I was going on the Franz Joseph ST Technical Manual and the Space Flight Chronology, as the latter gives the Vulcan homeworld orbiting Altair. Now as Rich Sternbech is one of Paramount's "Star Trek gods", this does kind of give Altair more weight.
In canon, Vulcan's home star isn't actually named.
For the LAN campaigns I programmed the computer to throw up a map of random star systems on a 2D plain..... well I ws working with an 8 bit computer back then (for SFB) and now run the exact same programme on a PC emulator.
The planets are just numbered and have no names.
I seriously do need to write a more modern version and maybe in 3D, though thinking out tactcal moves and attack plans in 3D, let alone the shape of a front line, isn't something the human brain is used to. We are ground dwellers after all and think in 2D map wise.
Where is the Pakled homeworld??
It's a shame that the "hard of understanding" Pakled didn't appear in DS9 or TNG more often. I've both met and had bosses who could qualify as a Pakled!!

I'm surprised that the Ferengi hadn't exploited the Pakeld yet for profit. I mean selling them Kellog's Al Bran in bulk to make them go!!