Topic: sg atlantis  (Read 29918 times)

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2008, 11:57:29 am »
Going to have to disagree with you a bit.

I used the IMDB to identify the episodes and my DVD collection to review them to check my memory.  I must admit I didn't score that well.

1/ Season 4 Episode 15: Chain Reaction

You were correct the gate was open.  I was mistaken. 

It doesn't make sense to me that they would do it that way due to the radiation risk.  Send the nuke on a timer, shutdown the gate, wait a minute and reopen it if possible.  If it succeeds no radiation and if it fails hopefully you have prepared for it with large amounts of shielding ready to be dropped into place on a moments notice.

2/ Season 4 Episode 22: Exodus

The gate into the sun.  Once more you were correct.  It was active.  But consider for it to have worked the gate swallowed by the blackhole had to be still functional at least for receiving wormholes.

3/ Season 3 Episode 22: Nemesis Part. Season 4 Episode 1: Small Victories

The Asgard ship was deorbited in Nemesis and the return to Earth was in Small Victories   They don't state whether the Gate was active when the ship broke up.  However Carter would not have allowed it to stay open behind them as the Replicators could have come through and infested another planet.  So logically it was off.  Not conclusive but probable.

4/ Season 3 Episode 17:  A Hundred Days.

The meteor struck the gate.  The gate was active but the strike caused the wormhole to shutdown prematurely, it fluctuated while Carter and Teal'c were in transit.  It might have been protected from the strike by the wormhole but not from the heat and molten rock caused by the impact.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2008, 02:56:27 pm »
1/ Season 4 Episode 15: Chain Reaction

You were correct the gate was open.  I was mistaken. 

It doesn't make sense to me that they would do it that way due to the radiation risk.  Send the nuke on a timer, shutdown the gate, wait a minute and reopen it if possible.  If it succeeds no radiation and if it fails hopefully you have prepared for it with large amounts of shielding ready to be dropped into place on a moments notice.

If you remember, the replacement General, Bauer I believe, was doing a lot of dangerous things. At least according to Carter and Daniel. What the "Assessment" that he was given said that they expected the observation probe would be able to transmit back enough data before it and the Stargate was destroyed, thus severing the link before anything dangerous came through. At the time they were arguing about this, Carter brought up the fact that the gate is tough enough to survive some serious stuff, including "A direct hit from a meteorite."
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #42 on: April 14, 2008, 06:52:36 pm »
I didn't watch the episodes in their entirety when I was checking things, just fast forwarded to the relevant scenes.  Some time soon I will spend a few weeks watching the whole series and maybe find some stuff to add to this thread.  ;)
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #43 on: April 15, 2008, 06:10:57 am »
What can i say. I gave up TV a few years ago when i decided that I didn't want to pay the exorbitant rates cable was charging. My TV viewership was relegated to DVD. Naturally, I've seen everything I owned quite a few times.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #44 on: April 15, 2008, 08:10:39 pm »
For me it was the brain damaging commercials.  I have quite a collection of DVDs too.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2008, 07:08:08 am »
I was just sort of "free associating" the other day and a (better in my opinion) reason for Anubis being only partially expelled from ascension occured to me.

Anubis as a Gou'ald and (false) God had millions of worshippers.  That would (or at least could) endow him with extra power like the Ori.  The ascended Ancients might not have been able to restore him to mortality until Oma Desala sacrificed herself to weaken him.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2008, 08:06:29 pm »
Stargate Atlantis - The Complete Fourth Season This title will be released on July 8, 2008.
American $31.99
Canadian $48.99

Still ripping off the Canadian market place. 
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2008, 10:02:27 pm »
Now I have to wait until the blu-ray version comes out.  Sigh
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2008, 05:50:05 pm »
They are releasing the blu-ray of the newest direct to video movie, Stargate: Continuum.

Why they didn't do that for Ark of Truth is the question.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #49 on: May 31, 2008, 05:51:50 pm »
The Stargate can survive most everything WHILE active and if the energy is mainly directed into the front part of the stargate as then the energy from anything can then be absorbed by the wormhole and the gate. Only a real powerful blast from the rear part of the gate can break it apart(i.e. Mark 9). Gates not active are still tough (against most physical impacts, but no match for a explosion of that magnitude (Mothership exploding) I think.

Unless of course the writers decide to say that indeed the gate was still active after they jumped through the gate for that moment during the explosion ;) , then it probably did survive.

I am watching the series again right now and just saw the episode where Apophis is attacking Earth and his two ships are destroyed.  Jackson was using the gate on Klorels ship when the explosion occured.  There was not time either before or after Jackson gating out for Apophis  and Klorel to use that gate to escape so they must have been using another gate.  BOTH ships must have had gates and the gates would have been active at the moment of collision.

So that makes it pretty certain that there were two more gates available near Earth for use in building the Pegasus bridge.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2008, 09:40:03 am »
where did they gate or build the gates to the space bridge?

I'm assuming that you mean the gates linking the Milkyway to the Pegasus Galaxy?

They took them from uninhabited and uninhabitable worlds.  Presumably the Ancients used an automated system to disperse the gates and some of the worlds for whatever reason never became fully terraformed. 

What I want to know is how did they power them?  Thats a lot of gates and a lot of power. 

I'm watching Atlantis right now and just reached the 3rd Season episode Irresistible where they begin looking for "Space Gates" to build the bridge.  This is the same episode with Lucius Lavin who uses a drug to make people adore him. Weir does mention that they can retrofit normal gates for space use as well. 

As I see more I will update it.


I watched some more and the gate bridge was built from both ends, each end from gates in its own galaxy.  The Atlantis gate has a crystal that presumably has special programs to allow it to dial into the Milkyway network.  The Earth dialling computer presumably was programmed by O'Neill when he had the Ancients database in his head and dialled the Asgard galaxy.  It is the special programming not the crystal itself that allows the inter network dialing. 

It appears from the little I have seen that the midway station is to allow people to transit from one dialling network to the other.  I haven't seen the station itself or how they transit it.  One thing that is not explained is how the puddlejumpers can dial the Earth gate.  I'm going to re watch the episode where Atlantis is taken back from the Asurans.  One possibility is that Mackay rigged a way to switch the programming from Pegasus network to Milkyway network as needed on at least one puddlejumper.

How the bridge is powered is not explained to this point.  The space gates don't have separate DHDs, on planetary gates the DHD contains the power system.  Presumably the space gates have a power system that MacKay/Carter could have replicated.  This could explain how they are powered. 

MacKay calls it the MacKay - Carter Bridge and quietly says it was Carters idea. 
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 07:14:22 am by IKV Nemesis »
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2008, 10:59:39 am »
Think about this for a moment. 

Planetary Gate 1 with its DHD/Power source dials Gate Bridge #1.  This begins a cascade effect of each gate activating, holding the pattern in a buffer and then dialing Gate #2 with the stored energy of the first wormhole.  The program is controlled (I believe back on atlantis itself).  It is based on the technology established by Ba'al when he modified a virus program created by Lt. Colonel Carter that was implanted in various DHD (to track his movements through the Gate system and find his secret base).  They used Ba'al's program in the final battle with the replicators to dial ALL gates in the Milky Way Galaxy simultaneously from the single gate at Dakara.  They then fired the Ancient weapon on Dakara which emitted a pulse-wave that traveled throughout the galaxy simultaneously, destroying all replicators. 

The Bridge Station is exactly that, a space station connecting the two bridges.  During one Atlantis episode the Wraith mananaged to hack into the network and send assault teams to the bridge station.  Essentially one side of the station has the connection to the Pegasus gate network.  The other side is connected to the Milky Way Galaxy network. Visitors are quarantined at the Bridge Station for 24 hours before being allowed to travel to the other Galaxy and so the station has a permanent crew (of scientists although there are probably now more troops there) and quarters for visitors travelling between galaxies and stuck on quarantine (which included Teal'c during that episode).

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #52 on: July 14, 2008, 08:06:38 pm »
I just watched Stargate Atlantis Season 4.

Planetary Gate 1 with its DHD/Power source dials Gate Bridge #1.  This begins a cascade effect of each gate activating, holding the pattern in a buffer and then dialing Gate #2 with the stored energy of the first wormhole.

The problem is losses.  Passing through 34 gates even with 99.9% efficiency you end up with ~ 96.75% of the original power at the halfway station.

There is also no sign that the energy of the wormhole is recovered and stored,

You might argue that the storage function was disabled on the prison world they rescued Linnea (Destroyer of Worlds) from to prevent escapes. 

You still need to explain why it wasn't working on Ernests world or the one with the two religious factions fighting over their origin (the gate was embedded in rock strata there).  Also the world where they gated into a museum with a fake DHD and were mistaken for terroists.  They should have been able to manually dial using the stored power in those circumstances but could not, they needed more power.  That leaves you needing power sources with each gate unless you can explain why those gates could not dial out with stored power.

The pattern itself with sufficient error correction in the system could be retransmitted but the wormhole energy would seem to be lost.   No reason it couldn't be self correcting when ZModem had that feature ~20 years ago.

The program is controlled (I believe back on atlantis itself).

It seems to be controlled from the 1st gate in system, either at the edge of the Milkyway or the Pegasus galaxy as appropriate.  When the Wraith tapped into the system and reached the SGC MacKay created a modified copy of the "macro" on a crystal that had to be installed into the DHD in a different Solar System (the orignal sending planet was occupied by wraith blocking them off) so that they could get to Halfway station and fight the wraith.

It is based on the technology established by Ba'al when he modified a virus program created by Lt. Colonel Carter that was implanted in various DHD (to track his movements through the Gate system and find his secret base).

Which episode was that?  I don't seem to recall them tracking Ba'al that way.

The Bridge Station is exactly that, a space station connecting the two bridges.

I just saw the episode where the Wraith reached the station and their "rationale" for no iris seemed excessively weak to me.  Even if it was accepted having an iris would be an extra level of security that would not be turned down.

I also don't see why they would leave the crystal in an unguarded gate instead of installing and removing it as needed or putting it on the 1st extra galactic gate at each end and dialing directly from the SGC or Atlantis with a GDO signal to activate the macro.  A return signal would indicate the iris was open and the macro activated before transit began.   The GDO signal could be sent ahead using subspace from that gate faster than the "macro" gate could dial the next unit deactivating each iris in sequence.

I did like that they fixed one thing that bothered me towards the end of Season 3.  Doctor Keller when she took over as head of medicine and complained how she couldn't handle it.  But she not only had the time but the resources to be made up like a fashion model.  In Season 4 they cut down the make up and she is much more convincing.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #53 on: July 15, 2008, 08:31:49 pm »
I also thought the lack of an iris of some type was rather stupid. They can communicate through the gate bridge from Midway to either the SGC or Atlantis. Why couldn't they have a call back signal saying the iris/force field is open?

Also, if you remember, the wraith were only able to activate the bridge after Atlantis used it. I'm assuming they intercepted the instructions from McCay's macro that controls the bridge and then used that to start their own dialling sequence.

BTW, This episode, Midway, was definitely the best episode of the season.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2008, 09:12:49 pm »
I also thought the lack of an iris of some type was rather stupid. They can communicate through the gate bridge from Midway to either the SGC or Atlantis. Why couldn't they have a call back signal saying the iris/force field is open?

Also, if you remember, the wraith were only able to activate the bridge after Atlantis used it. I'm assuming they intercepted the instructions from McCay's macro that controls the bridge and then used that to start their own dialling sequence.

Which all goes with what I said.  The first gate should have been isolated in intergalactic space.  Preferably with a minefield around each gate.  There should have been no gate with the programming accessible to the Wraith. 

Even done the way it was a team should have been on site to retrieve the macro crystal leaving the Wraith nothing to access.  The incoming wormhole to Midway should also have been coordinated with a subspace message functioning as the GDO and included voice and video as well as the code.  There should NEVER be unscheduled transit from Pegasus to Midway without full GDO, voice and video confirmation from at least 3 ranking officers (or equivalent), the risks from the wraith are too great.

Scanners should have detected the Wraith and released the aerosol retrovirus rending them harmless both at Midway and at the SGC.  Either Ancient or Asgard tech should have allowed the scanners to be installed.

BTW, This episode, Midway, was definitely the best episode of the season.

I lked the character development with Keller.  I disliked the way MacKay went from being ready to propose to chasing other women so quickly, he should have been too depressed.

As to episodes I liked Trio, where MacKay, Keller and Carter are trapped together.

I disliked the security flaws in Midway.  They should have had an iris.  The SGC should have closed the iris the moment the stunner came through the gate.  That would have stopped the wraith (as well as Ronan and Teal'c) dead.

I do plan to mention to my (Carter infatuated) nephew that I have seen the episode Carter dies in and how she dies.  I don't need to mention that the death gets undone.  ;)
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2008, 10:30:40 pm »

I do plan to mention to my (Carter infatuated) nephew that I have seen the episode Carter dies in and how she dies.  I don't need to mention that the death gets undone.  ;)

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #56 on: July 15, 2008, 11:21:58 pm »
The last man?

Yes.  I haven't seen any of Season 5 and likely won't until the DVDs come out next year so I won't see what comes after that till this time next year.
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #57 on: July 16, 2008, 07:26:59 pm »
The last man?

Yes.  I haven't seen any of Season 5 and likely won't until the DVDs come out next year so I won't see what comes after that till this time next year.

I know that feeling. I gave up TV a while ago and haven't seen an episode since the season 1 mid-season cliff hanger except on DVD.
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #58 on: July 16, 2008, 09:04:29 pm »
I know that feeling. I gave up TV a while ago and haven't seen an episode since the season 1 mid-season cliff hanger except on DVD.

I really only see broadcast TV if its on when I'm visiting someone.   Many TV shows have come and gone since I regularly watched it.  I tend to reach for the remote to pause without thinking its not a DVD. 
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Re: sg atlantis
« Reply #59 on: July 17, 2008, 04:50:10 pm »
I know that feeling. I gave up TV a while ago and haven't seen an episode since the season 1 mid-season cliff hanger except on DVD.

I really only see broadcast TV if its on when I'm visiting someone.   Many TV shows have come and gone since I regularly watched it.  I tend to reach for the remote to pause without thinking its not a DVD. 

I know the feeling! LOL I got a new HDTV a few months ago and hooked up the antenna cable just to see what i could get and see how HD broadcast channels look. Even after this long i still want to hit that fast forward button.
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.