you use the damn NX-enterprise pseudo pre TOS era as setting for it
for me this looks like a formidable cardassian-jemhadar hybrid design only that fin and the bridge dome won't fit for that

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Offline wrathofachilles

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 09:09:45 am »
yeah, what terradyhne said, this would sweet as a hybrid and I'd love to get my hands on it for that purpose.

Offline Atolm-Rising

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2008, 03:32:29 pm »
this would never fit earth-romulan war era unless you use the damn NX-enterprise pseudo pre TOS era as setting for it
for me this looks like a formidable cardassian-jemhadar hybrid design only that fin and the bridge dome won't fit for that
I can see that(even though it was not designed with Ent era/style in mind...remember, this is a more clarified & atolmized to a degree of the Rom CA version from the DS game that is supposed to be a TMP era that made little sense to me), but its for PreTOS, as most, if not all the preTOS Romulan ships I have seen, don't agree with me.

And as much as many of you do not like it, Enterprise btw is canon, everything else that has been done is Fanon (including this ship).
(I happen to feel the same way about Voyager as many of youy feel on Ent...but it too is Canon, so we just have to deal with it  :'( )

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 04:09:55 pm »
Canon is for churches and religion ... last I checked, 'Star Trek' was niether, but then I suppose some of us might disagree ... lol.


Offline wrathofachilles

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2008, 07:54:36 am »
lol, you missunderstand, I'm not saying I dont like it, modelling looks spot on and I want it, just can't see romulan in it, most likely cause I'm a TNG era fan.

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2008, 11:29:27 am »
I love it, however it looks to me like an Advanced post Dominion War Cardassian ship.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline rengers

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2008, 12:06:27 pm »
very nice, it's an very original design, can't wait to see more of it :)

Offline Atolm-Rising

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2008, 08:29:04 am »
thanks mates
I actually have a PreTOS Dominion ship meshed out...but haven't gotten it textured as of yet...but it might be too bug-like to be for them
that ship was based heavily on the extinct arthropod-like creature called anomalocaris (if you wondering just wtf that is, just google the

Offline Starforce2

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2008, 10:09:47 pm »
Ahh, that would explain another one of the Pokemon...

Now, look at the bottom of this image I found googling your model species...The yellow things are trilobytes, and those would make a great ship for the dominion.

Offline Terradyhne

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2008, 03:08:42 am »
And as much as many of you do not like it, Enterprise btw is canon, everything else that has been done is Fanon (including this ship).
(I happen to feel the same way about Voyager as many of youy feel on Ent...but it too is Canon, so we just have to deal with it  :'( )

my problem with enterprise is that the ships look to advanced for the preTos era this series is set in and especially the romulans with their Jemhadar like warpnacelles, how the hell should such advanced looking nacelles evolve into those of the TNG warbird ??
Star Trek canon after DS9 makes no more sense to me cause they have overthrown all that we have know from TOS on to DS9 not only technically even design and visual vise and they even try to do this with TOS as the remastered version.
Star Trek is no more the vision Gene Roddenberry had with it, it has become the Paramount comercial milk cow and as there are more and more people that like all that have Star Trek in its name because it has the name Star Trek in it, the old Star Trek vision dies more and more.

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Offline Atolm-Rising

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2008, 09:34:21 am »
And as much as many of you do not like it, Enterprise btw is canon, everything else that has been done is Fanon (including this ship).
(I happen to feel the same way about Voyager as many of youy feel on Ent...but it too is Canon, so we just have to deal with it  :'( )

my problem with enterprise is that the ships look to advanced for the preTos era this series is set in and especially the romulans with their Jemhadar like warpnacelles, how the hell should such advanced looking nacelles evolve into those of the TNG warbird ??
Star Trek canon after DS9 makes no more sense to me cause they have overthrown all that we have know from TOS on to DS9 not only technically even design and visual vise and they even try to do this with TOS as the remastered version.
Star Trek is no more the vision Gene Roddenberry had with it, it has become the Paramount comercial milk cow and as there are more and more people that like all that have Star Trek in its name because it has the name Star Trek in it, the old Star Trek vision dies more and more.
You are correct to a degree...but just remember TOS was Gene's greatest work, and he was under the gun to a degree, by the studios...Once TNG happened he had full control.  That control showed in the first 3 seasons of TNG were only a some off the eps were actually well done.  It was not until others took the reigns of writing, directing, etc...that TNG began to soar.  DS9 had even more free reign of others , but like all new shows it had its teething problems too.  Ds9 was up against B5 which was essentially the same show theme was not until the Dominion were established, that story arcs began to fill out, and the characters really began to shine (I mean look at sisko or bashir, Avery had to returned to his Hawk-like character from "Spencer for Hire" before he was having some real chemistry.  Bashir being set-up as "superman" was sweet because it showed that crap happened in the federation, and it was not at all "perfect".  add to that the fact that the federation also had Section 31...leaves a lot to be said for the federation(not necessarily bad or good).
Now Voyager tried to go back to Trek's routes, but there was really only a few characters worth giving a damn about(even at the end of the series it was a huge lack luster), and there was way too much technobabble.   Also Janeway's character was way to micromanaging...she had to be involved in every little detail, be it science, engineering, medicine, operations...I mean she knew just too much sh*t.  The writers never let her just let people do their jobs with any confidence, until the last season or two...(I'm not even going to go into how Voyager ruined the Borg, created a bunch of stupid races that had way too much screen time, and had unlimited shuttles and equipment?...the ship never looked beat least the Equinox showed signs of hardships.  Where was that on Voyager?
Enterprise was supposed to be a revamping of Trek.  It was not supposed to be a direct prequel.  Yes, a lot of liberties were taken, some of them too far in the case of time did not really need it at all...but they did.  as for the ships looking too new, I just say this, "its not the 1960's any more, so the prevalent fan designs weren't going to work".  Now I'm not defendint the judgement to go with the design of the NX-01, but on the other side of things when ever Trek tried to pop in some stuff that was classic fans griped...I mean Fans bitched about seeing the USS Defiant firing aft torpedoes(!?!).  It was the first time in years that a TOS Connie was seen on screen, and people bitched about hull aztecs and torpedoes? Enterprise had some faults, but by season 3 things were on the up and up(regardless of the minute details of costumes and nacelle designs).  Hell compare it to some of the TOS eps that were for lack of a better term... just pointless or silly (Spock's brain comes readily to mind).
And What about Trek remastered?  Fans are still griping about that!  And all they're doing is tweaking backgrounds and external shots to give the eps some more depth.  I mean at what point do you stop pointing a finger at Trek, and start looking to ourselves and our personal notions and ideologies of what Trek is or is not?  You tell me?

I don't get bothered by the details of crap, if i did then I'd hate all of Trek...Hell as it stands, all I really care about are the ships.  I don't care about the Eras they are "supposed" to be and crap like that. I just enjoy the shapes.  I like aspects of Trek, but there will always things I will not like.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2008, 11:31:24 am by Atolm-Rising »

Offline Starforce2

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2008, 12:36:59 pm »
you got the right idea in the last 3 lines...don't worry about the show bashing. While I disagree with your original use for this "shape" it's still good work and this thread aint about show bashing. I'm interested in what happens next with this ship.

Offline wrathofachilles

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2008, 06:27:47 pm »
speaking of just enjoying the shapes, can I borrow from this design then? full credits of course.

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #16 on: February 29, 2008, 06:59:28 am »
Like I said at DRS. I like this ship a lot because of al the design possibilities it suggests - depending on the texture it could be a Rommie, Fed, or even Cardy design. Hmmm... maybe even a marauder from a group of privateers formed from all three races that operates in the Badlands... the old imagination is cookin'. Thanks for sparking her up Atolm.

Offline Atolm-Rising

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #17 on: February 29, 2008, 07:48:35 am »
small update:
Here is a TOS refit version.
She's going to be 300 metres in length.
Thanks to the deadman for the renders:

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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #18 on: February 29, 2008, 09:24:36 am »
I completely agree with Atolm on his show rant. I too have my own foibles, but anything that improves Trek is a good thing. But then we delve into what actually "improves" it. Meh.  :D

As for your ship, she's a stunner, mate. The original one seems to have a Feddie Bridge, and Oberth-esque underslung pod, Dominion nacelles, and a main hull that looks like the freighter from STIII. all together it is a really cool-looking ship but I'm still undecided as to who she might belong to.

With the TOS redux above, she's pure Rom and looks great with it. Looking forward to seeing her clothed!
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Re: Working on another one...
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2008, 07:13:59 am »
glad you like her :)