So I figure everyone's always "talking" about role playing but no one ever does anything about it.
So I figured- what the heck, I'll fly alliance and write up a backstory so enthralling it will enrich your feeble little minds far more than anything you've known
so far in your blighted little lives. A personal glimpse into the inner workings of my mind, a glimpse that- although fleeting- will forever be remembered as perhaps the one instant where my sheer brilliance cut through the perpetual daze the great unwashed masses live in. But I digress...
Unfortunately I'll need a BCPP for my Alliance account at the start to make it convincing.
So before I get started I just thought I'd make sure that the swanky new interface we're allegedly using won't have any issues with giving me one.
Or another one should some failing in the game's program cause the first one to be...unavailable.