I created a TI and VL image for a model which did not have them. At first they didn't show up in the HP placer, I thought it was because the size was off, so I resized both pics. I loaded it up again and still nothing, so I randomly placed HPs on it and saved it. Opened it one more time and it worked. Several tests later I figured it out. If there is no gf file, the HP placer will display the images. However, the second time you load it up the pics don't show. The reason being is that the HP placer creates a gf file for you and if you place no hardpoints on it, then nothing is saved to the gf file. A blank gf file causes the pics not to be shown, opening the gf file and typing in "[HardPoints]" (without quotes of course) and saving the gf file makes the pics show up in the HP placer (or placing HPs using the HP placer and saving, either way works).