I happened to be in Long Beach this weekend, and to escape sitting through 3 hours of watching dance competitions after my daughter competed, took my son to he Star Trek Tour.
http://www.startrek.com/custom/include/community/tour/Overall, pretty cool. I'll try to post some photos, but here's my take on it
1) 4 flight simulators: 2 standard sit & ride with limited hydraulic motion, 2 were full 360 degree rotating. All showed the same film (voiced by Worf).
2) Next Gen Bridge: wait in long line (~ 1 hr) to sit at the station of your choosing for a photo op (no personal photos)
3) Original Enterprise bridge (ditto situation with the Next Gen bridge, although I thought this cooler)
4) Walkable Next Gen corridor mockup with viewable Sickbay (2 beds), crew quarters, and photo op transporter room (beam out/in done of you on television monitor)
5) Costumes (many costumes, seemingly original, of all Trek eras)
6) Small enclosed displays of props (tricorders, phaser rifles, etc)
7) Ship models (1701D saucer from Generations crash, shuttles, 1701D filming model, gold models ala in Picard's ready room, etc)

Small Next Gen engineering table with replica walls and backdrop for photo op
9) Other assorted props (Q's chair from the pilot, Klingon council chamber throne)
10) Guardian of Forever mockup (photo op)
11) TV monitors with unique clips for most of the costume displays
12) Stations with interactive trivia (yes, I ace'ed it twice)
13) Final movie "encounter" starring Wesley & Tuvok as officers on the Triton
Food was OK (Wolfgang Puck catered), some items to buy (signed paintings, t-shirts, coffee mugs, action figures)
...and always the snickering fun of seeing some dork all dressed up in their Trek costumes striking an "action pose" near a prop....
Overall, I'd recommend it. I think it was ~$30 for adult, ~$16 12&under, no reentry.