Topic: Need some suggestions...  (Read 2402 times)

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Offline Father Ted

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Need some suggestions...
« on: March 14, 2008, 05:34:29 pm »
The last game I bought was AoE2 over a year and a half ago, and I stopped by Best Buy yesterday, but couldn't decide on a new game. I've heard mixed reviews on AoE3, Pirates Gold(I used to love the game) isn't really playable on my laptop, though the desktop is perfect for it, but I usually reserve my time there for D2. I've never been all that big on FPS games, but I do like strategy or tactical wargames like Panzer General and AoE. I saw Command and Conquer Gold edition was on sale, but I've never played it. Any suggestions or reviews would be welcome. Thanks.  :)

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2008, 08:33:07 pm »
New games??, the created new games?

never notice that, ohh the store are only selling holes that need patch, but games nope.

the last game i buy was rise of legend, but its not that good, well its a Microsoft game, so don't buy it, rent it if you can or wait to get it use or try to find a place where you can try it.

com games cost a lot and they are rarely good, i don't like critics since you wonder what they try or if they are neutral.

49.99 and up for a game that you might not like piss of, if they would do a trial somewhere it might be good, but i stop buying games because of the price and my com can't run some of them.

games that can only play online is a game i will not buy, you're stuck with it if you can't have they internet or if you want to play alone you can't.

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 01:35:43 am »
Hmm, you have problems getting Pirates gold to run?

I would say you'd have a terribly hard time getting AoE3 to run then.  Probably look terrible too.

I'd think Command and Conquer might be more up your computers ability than AoE3 if I'm understanding the games you listed correctly.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Offline Father Ted

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2008, 04:39:22 am »
Actually, it was poor diction on my part. I've heard mixed reviews about AoEIII, but I seriously doubt I'd have issues with running it or Pirates Gold on my desktop. I should have said that I might have issues with Pirates on my laptop(where I do most of my solitaire gaming) because the keyboard is kinda screwy(I have no problem running AoE2 on the laptop, and I can run OP, but I wouldn't dare try a PvP on it).

What I'm really getting at is recommendations for a good strategic or tactical game that won't break the bank and can run on both my desktop and laptop(older model, but decent, except for the keyboard, runs XP).

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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2008, 04:43:57 am »
I didn't like AoE 3 at first.  In fact I really hated it.  Then about six months later I took it out again and retried it and found I really liked it.

I enjoy C&C more, but that's due to the types of games I like.  I would say d/l the demos and give them a whirl and see how you like them, then decide.  AoE 3 actually has two or three demos, one for the original release, and one for at least one of the expansions.  I think both expansions had a demo.  So you could try those out and see how you like them.  That's what I'd probably suggest for you to do first.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2008, 05:03:02 am »
Thx, the AoEIII pack I saw is a gold edition, but there's yet another expansion that's not on it. Like you, I tried the demo for the original and didn't really care for it, but once I saw the expansion packs, it piqued my curiosity.

Captain: USS Majestik Moose NCC-1712

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Offline AcePylut

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2008, 01:37:26 pm »
If you're looking for a war simulation... matrixgames is the place to be.

Highway to the Reich is fun... it's a pausable real-time game about the battle of the bulge.  I own it, it's fun.

If you're into carriers and the pacific war, there's Uncommon Valor, War in the Pacific, and Carriers at War.
If you care about the environment, it's better to eat a Salad in a Hummer than a Cheeseburger in a Prius.

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2008, 10:32:17 pm »
If you're looking for a war simulation... matrixgames is the place to be.

Highway to the Reich is fun... it's a pausable real-time game about the battle of the bulge.  I own it, it's fun.

If you're into carriers and the pacific war, there's Uncommon Valor, War in the Pacific, and Carriers at War.

One of the best grognard boardgames I ever owned was 2nd Fleet, by Victory Games. It was a hypothetical showdown between NATO and the Warsaw Pact naval forces in the Atlantic. Totally cool, and it just happened to come out right about the same time as Tom Clancy published "Red Storm Rising".  ;)

Captain: USS Majestik Moose NCC-1712

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Offline AcePylut

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2008, 09:27:34 am »
Yup, I remember that game :)  Loved it so much that I bought all it's companions  6th Fleet, 7th Fleet, and the one for the Indian Ocean. 
If you care about the environment, it's better to eat a Salad in a Hummer than a Cheeseburger in a Prius.

Offline Dracho

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2008, 08:11:39 pm »
Check out before you buy something retail.
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Offline Father Ted

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2008, 05:46:51 am »
Thx for the link, Dracho. I was about to buy Empires in Arms but the price is a little outside the range I'm willing to spend. I'm gonna hold off on that one for now, but if it goes down in the next couple of months, it's a must buy.  :)

Captain: USS Majestik Moose NCC-1712

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Offline Dracho

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2008, 09:50:48 am »
I'm eyeballing their remake of UFO, Close Combat Modern Tactics, Carriers at War, and the upcoming Pacific War: Admiral's edition. 

Since I have almost no free time, eyeballing is likely all I'll get to do.
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2008, 01:34:52 pm »
I finally settled on Pirates and Rise of Nations Gold. Still, I'm going to keep an eye out for Empires in Arms to go down, pricewise. Thanks to all of you for the help and suggestions you've given.  :)

Captain: USS Majestik Moose NCC-1712

"Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts." -Cicero
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Offline AcePylut

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Re: Need some suggestions...
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2008, 06:52:11 pm »
I'm eyeballing their remake of UFO, Close Combat Modern Tactics, Carriers at War, and the upcoming Pacific War: Admiral's edition. 

Since I have almost no free time, eyeballing is likely all I'll get to do.

I loved the combat series form way back
If you care about the environment, it's better to eat a Salad in a Hummer than a Cheeseburger in a Prius.