Let's see what's been happing to me. Got my car impounded last year and lost my job because of it. Did manage to get back into town from sirgod's place , but then the Ice storm hit and I spent a week at the convention center downtown because of it. spent a month about in a homeless shelter, as I did not want to get sirgods friend in trouble with their landlord, as I really wasn't suppose to be there.
Did get a job while I was at the shelter but a better job came up paying twice the amount, so I had to take the chance. I'm now living in Guymon Oklahoma, at another shelter but am working on finding a rental which is hard as there is not a lot to rent, so I'm probably going to be staying at the shelter for the whole time allowed which is 3 months.
Found out I am claustrophobic, had a panic attack yesterday in the department they started me out in which was pulling fat off the insides of the hogs and it is a very small area with four of us in there, kinda came on all at once, but it worked for the best as I got moved to washing hooks a open area took a dollar a hour pay cut but still I'll make good money(11.30)hour and I stay cleaner overthere too.
It will be later on this year before I can get my own computer again, this one is the libraries that I'm on so responding will be spotty at best.
Oh the place I'm working at here in Guymon is Seaboard farms pork plant working full time with 8 hours guaranteed overtime, other than the panic attack I had it's not a bad place too work. And so far I haven't lost my cookies I thought I would by now seeing all that I have seen and I I still can eat lunch and keep it down when I go back to work on the kill floor which is where my sation is at.
but anyway that's kinda whats been happing to me to date, Ill post more when I can. Talk to you all wehn I can.