The problem with Marvel is they seem to let the directors/studios move too far away from the source material and try to please everyone - hardcore fans as well as the casual movie go-er/uninitiated. They need to take a lesson from LOTR - If you stay true to the original concept your fans will come back repeatedly and drag others who have no notion of what they are missing.
Well the only saving grace for FF movies was Jesica Alba, But I hear she's knocked up again, so She no longer matters to me.
The second one was better than the first, but they ruined Galactus and the perfect segue into a third movie.
I did kinda like the hulk, but the ending was horrible.
I thought The Hulk was very good... right up until the ending. It was way OTT and too comic-booky.
Spiderman 1 was the only one I really liked.
I guess I'm the only one (along with my friend) who didn't like this movie. I thought it was hokey and that the GG was a poor choice of villians played in a very corny manner. Alfred Molina's man-boobs ruined the second one

and I never bothered to see the last one.
DD, Elektra, wasn't too bad.
Caught about 15 minutes of DD on a premium channel, was bored to death (and I like DD!) and I changed the channel. Never saw Elektra (by then I had become jaded!

Punisher rocked.
It was ok. The original one with Dolph Lungren (sp?) was interesting too.
Anyone besides me have the Animated Iron Man Movie? It's not too bad If you want a rental.
Yes! As well as the Dr. Strange movie and the two Ultimate Avengers movies. The Avengers movies are pretty good, Dr Strange and Iron Man were OK. The story for Iron Man seemed out of place to me and things were formulaic.
Anyone ever see the Dr Strange TV movie with Robert Reed as DS? Yes Mr Brady was Dr. Strange!!
There is also an almost never seen Captian America movie with a guy named Reb Brown. Fights the Red Skull, but I can't remember much more. I thought it was a good effort for a very low budget attempt.