Topic: What's been going on at the Barabbas Home you ask...?  (Read 1570 times)

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What's been going on at the Barabbas Home you ask...?
« on: February 09, 2008, 05:03:04 pm »

I have owned this 1700 sq. ft. bi-level home since 1994 and while it's really not falling down around my ears, there's been a lot of maintenance that's been building up that I just haven't had the money to address.  I had an appraisal done in October 2006 and was shocked to find that my home had virtually doubled in value over the previous four years so I immediately re-financed and cashed out a large sum intending to not only do the renovations/carpets/paint/etc. but also put on an addition with a nice big master bedroom & bath and all the other stuff it needed...  Mrs. Barabbas has made a lot of little changes to the existing structure, expecially downstairs, to make it more efficient all-around.

So here's what we've got so far.  Framing & exterior are finished, we replaced the 24-year-old roof, all plumbing feeds (hard water, and I've had 3 pinhole leaks and one major flood over the years!) and a complete new heating-A/C unit.  We're just about to get everything inspected and have approval to insulate & close things up inside.

Original floorplan, DownStairs:

Final floorplan, Downstairs:

Original floorplan, Upstairs:

Final floorplan, Upstairs:

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Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: What's been going on at the Barabbas Home you ask...?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2008, 06:40:26 am »
Very cool!

We just refinanced and had new siding and windows done..put in a hardwood floor about 4 years ago, and I love it..resonates well with the guitars  :D  the project for this year is a new makeover..that and a trip to Chautauqua, Letchworth, and Niagara Falls

Have a great one,

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it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
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Re: What's been going on at the Barabbas Home you ask...?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 11:38:54 am »

We're actually looking at bamboo 'hardwood' upstairs... We really like the look and it's reasonably inexpensive compared to other options or a cheap laminate.  I guess that's 'cause it's a weed!

My goal was to put in a nice master bedroom & bath, and the design I came up with makes for a very unusual long, narrow bedroom but I think it's gonna work out well all around.  It was definitely the simplist, cheapest way to go.

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Re: What's been going on at the Barabbas Home you ask...?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 07:40:54 am »

We're actually looking at bamboo 'hardwood' upstairs... We really like the look and it's reasonably inexpensive compared to other options or a cheap laminate.  I guess that's 'cause it's a weed!

My goal was to put in a nice master bedroom & bath, and the design I came up with makes for a very unusual long, narrow bedroom but I think it's gonna work out well all around.  It was definitely the simplist, cheapest way to go.

Bamboo does look nice, have heard it holds up well to wear.  Cheap as it is a 'weed' well, grass actually.  Some areas where bamboo grows, it grows so fast  you can actually see it growing.  Helps keep the cost down that it regrows so fast.  I am looking at the same flooring for my place also.
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