
How evil was your ex?

Jus' a lil devil
3 (15.8%)
A minor minion of hell
2 (10.5%)
Your typical demon
1 (5.3%)
A Baal-Rog
5 (26.3%)
Satan's right hand
8 (42.1%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Topic: How evil was your ex?  (Read 5043 times)

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Offline Bonk

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How evil was your ex?
« on: February 09, 2008, 11:11:09 am »
I had an epiphany this morning, for the first time I fully comprehend the evil that was done to me by my ex in my youth. It took me 20 years to figure it out. I wish I had figured it out sooner, or I could have helped prevent the same thing happening to other youth. I am curious to see the prevalence of such malevolence in early relationships.

Offline Hexx

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2008, 11:23:44 am »
I don't see any option properly quantifying the malevolence she managed to display..
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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2008, 11:35:40 am »
I'm sorry a cannot feel your pain.

I'm still married to the first one.

Can i vote for current Evilness?

Offline Bonk

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2008, 11:47:42 am »
Nope, only exs for this poll. Current relationships are another whole can of worms. I just had this realisation this morning about my ex, and  figured I was probably not alone!

Also, I think I was affected by seeing the film Killing Zelda Sparks recently, it stirred up some old ghosts and helped me gain perspective I wish I had when I was 18. Ah, as they say, youth is wasted on the young... sigh. Anyway, good Canadian film. (And, no  that is not an oxymoron! :P ;)) Check it out if you get a chance.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not all depressed or anything, I'm happier than I've ever been. Pain is long gone, it is just frustrating that wisdom is so slow to come. When it finally does it is very empowering. (Oh god, I sound like a self-help book or something, I'll shut up now...)
« Last Edit: February 09, 2008, 12:05:14 pm by Bonk »

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2008, 12:20:17 pm »
Gosh, I feel in the minority, no evil ex's in my past (not even ex GF's)
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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2008, 01:50:24 pm »
I had an ex hang roadkill (a rotten dog) on my frontdoor after she found out I banged her sister. Does that count? :angel:

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2008, 12:18:39 am »
LOL dude.. that might qualify YOU as the evil ex.. :laugh:

as for my "evil" ex...turns out she didn't love me and not breaking up would have been a long-term disservice to us both..

Now.. psycho ex.. that's a different saga.. crazy people aren't really evil...
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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2008, 07:26:04 pm »
My ex girlfriends range from heartless gold digger to bitch that scares Satan into submission.
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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2008, 07:56:11 am »
My ex girlfriends range from heartless gold digger to bitch that scares Satan into submission.

Lesse, I had one girlfriend who wouldn't go out with you until she saw how much money she could drain from your checking account, another one who was bipolar(she was absolutely stunning, great in bed, but off her meds she was a psycho) and finally, I had one that was both. She applied for Hell, but was rejected as too evil.

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2008, 11:34:24 am »

I think you're all just bitter... 

  :o     ;)

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Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 12:23:04 pm »
I had an epiphany this morning, for the first time I fully comprehend the evil that was done to me by my ex in my youth. It took me 20 years to figure it out. I wish I had figured it out sooner, or I could have helped prevent the same thing happening to other youth. I am curious to see the prevalence of such malevolence in early relationships.

It depends on which ex we're talking about here.  As a freshman in college I dated a senior girl who was, I later found out, the campus BJ queen.  Her name was Julene and she was the first girl I fell in love with and was also my first sexual partner.  She had a habit of comparing her previous boyfriend's genitals (an extremely wealthy Baltimore a*****e with clothes that cost more than my first car) to a banana.  It goes without saying I am not hung like a banana--nor was I wealthy.  All my friends told me repeatedly that she was a giant bitch and a serious piece of bad news.

  We dated for two years and then she met a guy at one of those Tony Robins-style positive thinking seminars and screwed him in his car in her parents' driveway, under their bedroom window.  (I was so depressed that my dad, notoriously unemotional, picked up on it and got me drunk.)  A year later she called me, desperate for money.  So I offered to send her $800 if she would leave a phone sex message on my answering machine.  As soon as she did that I made a copy of the tape, wrote a letter, and sent both off to her then-current boyfriend (a chief petty officer) to let him know that he was dating a low-level prostitute. 

Just so no one gets the idea she was just a poor misunderstood lamb.....she joined the Navy while I was dating her.  About 3 months after she finished her basic training with the Navy she bucked for, and got, a psychological discharge by telling her superior officers that she was having torrid lesbian dreams.   

My vote goes to "Satan's Right Hand".  Maybe you should add the choice of "Satan's Anal Polyps" or "Satan's Perforated Rectum".  "Lucifer's Anal Leakage"?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 12:33:06 pm by Beeblebrox »
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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2008, 01:59:26 pm »
All my friends told me repeatedly that she was a giant bitch and a serious piece of bad news.

Therein lies the key. I think everyone who has a story like this neglected to listen to their friends and family who warned them at the time (admittedly pretty tough when you're a horny teenage male).

My brother told me, and he was really nice about saying "I told you so" ten years later too. I just wish I'd listened to him back then. I always listen carefully to my brother's advice now.

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2008, 02:42:48 pm »
Well I had 2 very bitter ex girlfriends and a very bitter EX wife.
It all started when I arranged to meet the 2 girlfriends on the same day, place and time.
I forgot to check my diary.  :D

The first girlfriend tried to arrange a change to my features for $150 for each facial change, the second tried to get people in my home town to decapitate me via a shotgun, so i could not bear children.  :-\

And to add to all this my Ex wife found out and tried to change my manhood via a knife surgery on the same night, but i ran like hell. :o

That was a bad day.  ::)

Worfy  ;D

P.S. I could tell you about the Preacher and my ex girlfriends mother who had no breasts, but that is another story, he he  :P

Worfy  ;D

Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2008, 11:26:30 pm »
All my friends told me repeatedly that she was a giant bitch and a serious piece of bad news.

Therein lies the key. I think everyone who has a story like this neglected to listen to their friends and family who warned them at the time (admittedly pretty tough when you're a horny teenage male).

My brother told me, and he was really nice about saying "I told you so" ten years later too. I just wish I'd listened to him back then. I always listen carefully to my brother's advice now.

I think the real problem with girlfriends, ex or otherwise, is that women are incredibly self-hating and innately deceptive on almost every level.  That, and most women feel as if they can show their asses with total impunity when it comes to dealing with men because society has hammered in the idea that it's somehow wrong and anti-feminist to make a woman responsible for her behavior.  In general women will pull stunts on a guy that, if done by another man, would earn that man an old-fashioned asswhipping or an early grave. 
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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2008, 07:56:01 am »
I guess I've lived a charmed life...

I met my wife in 1969, and have been married since 1975..and the only time she gets down on me is when I buy a new guitar (but I have to admit, with 35 or so, it's hard to see when a new one gets slipped in   :laugh:    )

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2008, 09:04:11 am »
My vote goes to "Satan's Right Hand".  Maybe you should add the choice of "Satan's Anal Polyps" or "Satan's Perforated Rectum".  "Lucifer's Anal Leakage"?

Like I said about my one particular ex, there are some ex's out there(male and female) who are just too plain evil for even Satan to handle. Mine was a blend of J'inn's shoposaurus rex and Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction". She'd drag me halfway across the state on shopping sprees(blowing $500 on a couple of pairs of jeans was nothing to her), call me up at three in the morning, totally drunk, and keep me up till she fell asleep on the phone. This wasn't a once in a relationship moment, it was the norm. 

This went on for over six months until one beautiful Sunday afternoon in '95?(I forget), when I turned the tables on her by accident and she shed her costume to reveal the truly heinous bitch she was. My sister and I had a friend from high school who was dating a guy who was, shall we say, "connected"(The DoJ would occasionally freeze his assets, but he never talked, at least to my knowledge). Anyway, they'd invited us over to watch the Niners-Cowboys game and enjoy some steaks from the grill and surprise!, there was plenty of great wine on hand.

After the four of us consumed some great T-bones, the game, and lots of wine, my sister dropped me off at my place around 7 that evening. At this point, I realized I was in no shape to go out that evening(we were supposed to go see a movie) and my roommate informed me she had called about 5 times in the previous hour. I called her and told her I was too tired and sleepy to go out and then, Glenn Close came on the phone, screaming, yelling, cursing, howling at the moon, and bitching me out for standing her up(apparently, in her 26 year life, no man had ever dared do that). After about a minute, the alcohol having a positive role, I hollered at her to shut up, then proceeded to chew her out nonstop for over 3 minutes. When I was done, I yelled "Goodnight!" and slammed the phone. My roommate applauded(by this point, he couldn't stand her either) and made me go to sleep. He proceeded to block her calls for two days until I was ready to stand her down. When she finally got through, she was apologetic, sad, and begging for another chance.

Being dumb enough, I gave her one last date, and we went to dinner. It became apparent before even the entree that she was doing this for ego. Not only had she never been stood up, but no man had ever broken up with her. We danced through this for a couple of months before I'd had enough and finally told her to get lost. 

That's why I voted for Bal-rog, because Sauron or Succubus weren't on the list.

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2008, 12:12:17 pm »
Ah that type of evil, o.k. let me tell you about my other Ex wife, with whom I had two children (foolish move, but I still love them too bits).

While we were married she would empty my bank account treating my ex mother-in-law to lavish lunches and buying expensive clothes. This was to the detriment of the two children for whom I struggled to buy descent shoes, clothes, etc. To this day i don't know how she kept getting into my account, but for the children's sake, I kept quiet and carried on working 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week.

She used to just flip and start screaming and shouting at the children "you moron", "spastic", "retard", etc. Then she would grab them by the hair and start swinging them around the room. Often I found bruises on there arms and backs, but she always denied hitting them when I was at work, but I did not believer her.

The youngest was so unsure about herself I used to have to sit in the 'Brownies' with her, the eldest never left my side.

Of course when I was present we used to have massive rows as I tried to stop her abusing the children.

When my children were old enough, I explained to them that I was leaving and would find a place for the 3 of use, cash was real tight so I could not take them with me straight away. There are no refuges for fathers and their children, only mothers. I told my ex wife, big mistake, the above was just child's play for what happened then.  :'(

Worfy.  ;D

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2008, 01:36:50 pm »
There are no refuges for fathers and their children, only mothers.

It is a sad thing that the centers to help protect people think the only abusive people out there are men.  They also believe that women are the only ones who can raise a child.  Situations like yours, you have to turn the children over to Child Protective Services, then fight to get them back.  Just to get them away from an abusive mother.
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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2008, 01:14:19 am »
LOL dude.. that might qualify YOU as the evil ex.. :laugh:

as for my "evil" ex...turns out she didn't love me and not breaking up would have been a long-term disservice to us both..

Now.. psycho ex.. that's a different saga.. crazy people aren't really evil...

Nah, I was just a guy being a guy...well, a drunk guy being a drunk guy.

Now crazy Ive done. I dated a girl for about a month until I sobered up enough to realize that she talked to animals. Not in a normal way, mind you. She thought they answered back. No, Im not joking. She actually thought they were telling her stuff.

Last I heard, her parents signed papers so she could have an extended stay at Broughton Mental Hospital.

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Re: How evil was your ex?
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2008, 03:57:22 pm »
Ah that type of evil, o.k. let me tell you about my other Ex wife, with whom I had two children (foolish move, but I still love them too bits).

While we were married she would empty my bank account treating my ex mother-in-law to lavish lunches and buying expensive clothes. This was to the detriment of the two children for whom I struggled to buy descent shoes, clothes, etc. To this day i don't know how she kept getting into my account, but for the children's sake, I kept quiet and carried on working 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week.

She used to just flip and start screaming and shouting at the children "you moron", "spastic", "retard", etc. Then she would grab them by the hair and start swinging them around the room. Often I found bruises on there arms and backs, but she always denied hitting them when I was at work, but I did not believer her.

The youngest was so unsure about herself I used to have to sit in the 'Brownies' with her, the eldest never left my side.

Of course when I was present we used to have massive rows as I tried to stop her abusing the children.

When my children were old enough, I explained to them that I was leaving and would find a place for the 3 of use, cash was real tight so I could not take them with me straight away. There are no refuges for fathers and their children, only mothers. I told my ex wife, big mistake, the above was just child's play for what happened then.  :'(

Worfy.  ;D

Yep, you're beast was worse than mine. At least I never knocked up my Bal-rog, because she would never let me get past second base. Apparently, she was saving herself for the "right" guy, which is theoretically impossible since she was so inlove with herself.

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