
Who would enjoy playing a turn-based version of Starfleet Command

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Topic: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?  (Read 3513 times)

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Offline bbarr97

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Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« on: January 07, 2008, 10:46:15 pm »
With discussions of OP become open source at a stand still it is obvious to me it will never happen.  Too many personalities and licenses to rifle through for it to ever happen IMO (it would be great to be wrong though).

Some individuals have mentioned writing a new game using one of the game engines available for purchase (Torque 2D, Torque Advanced, Ogre, Radiant, etc.)
How possible this would be is up for speculation.  Honestly, it took a team of experience guys at Taldren 2+ years to make the game.  Anyway, if it were to be done I would personally prefer it be a turn based gamed.  One, it would be easier to make the weapon interaction rules work correctly and lessen the cludge fixes needed when going to real time.  Two, I think it would be easier.  Three, turn-based games have been black sheep of late and really could make a comeback.  Fourth, you can still make a turn based game look damn nice (pretty graphics and all with animation) and preserve the rules of the game.

At this point I am not interested in the legalities just the interest.  I am also not volunteering as this is a huge undertaking.  I am interested in playing around with the idea but life, time, money, kids, future, interest always fluctuate. 


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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 12:37:42 am »
After playing real time all this long....I think it would drive me insane... ;)

Also....considering the legalities......the legalities........ :D

BTW bbarr...we DO have the EAW source...and the OP server kit source...a way to bypass Gamespew for peer to peer play......and a re-connection to quicksilver...

Not exactly chop liver... ;D

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 08:45:48 am »
After playing real time all this long....I think it would drive me insane... ;)

Also....considering the legalities......the legalities........ :D

BTW bbarr...we DO have the EAW source...and the OP server kit source...a way to bypass Gamespew for peer to peer play......and a re-connection to quicksilver...

Not exactly chop liver... ;D

A turn based game might be alright, but I don't think that doing the full graphics and all would make it.  But maybe a good turn based SFB game would be great.

As for the source code, it is great it is in the hands of a few here but for the many who would like to do work on it, it is just like not having it.  So for the majority of us here, we would have to start from scratch to do anything in the same vein as SFC.
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Offline bbarr97

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 10:25:38 am »
Chop liver is too gross but how about chewed up steak?  Not as bad :)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 10:37:16 am by bbarr97 »

Offline bbarr97

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 11:43:08 am »

I disagree regarding the graphics.  If they are done properly they add to the immersion and can actually assist with gameplay.  I am not talking X3 type graphics but perhaps improvements such damage actually representing damage done to the ship and some animations.  Other than that, it would be similar to what current mod makers have made for SFC.  Also, it would be nice to see an improvement to the dynaverse portion.  Something that actually makes sense to the missions you get and what you see on the map.  More along the lines of F&E. 

Of course, having the source code and adding new things to it would be much better


A turn based game might be alright, but I don't think that doing the full graphics and all would make it.  But maybe a good turn based SFB game would be great.

As for the source code, it is great it is in the hands of a few here but for the many who would like to do work on it, it is just like not having it.  So for the majority of us here, we would have to start from scratch to do anything in the same vein as SFC.

I disagree regarding the graphics.  I think it adds to the immersion if done proberly. 

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 03:45:13 pm »
I've never played SFB after playing SFC, turn based would seem so silly after playing in real time for 7 years.
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Offline marstone

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2008, 04:42:31 pm »
Well, if I could see a mark-up of how the graphics would run it would help.  Have trouble imagining a turn based game with streaming graphics.  (cut scenes maybe).  But dropping to a turn based interface would allow you to add alot of the SFB game that is impractical to do in real-time. 
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Offline AlchemistiD

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 05:00:18 pm »
One could always use the RPG Maker 2K/2K3/XP/VX.

Offline bbarr97

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2008, 08:19:48 pm »
I admit that I have not played SFB since SFC either.  I was never in the mood to track 20 counters, speed, fill out the EAF for multiple ships and what not.  I have always liked turn based strategy games though and it would actually be fun to play SFB when everything is calculated for you (i.e. the rules are enforced and executed by computer code).  A game would still move pretty fast because SFB games can end quite rapidly in one short range pass.

Any way, I think I would enjoy it but my intent is not to convince people.  Perhaps turn based tactical/strategy games have seen the end of their days?

I've never played SFB after playing SFC, turn based would seem so silly after playing in real time for 7 years.

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2008, 08:32:14 pm »
I'm interested... I've been working for quite a while on something similar.... kind of play by email, with a map and a moderator.... please, have a look at what I'm talking about.... http://fantasytrek.blogspot.com/  not completely a plug, I swear.... just that you reminded me of what I'm doing
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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2008, 08:36:52 pm »
now I would love a turned based SFB game to play online with my friends.  I haven't been able to play for many years as we have scattered to the four corners of the USA many years ago.

I have had plans to try and write a SFB/Fed and Empire style game for online play, but have not got it going as of yet, (well, alittle but not much).

I would love to get my hands on the graphic engine from EAW, oh what could be done with that. (but plans for that isn't turn based)
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Offline Leto Atreides

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2008, 04:51:54 pm »
I loved Sid Meier's Civilization games.  If there was a SFB version I'd be one of the first to buy it. 

Offline marstone

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2008, 06:15:47 pm »
I loved Sid Meier's Civilization games.  If there was a SFB version I'd be one of the first to buy it. 

In the Sid Meier's Civ type, making a Federation and Empire game would be great.  Hmm, maybe a winter project to tinker on.  Couldn't be sold because of copyright and all, but for private use between friends (like all on here), it would be good.
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2008, 04:10:12 pm »
Federation and Empire would be SOOOOO AWESOME to be able to play, as long as it was bugtested enough so I didn't have to worry more about the bugs than playing F&E on a computer (AWEESOME IDEA!!!!).
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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2008, 04:50:12 pm »
Our campaign games are turn based, campaign turns, that is.

Many of the rules for this evolved from F&E (like "Intercept" from that game.) and this system was created back then for SFB,.. but now has evovled over the years for SFC.

There just is no graphical interface for them like in Dynaverse.  Battle is real time IP hosted games.

And ya I tried going back to old SFB and it was sooooo slow it drove me crazy.


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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2008, 09:04:24 pm »
I've always wanted the Campaign map section to be better in SFC.
So some kind of enhanced mix would be better for me.
Kind of like a mix of Birth of the Federation with the ship combat style of SFC.
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Offline Tulwar

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Re: Interest in a Turn Based SFC Game?
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2008, 12:05:29 am »
Back before SFC, I had imagined a game similar to Harpoon.  Your ships are icons on a map, each icon representing a unit, whether the unit was a single shuttle or an invasion fleet.  You could get down and tinker with or separate ships from a formation, launch carriers strikes and that sort of thing.  The game would opperate in real time, but you could set time compression so you wouldn't have to wait a month before you made contact with the enemy.  You would have options for tatics, but the fighting would be handled by the computer automaticly.
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