Shipedit EAW is a standalone program by itself. Shipedit OP is an add on to Shipedit EAW.. it must use the exact same folders.. also if you are using XP with Shipedit, you must install a *.dll file to the Windows/System32 folder for the OP part to work correctly..
Shipedit for EAW and OP are included in the OP Enhancement Package and does a full and proper install for XP.. I repackaged the original program that was done by EagleEye Software so that it would work correctly on Win 2K and XP and Server 2K3.. if you are using the old files for ShipEdit EAW and OP (Win 98 / ME), then it will not work correctly..
If you need a copy of the current fully functional Shipedit for EAW / OP without downloading the OP Enhancement Package, I think I can upload it to and post a link later tonight.
let me know.