Topic: sg atlantis  (Read 29921 times)

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2008, 11:07:55 am »
I've only seen the episode where they built it once but didn't they build it from both ends?  If they did then some of the gates would have been the Mark 2 gates from the Pegasus galaxy.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2008, 09:12:10 pm »
I've only seen the episode where they built it once but didn't they build it from both ends?  If they did then some of the gates would have been the Mark 2 gates from the Pegasus galaxy.

The gates from both galaxies connected at midway station. It states that only the gate in Atlantis can connect to Earth, and as a result the Milky way. So Rodney had to use a special computer Programme / macro that allowed the connection to work through multiple gates, rather than direct to Earth.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2008, 12:27:11 pm »
But what about the naquada generator that o'neil build to connect to the Asgard planet, can they use it to power the gate to dial to Atlantis?

when sheaperd and the other use a jumper and dial Atlantis in season 4, the dial from earth to Atlantis, so can they replicate what ever make it possible for they jumper to do that on sgc?

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2008, 09:29:19 pm »
But what about the naquada generator that o'neil build to connect to the Asgard planet, can they use it to power the gate to dial to Atlantis?

They were never able to replicate it.  They also had a hard time making it work again and I think that was at a reduced power level.  I'd have to check the episode as I don't recall the details.

when sheaperd and the other use a jumper and dial Atlantis in season 4, the dial from earth to Atlantis, so can they replicate what ever make it possible for they jumper to do that on sgc?

The DHD seems to be the power source even when the hand held or jumper dialer is used.  When at the SGC their substitute power source (nuclear power plant or 2) even if the hand held or jumper dialer is used.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2008, 09:49:40 pm »
how many gates the have again?

the one from Giza was destroyed by ba'hal, then get the gate from the Russian who get it from a goa'uld ship, so what happen to the gate in antarctic?

The Giza gate went to the Asgard ship infested with Replicators, the Russians then fished it out of the ocean.  The SGC replaced the GIza gate with the Antarctic gate when they thought that the Giza gate was destroyed with the Asgard ship.  Then Ba'al destroyed the SGC gate (the Antarctic one) and the SGC bought the Giza gate back from the Russians.  So Earth had 2 gates prior to the destruction of the Antarctic gate and 1 after.

Actually, it was Anubis who used the ancient device to destroy the Giza gate in the first two episodes of season 6.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2008, 09:51:16 pm »
where did they gate or build the gates to the space bridge?

I'm assuming that you mean the gates linking the Milkyway to the Pegasus Galaxy?

They took them from unihabitied and uninhabitable worlds.  Presumably the Ancients used an automated system to disperse the gates and some of the worlds for whatever reason never became fully terraformed. 

What I want to know is how did they power them?  Thats a lot of gates and a lot of power. 

I'm wonder how you came up with the automated gate manufacturing and dispersal system. I've never heard of that.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2008, 05:21:19 am »
Actually, it was Anubis who used the ancient device to destroy the Giza gate in the first two episodes of season 6.

Now that you mention it I believe it was Anubis but not the Giza gate.

Sequence of events:

1/ Giza gate used in the SGC
2/ Giza gate beamed aboard Asgard ship infested with replicators and dropped in ocean - assumed destroyed
3/ Antarctic gate installed in SGC
4/ Giza gate pulled from ocean by Russians and put in service
5/ Antarctic gate destroyed (by Anubis as you say)
6/ SGC gets Giza gate back from Russia
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2008, 05:53:54 am »
where did they gate or build the gates to the space bridge?

I'm assuming that you mean the gates linking the Milkyway to the Pegasus Galaxy?

They took them from unihabitied and uninhabitable worlds.  Presumably the Ancients used an automated system to disperse the gates and some of the worlds for whatever reason never became fully terraformed. 

What I want to know is how did they power them?  Thats a lot of gates and a lot of power. 

I'm wonder how you came up with the automated gate manufacturing and dispersal system. I've never heard of that.

Educated guess.  Which is why I said "presumably".

In short it matches the standardized design and the locating of gates even on unused planets where the terraforming failed.  It also matches the scale and method by which the terraforming was done.  For the long answer see below. ;)

We know that they used such large scale independent automation because of the method of terraforming used.  The terraforming system was placed on one planet and used to affect the whole galaxy of potential targets with a generic "program" of terraforming.  Not all the terraforming went right.  Some planets did not develop humans, others developed near humans (the Nox and the Salish spirits of example).   This is a clear example of an automated system acting without direct supervision.   A supervised system would have had attempts to correct diviations such as the evolution of the Unas or the Wraith(before they became intelligent).

The gates in each galaxy were of a uniform design, even those supposedly built and placed by the goa'uld.  If the gates were built gradually and placed only on planets that had developed far enough to become useful or were interesting any directly controlled production system running for literally ages would have been tweaked and improved (as the Pegasus gate design was).  A purely automated system would built the same design until reprogrammed.  This is indirect evidence of the automated construction. 

The goa'uld would have made at least cosmetic changes to the design if they built the gate (they like "flashy" and the gates appearance is not "flashy").  This makes me think the goa'uld did not produce new gates but either found the factory and deployed from a stockpile or relocated gates from planets they found useless (and why did the Ancients place gates on useless planets?).

Gates were placed mostly on terraformed planets but also on planets which never became habitable and had no apparent life.  Some of those locations were apparently useless and of no special interest and a gate would not have been placed there by a manned ship but an automated system might have done so on the assumption that the terraforming process would succeed.  Also it appears that the Ancients never populated very many worlds in the Milkyway and had low populations.  To manually place as many gates as appear to be out there by survey crews visiting each world and evaluating it as to were and whether to place a gate would be a major long term project by a large population dedicated to the process.  Dedicating ships and personel would not be nearly as efficient as to use an automated dispersal pattern and fix misplaced gates as noticed by direct exploration.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2008, 10:01:08 am »
the first replicator we see where the mini robot that form a bug.

later we see them as human because they have evolve or something like that

so it seem that the ancient created the replicator or that's what i remember, but in season 3 when the ancient return to Atlantis's they call the replicator ship to stop them, so these replicator where humanoid, but did the replicator bug and the humanoid are the same?

did the ancient created them, but the bug one are what?, since they where not calling a ship full of bug replicator to stop them since they have no intelligence or not enough to speak with them.

did they also created the wraith?

i know that the replicator that where trap inside a time bubble evolve to humanoid, but they where trap later by sg1, i know that later Daniel deal with replicator and was save by one of the ancient who acend, but its a bit of a mix.

they ancient created the replicator for what reason and maybe not the bug replicator, and the replicator where created to attack the wraith, so it would have be the humanoid one, if they are the same well where do the bug one came from or the humanoid one are all the same????

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2008, 09:51:57 pm »
Assuming the Android Reese told the truth she was created by a human race that was technologically advanced quite early and created the replicators as toys.  Later she used them to defend herself and ultimately they modified themselves beyond her control.  Somehow they then made it to the Asgard galaxy.

The "Replicators" in the Pegasus galaxy were made by the Ancients to fight the Wraith but they became independent and learned to hate the Atlanteans and evolved themselves to their human form as did Reeses "children".

When the Atlanteans used their terraforming machine it didn't totally erase the existing life forms.  One such form the "Iratus bug" survived and preyed on humans.  In doing so it took human DNA into itself and evolved into the Wraith.  The area of the galaxy where they evolved was one that the Atlanteans were late getting to and by the time they did it was too late.  The goa'uld might be a similar thing in the Milky way (though I prefer my own theory of course :)).

I think that the writers were putting in some jokes.  The original Replicators might be referred to as "Reeses Pieces".  A CPU defect is a bug and is often referred to by Intel as an Errata.  Errata Bug = Iratus Bug.  Just my observation and they might not have been intended that way.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2008, 11:38:36 am »
what happen to the ship the asgardian build?

did the blow them with the planet?

i forgot something, remember they droid copy of sg-1?. why the asgardian did not use that technologies for them self?

surly they could have perfected them?


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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2008, 12:23:01 pm »
what happen to the ship the asgardian build?

did the blow them with the planet?
They probably disassembled them, or docked them all on the planet for destruction. :)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2008, 03:32:56 pm by SrCpt_SFHQ_XC »
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2008, 12:26:17 pm »
they could have give it to the humans, since they already give all they're technology and knowledge to the humans.

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2008, 05:57:25 pm »
they could have give it to the humans, since they already give all they're technology and knowledge to the humans.

Perhaps they felt the Humans needed to learn to use and adapt the tech for themselves.
Though against the Ori and any rouge Gou'ld/Jaffa, a number of Asgard ships would have provided Earth some much needed aid.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2008, 07:22:11 am »
I don't think that they specified what happened to the ships.  For all that has been said the ships might be sitting mothballed in the Asgard galaxy waiting for SG1 to find them in the data base.

they could have give it to the humans, since they already give all they're technology and knowledge to the humans.

Manning Asgard ships might be a problem.  Not only is there the issue of different design systems for the controls but simple things like the beds and bathrooms.  They might  be better cannibalized for components for ships that are primarily Earth built.

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2008, 11:04:20 am »
Were the all destroyed in battle as a possibility?  Or maybe taken over by replicators (almost said assimilated..whew!)

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2008, 09:01:33 pm »
It occured to me earlier today that in accounting for the Stargates in this solar system 1 (possibly 2) were missed. 

We know that a gate can survive being dropped into a sun, linking to a blackhole, being nuked etc so the Stargate aboard the ship of Apophis that was destroyed over the Earth (perhaps the 2nd ship had one as well) should have survived.  It is either still in orbit or has been recovered (possibly by the Russians OR it been recovered with the first Chinese manned mission). 
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #37 on: April 08, 2008, 10:14:10 pm »
The Stargate can survive most everything WHILE active and if the energy is mainly directed into the front part of the stargate as then the energy from anything can then be absorbed by the wormhole and the gate. Only a real powerful blast from the rear part of the gate can break it apart(i.e. Mark 9). Gates not active are still tough (against most physical impacts, but no match for a explosion of that magnitude (Mothership exploding) I think.
Unless of course the writers decide to say that indeed the gate was still active after they jumped through the gate for that moment during the explosion ;) , then it probably did survive.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2008, 08:28:40 pm »
Just going by memory I think that some of the "major events" involving gates had the gate inactive when they occured.

1/  The nuked planet with the chain reaction in the crust was reconnected to afterwards to discover if the gate survived.

2/ The gate into a star was remote activated when it had reached the target depth.

3/ The one aboard the deorbited Asgard ship was also inactive at the moment.

4/ The gate hit by a meteor was not active or the meteor would have damaged the SGC.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2008, 08:53:07 am »
Going to have to disagree with you a bit.

Just going by memory I think that some of the "major events" involving gates had the gate inactive when they occured.

1/  The nuked planet with the chain reaction in the crust was reconnected to afterwards to discover if the gate survived.
But, it was active at the time of detonation. That is what they were afraid of. All that energy pumping out radiation AND keeping the gate on indefinitely. It finally shut down at the 38 minute mark. I don't really remember them reconnecting to the gate later. But that isn't the issue anyway.

2/ The gate into a star was remote activated when it had reached the target depth.
Sam and Jacob connected to the black hole gate before even activating the shield on the gate in the hanger. They knew the black hole at the other end would keep the gate open long enough to do the job but would eventually be destroyed after the sun defeated the shield. The reason they turned it on then was they wanted to make sure it would activate. They didn't know for sure how long until the one on the black hole side would take to be destroyed by the hole. If it didn't activate, they were just going to leave the system before Apophis got there and take that gate to their new planet that wasn't on the Goa'uld map.

3/ The one aboard the deorbited Asgard ship was also inactive at the moment.
On this one, Are you sure it was inactive? SG-1 used that gate to get off the ship just prior to the ship disintegrating due to the heat of the uncontrolled re-entry.

4/ The gate hit by a meteor was not active or the meteor would have damaged the SGC.
And finally, this one was also on as, if you remember, Sam postulates that it was hit and knocked over but by being on, it made it so the worm hole was able to form on the later tries. If it was off when it was buried, it would have not have been able to open a wormhole due to the rock and other debris in the way, much as it would not be able to work due to being buried and a cover stone placed on and in the way like the original gate in Giza. It took Sam A Hundred Days to build the particle accelerator to turn the surrounding rock into plasma so the worm hole could expand enough to create the cavern Teal'C used to try and dig tot he surface.
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