Topic: sg atlantis  (Read 30329 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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sg atlantis
« on: February 20, 2008, 06:56:46 pm »
i was looking at some episode of atlantis and see one thing, they always have a water bottle with them when they are at the cafeteria, so atlantis is not able to offer water or they don't drink anything else on the station?


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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 07:02:04 pm »
Lots of coffee.
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 07:59:46 pm »
well they don't drink coffee, only water bottle.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2008, 08:16:03 pm »
why did they send sam carter to command sga?, why not send o'neil since he's a general?

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2008, 09:09:22 pm »
General O'Neil -  Retired

Colonel Samantha Carter - sexy

Enough said?
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2008, 04:59:13 am »
o'Neil retired?, then why send him negotiated with the ancient when they return to Atlantis?

i find that its a wast of her talent to send carter commanding sga, she's a scientists mostly, o'Neil his a commander.

i know that sam not bad looking but, ahh its just stupid.

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2008, 08:37:09 pm »
o'Neil retired?, then why send him negotiated with the ancient when they return to Atlantis?

i find that its a wast of her talent to send carter commanding sga, she's a scientists mostly, o'Neil his a commander.

i know that sam not bad looking but, ahh its just stupid.

You run into two answers.

1/ O'Neill is retired but who do they have who is better to negotiate with the Ancients?  He has not once but twice had their database in his head.  He has negotiated with multiple alien species and is fully cleared for all Stargate data.  Who else could equal his background?  Jackson perhaps but he isn't tough enough.

2/ Richard Dean Anderson doesn't want another series at this time, he is tired of it.  He doesn't mind doing individual episodes apparently. 

Carter (Amanda Tapping) isn't my choice for the best looker in the show either but she is popular that way.   I think that she would be better as military commander (who stays on base) and chief of research (displacing McKay to field work). 
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2008, 01:20:06 pm »
i was looking at Atlantis, the episode where sam, the doc and mc key fall into a old mine, when they get back to Atlantis the doc say that they put a cast on sam's leg, i was surprise to head that, they have all the knowledge and technology of the Asgard and they still do cast?

do they asgardian don't have anything for a broken leg?

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2008, 01:45:51 pm »
The writers have stated that any tech that goes to the sgc and earth will always take time to filter through.
I guess that, when the Asgard gave earth the tech, SGC needed to focus on weapons and ship systems so they could counter the Ori.
Assuming the SGC and the IOC follow current guidlines on medical systems and treatments, it would take at least 5 years for anything new to be approved.

However, Atlantis has Ancient medical tech, and must have medical texts in it's database. One would assume some kind of AI or automatic systmes would be in place.... Unless the Ancients began following Holistic medicine just before they ascended? ;D
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2008, 01:51:41 pm »
i was also thinking that Atlantis must have some medial database, it still got shield and weapons and can fly like a ship, so its mus have medical data someone?

also who's created the e2pz (the ancient battery), they must be some data on that so they can make new one or recharge the old one to power the city?

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2008, 08:39:14 pm »
I do find it odd that there isn't some kind of technical knowledge of the ZPM power supplies in Atlantis. However, there have been many cases over the series where the Ancients seemed to prefer to do a lot of research off world. Perhaps the ZPM's were so plentiful that the technical info wasn't classed as that important.

Also, from what I can tell from various points of the series is that Asgard technology has advanced beyond what the Ancients had. If this is the case, I think that at some point in the next season, Atlantis will get some Asgard power cores and weapons.

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2008, 09:17:07 pm »
There is some inconsistency in the portrayal of the Ancients.  On the one hand  you have the various living Atlanteans who are seen as very like modern humans, they just know more.  On the other hand there was the Ancient woman found in Antarctica (millions if not 10's of millions of years frozen) who had some "mental powers" and the ability to heal others by touch and did not seem to be able to speak.

Do the Atlanteans really have a technology millions of years more advanced than ours?  Would they even remember the origin of their species if they came to Earth millions of years ago?

It could be explained by the Ancients arriving, using their galactic terraforming device then ascending leaving the frozen woman.  The Atlanteans (Alterrans?) could then have arrived from another galaxy thinking themselves the originals and take up the reputation and position of the earlier long vanished race.  Eventually the Atlanteans would ascend themselves and find out the truth.  This would make the modern humans a 3rd evolution of the human form rather than the 2nd as is repeatedly stated. 
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2008, 09:20:14 pm »
I do find it odd that there isn't some kind of technical knowledge of the ZPM power supplies in Atlantis. However, there have been many cases over the series where the Ancients seemed to prefer to do a lot of research off world. Perhaps the ZPM's were so plentiful that the technical info wasn't classed as that important.

Also, from what I can tell from various points of the series is that Asgard technology has advanced beyond what the Ancients had. If this is the case, I think that at some point in the next season, Atlantis will get some Asgard power cores and weapons.

Alternately the ZPM tech could just be in an as yet unaccessed database.  It cold be encrypted or even destroyed to make sure the Wraith didn't get it. 

As Jack (with an Ancients database in his head) was able to design a replicator destroying weapon that the Asgard could build but not design it would appear that the Ancients still had a few tricks the Asgard did not know.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2008, 03:29:29 pm »
also about the stargate itself.

fist the one in Giza was there because it was place there by ra or a goa'uld ?

the stargate in antartica that o'neil and carter discover  was place there by who?, if atlantis was on earth that make 3 gate on earth, what was the point in having 3 gates?

also the one on atlantis seem so much more advance that the rest of the stargate that we see, if its the Ancient who build the stargate what was the reason for making it?, in season 3 when the Ancient return to atlantis  why did they not use the stargate to return to they city?, they did created the stargate so why have they not make a new one or go to a planet where they have a gate and dial to atlantis, they did know where atlantis was since it was abandon on the planet for many century.

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2008, 07:26:18 am »
The Stargate in Antarctica was placed there by the Ancients.  It is the original gate on Earth (possibly in the galaxy).  Presumably the Ancients built an automated gate factory somewhere and left it alone producing one standard model and never bothered to update the design.  When Ra (Ra was a goa'uld) arrived on Earth he set up a new gate (why he didn't move the original gate is unclear, perhaps he didn't know it was there). 

The origin of Atlantis is never totally defined.  Was it built on Earth?  It clearly was meant to travel and could be the ship/city that brought the Alterrans to the Milkyway galaxy.  As such it might (for convenience) have had its own stargate as it could at times be far from the nearest gate.  It might also have had its gate installed once it arrived in Pegasus as it may well have travelled around a lot checking on the terraforming projects.  If it did have a gate when it was on Earth would have made 2 gates (Atlantis was gone before Ra arrived with the Giza gate).

Assuming that the Ancients had a centralized automated gate factory (as mentioned earlier) they would have had to make a new one in Pegasus and could easily have said "the Mark 1 gate was fine but we can make a better design for the Mark 2 gate" and done so.  Even if the city was already equipped with a Mark 1 gate they would then have replaced it with the upgraded design.  Don't forget that there is also some doubt as to whether the Atlanteans are the original gate builders (who left the frozen woman in Antarctica) or a later version who inherited the position.  As such the Milkway gates would have been built by the original gate builders and the Atlantis one by the Atlanteans (like the Aschen and Tollan built their own variant designs).

The gate address would seem to match a solar system ID.  Since Atlantis is capable of star travel the Ancients might have known where they parked it but could be unsure if the recent "car jackers" from Earth had moved it and thereby changed the address.  Also that would have meant abandoning their ship which they had no need to do, having a ship with no need to build a replacement would be convenient.  When SG-1 was aboard the Ha'tak attacking Earth they could only dial out (using Earth as the point of origin) once the Ha'tak was close enough to Earth to use the same home address, presumably the Atlantis DHD would have the same behaviour.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2008, 09:58:39 am »
how many gates the have again?

the one from Giza was destroyed by ba'hal, then get the gate from the Russian who get it from a goa'uld ship, so what happen to the gate in antarctic?

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2008, 10:07:33 am »
how many gates the have again?

the one from Giza was destroyed by ba'hal, then get the gate from the Russian who get it from a goa'uld ship, so what happen to the gate in antarctic?

The Giza gate went to the Asgard ship infested with Replicators, the Russians then fished it out of the ocean.  The SGC replaced the GIza gate with the Antarctic gate when they thought that the Giza gate was destroyed with the Asgard ship.  Then Ba'al destroyed the SGC gate (the Antarctic one) and the SGC bought the Giza gate back from the Russians.  So Earth had 2 gates prior to the destruction of the Antarctic gate and 1 after.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2008, 10:14:41 am »
where did they gate or build the gates to the space bridge?

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2008, 10:25:34 am »
where did they gate or build the gates to the space bridge?

I'm assuming that you mean the gates linking the Milkyway to the Pegasus Galaxy?

They took them from unihabitied and uninhabitable worlds.  Presumably the Ancients used an automated system to disperse the gates and some of the worlds for whatever reason never became fully terraformed. 

What I want to know is how did they power them?  Thats a lot of gates and a lot of power. 
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2008, 10:53:14 am »
Duracell alkaline battery  :laugh:

the one in the relay station was like the one on atlantis, seem more advance compare to the rest of them.