Topic: Blu-Ray players and compatability  (Read 1192 times)

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Blu-Ray players and compatability
« on: February 13, 2008, 04:35:21 pm »
Okay. I have been wanting to get a blu ray player when i get my hdtv here in a month or so. But, I have been reading up on them and one of the things that I have found out is that the blu ray spec is going through some changes. Basically, they are adding more features such as internet connectivity and PIP for the commentary. Some of these aren't just firmware updates but actually changes in hardware. While looking at the different models out there, I have seen any listings of whether the players support the 1.0, 1.1 or the latest 2.0 versions.

So, my question. Does anyone here know of any online resources, forums, listings, etc. that I might take a look at to possibly find this information?

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Re: Blu-Ray players and compatability
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2008, 06:14:29 pm »
  My humble opinion is that it is too early to plunk down money on a Blu-ray player.  The format war is not even close to see if HD or Blu-ray is going to be the one to out last the other.  (and remember, sony doesn't have a good track record on these things, think Beta.  Just because you have the best format doesn't mean the world will form a line behind you).  I remembering reading that at least one of the major movie companies have already picked HD as there format of choice since it was to expensive for them to be putting out all movies in two formats.

Heck, buy a PS3.  You will have a blu-ray player and a game system for the same price as basicly just the blu-ray player alone.
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