Since none was ever seen on screen, I'm asking for opinions on this subject. We all know the lore of the Klingon/Romulan alliance and we have seen ENT, TOS and TNG Rom nacelle designs...what do ya all think came in between ? A few ideas came to my mind but I'd figured I'd let the community decide, and then perhaps myself or someone else could build said nacelle and release it for general use so as to have all our Late TMP-Early TNG Romies all uniform in appearance. My thoughts were ....
1) Since the TOS Romulan BoP had nacelles similar to Federation ones, did their TMP ones follow suit ?
2) Did they just utilize Klingon D7 nacelle design as they already had examples of such ?
3) A simlar design to the ENT era Romulan BoP (Let's face it, it looked very TNG-ish)
4) A more primitive Romulan TNG nacelle ( IE-TMP retextures)
5) A hybrid of known Romulan nacelle designs?
6) A brand new conept
Let the discussion begin ............