I thought that it was a fancy high tech bottle opener for a while!!

I always carry a bottle opener just in case of emergencies such as accidentally being trapped in a beer cellar for instance.

I have a couple of Uniden CB rigs from the 1980's upstairs, which still work quite well. Compared to the Cybernet boarded junk, they were and are always superiour.... even to Midland.
In the US Uniden was marketed under the "President" logo, so if you've ever owned a "President" CB rig, you were using a Uniden built piece of quality radio kit.
Strange difference in terminoloy between the US and UK regarding the ownership and use of illegal linear amplifiers with CB radio equipment..... in the US their refered to as "Boots" and over here "Attenna Defrosting Units", which is basically what they literally do. Watching "Saint Elmo's Fire" being created on an antenna system with a kliowatt of HF charging the polarised field during a drizzly rain storm is quite awe inspiring!!

Yes the "thing" does look like a decnt piece of art work, better than some of that crap normally displayed in art galleries.