Topic: Call of Duty 5 : World at War  (Read 1351 times)

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Call of Duty 5 : World at War
« on: November 13, 2008, 05:37:27 am »
I just got it and I'm installing it now.. will let you know how it plays tomorrow night or the following morning

Multi-player should be fun.. graphics from what I have seen seem to be much improved.
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Call of Duty 5 : World at War
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2008, 08:31:14 am »
Is that the beta? Or is it out already?
Lord Krueg
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Call of Duty 5 : World at War
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2008, 04:57:24 pm »
It is out in some areas already.. I have the full version.. They even have a patch out for it already..

This game has many hardware issues currently..

If your audio card is Realtek (and mine is) you will experience problems with having the ability to get the game to launch.. and after you do reconfig your audio card  and game launches.. you may or may not be able to connect online

I am able to play the single player mode..  and the storyline has short rounds / missions.. You are limited to playing a marine or a Russian depending on the part of the story you are in. Reminds me of COD 2 the way the missions work using COD 4 game engine.

Replay value of this game will be in Modding and Multiplayer.. unfortunately the game doesn't like much hardware and loves low resolution settings... They recommend 800x600 video settings.. I mean that went out the window what 7 years ago?

They recommend in XP to lower your graphics card hardware acceleration down to BASIC levels.

They recommend that if you have a RealTek audio card, Get the Microsoft Audio Drivers 6.0 instead of the Official Realtek drivers because it will cause a networking conflict in the game (don't ask me how, but it is true.. first hand experience)

They recommend disconnecting routers or setting machine to DMZ or port forwarding.. but the emphasis was on disconnecting the router all together.

Plus I had to also do a mexican hat dance with Control panel trying to config my rig in both XP and Vista just to get the game to launch in Single player, haven't gotten the Multi-player game mode to recognize that I am online.

This game will need several patch levels before it is market ready.. oops it is for sale.. you can order it directly from Activision or you can order from Wal-Mart.

Great concept game, poor work on hardware compatibility, poor work on mission lengths, great detail graphics, however not DirectX 10 compliant.. it is still DirectX 9.0c rendering.. Acceptable, but missing all the GOOD stuff in graphics.. Physics are OK but not great.

rating from 1 to 10.. I give it a 5 with patch possibility of making it to a 7 ... Missions can be tricky, but when you die, pattern repeats exactly as before, no randomization, enemy targets are all in same spot, so if you die, it is quite easy for you to adapt to where the enemy is and beat the levels fairly quickly.. I cleared 6 levels in 2 hours.. way too easy, and I had it on the 2nd highest difficulty out of 4 settings..

COD fans will like the graphics.. but Modern Warfare is superior to World at War in compatibility, and scripting. Graphics are a bit better in World at War but renedered on same engine as Modern Warfare.

me, I'm mixed.. and somewhat disappointed... I had a Beta to try the game online.. I couldn't connect.. I bought the game and installed, patched and still can't connect online.. I will try Gamespy Arcade to see if I can back door my way into Multi-player, but in Game controls with my hardware is broke.. all because of the Realtek audio card.
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Call of Duty 5 : World at War
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2008, 06:33:34 pm »
Good Lord...
I was considering getting it, but...
Somehow I don't see myself going through all that crap...
I have Realtek HiDef 5:1 audio and like my 1920x1080 resolution.  ;D
I wasn't all that impressed with COD4 anyway.
I've never been a real big FPS kinda player.
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead