Topic: Strange New Worlds Planetpack  (Read 42061 times)

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Offline I, Mudd.

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Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« on: January 25, 2008, 11:47:20 am »

This was sort of an experiment that didn't turn out too badly, so I thought I'd share.
As usual, to download, just click my sig and it's available - located in Available Starships for lack of a better place.



Offline atheorhaven

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2008, 11:55:52 am »
This looks great!  Nicely done.. :)
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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been too lazy to update it!  Check Battleclinic!

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2008, 12:36:15 pm »
Got it. Thanks, I'll check it out after work. Looks fantastic in the screenies, though.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2008, 05:23:58 pm »
Strangely, I cannot find where I put my pics. Anyway, maybe you remember reading them, Mudd? I'll have to find them prolly. Do you do hardpointing Mudd? FS and I were going to update the OPPlus 4.0 Models and No-Models pack if we could ever find a new planet author to rehardpoint the planets:,163350267.msg1122495880.html#msg1122495880

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2008, 05:51:09 pm »
Actually Dizzy, I used that and another planet thread as a guide ... In fact, the Hardpoint legend I used as a guide and included in the pack is probably your pic ... I wasn't sure who's it was ... It was just one of those things you flag and mean to get to and by the time you do get to it you realize you forgot where you got it from ... lol.

All I can say about the pack, is these Planets can be tough customers against drones and fighters ... and they will catch missiles with tractors and take them out with phasers, just like point defense. Of course, any weapon that uses a 360 degree firing arc still doesn't work right ... but then, if you are custom making missions, why not add a defense platform or starbase? (I actually toyed with the idea of including a defense platform in the model, where hardpoint 25, which is not used, could be set for a missile launcher or Plasma Torpedo Satellite ... but it would prove to be as indestructible as the planet, so I 86'd that idea ... for now.)

Anyways, Thanks all for checking these things out. Much appreciated;


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2008, 06:27:51 pm »
Nice work there I, Mudd.

Yet another reason why SFC: OP is still around after all these years. Planetary seige/raid missions are going to be MUCH more interesting now.

What I would like to see next is a newer Planet pack with planets of different sizes and planets with moons. Maybe a simple 1:1 replacement pack?

Priority of work IMHO, would be a variety of Earth-sized planets based on exisiting models such as Romulus and Remus that were kitbashed together by Chris Jones and company for SFC3 IIRC. Earth with a moon was put in Bonk's SFB OP 4.0 using a model from Fleetdock 13 and then a gas giant or two (anyone for defense posts hidden in the upper layers of the gas giant clouds?).

Well done sir!

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Offline I, Mudd.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2008, 06:49:28 pm »
Well, remember, planets are just simple models too ... their sizes can be altered with Model.siz. As for moons, the thought did cross my mind while putting this together,  but for a first time 'test the waters' sort of thing, I left out the moons, ringed and multi ringed worlds (think Pitch Black ...), asteroids, Space Elevators from surface to orbital stations ... just to name a few things I jotted down on the notepad while building/painting/editing.

Fear not ... these things will see a gaming screen near you in Pack II (Which I'm fairly certain I will be putting together in maybe a month or so ... after a few more things on my list...



Offline Dizzy

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2008, 06:58:04 pm »
Can u post those pics you have?

Offline I, Mudd.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2008, 07:01:22 pm »
I suppose so ... it's included in the download, though ...


Offline Dizzy

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2008, 07:43:19 pm »
Yup! That's my pic. What about the side pics, have those 2? Did you place all of these hardpoints along the equator? Currently, stock planets have the hardpoints halfway up to the poles. This prevents Ph3's from doing PD.

My project requires all the stock planets be rehardpointed. I dont care if they are retextured, but from your package, seems as if you did a good job. Mudd, you have no idea how much an impact this will have on planet assaults on the dynaverse, do you? This would be a huge deal.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2008, 07:50:17 pm »
Awesome prospects with new hardpoints.  Now if only there is a way to put real ground bases on a planet (I shant hold my breath).  Would add more nasties to planet assaults.  But this is a great thing, you can fake ground bases mostly this way.
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Offline I, Mudd.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2008, 08:19:52 pm »
Yeah Dizzy ... I have play tested these things for the last few days ...

(I've never had so tough a time taking a planet ... I expect a long session when taking a planet ... this was a marathon ... but then, this one was exceptional. The hardpoints are equatorial ... and work fabulously with the correct arcs as depicted in your guide ... The tractors would catch the missiles, phaser-3s and/or Phaser-Gs would act as point defense when needed ... getting too close made Phaser -4s working in concert with 3s and Gs a bit of a problem and disruptors and PPDs would just pummel you. The planet even managed to attack with marines, if you got too close to take screenies ... What a blast! I love this game!!! lol. )

I also included that particularly nasty planet as an exported shipedit file (EAW, but that can be used both in EAW and OP, as where an OP shipedit file is not always as reversable.), not just to be Uberplanet, but as a template for ease of setting up your own planets utilizing these firing arcs. The png files are templates to help you create your own strange new worlds (simple details of their usage in the read me file ...)

You had a great idea ... I just gave it a meager facelift with someone else's idea for atmospheric effects.

I guess that's kind of like calling myself a tool ... lol.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2008, 08:31:15 pm »
I was thinking, for variety sake and realistically, not all planets/moons need or should have atmosphere effects.

Also have you considered hardpointing some asteroids?

SFC2 and SFC3 have quite a variety that could be slipped into asteroid field missions...

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Offline I, Mudd.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2008, 08:46:25 pm »
Actually, that is present in the pack. Two planets I can think of off the top of my head Don't have the atmospheric layer activated (Blank texture.)

I designed this as a substitution for my own Planet models, (which, incidentally, seem to share the same model in the stock game anyways - just appropriately renamed) but after seeing the way they work, it was too cool not to share. Besides ... Dizzy came up with the HP template ... and this idea was tailor made for Dyna play ... which I miss because of Vista, but that's another story.

Hardpointing asteroids was more than a passing thought of mine I was hinting at earlier above, using a base station as a guide in shipedit, along with the new arc system (I'm a sucker for the idea of Jindarians ... maybe after the Romulan Wars ships are started ... I'll get around to it I'd love to see a Jindarian fleet ... or just a mined asteroid field ... :D ... so, hey,  if you're feeling froggy and need these ideas quicker, jump on it! lol.)



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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2008, 10:53:00 pm »
I' Mudd,

I have completed converting Planet Hydra and Planet Gorn 1-3 from the STOCK OP models with your test planet mod. Nicely done.

I was wondering if the planets axis could be turned or a texture set be made to mimic a 45 degree axis or even a [searches for correct words] north to south rotation?

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2008, 11:22:38 pm »
I havent D/Led the pack yet, but will do so soon. Am I to guess right that not every stock planet has been converted? If they are, I can test them and then redo the OPPlus 4.0 shiplist to match it then send it to Firesoul so he can release the OPPlus 5.0 version. Any chance on having all stock planets rehardpointed?

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2008, 11:42:58 pm »
I havent D/Led the pack yet, but will do so soon. Am I to guess right that not every stock planet has been converted? If they are, I can test them and then redo the OPPlus 4.0 shiplist to match it then send it to Firesoul so he can release the OPPlus 5.0 version. Any chance on having all stock planets rehardpointed?

I'm sure I, Mudd's test planet pack makes the planet models all the same size.

I have been able to customize the following STOCK planets using Taldrens's STOCK textures and I, Mudd's test planet pack to my satisfaction:

Planet Lyra
Planet Hydra
Planet Gorn1
Planet Gorn2
Planet Gorn3

My preference would be to have a RANGE in "Class M" planet sizes.

I have two planet textures from I  believe a Klingon Academy texture pack from Darkdrone one of which allowed me to have ONE I, Mudd planet with east-west poles.

Also the following SFC3 planet textures work well with I, Mudd's planet pack:

Planet Storm = SFC3 Dracaena
Planet City Night =SFC3 Shinzandra
Planet Mirak = SFC3 Ghostly
Planet Romulus =SFC3 Planet Romulus

I have a few miscellaneous planets that have moons, planetary rings or are dead worlds that I don't feel need atmosphere effects.

This is what I have explored so far.


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Offline I, Mudd.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2008, 10:55:23 am »
Well, yes, those things could be done, either by adjusting/rotating the mesh, or by some Photoshop editing ... but I included all the tools so folks could do just what you are doing. I didn't think one modeler could tackle the demands of an entire community of likes and dislikes when it came to something as variable and objectable as a planet.

Again, Model.siz can make them whatever size you need for whatever mission ... as for moons in the mesh itself, either someone will come along and do it before I do, or I'll add things like this in Pack II in a couple of weeks.

As far as airless worlds, either turn off the atmosphere by blacking out the two 'a' textures or simply import the mod into max, delete the outer sphere, re-export. I'll be doing some of these things in the second pack, plus adding illuminations to the planet itself ... but as I am in the process of moving right now ... it's not going to happen overnight ... lol.

IIRC, most all of the stock planets were fairly perpendicular in alignment ... I thought about tilting the planet, but then, if someone were to ever edit the thing as a Starbase rather than a Planet in ShipEdit, then the thing would rotate on a serious wobble ... (Why would anyone ever do such a thing? Destructable bases on the planet, for one ... if the object is to capture and not destroy, this might be a set of victory conditions ...)


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2008, 11:56:38 am »
Have at it... I put this together specifically for such a purpose ... convert and edit to your hearts content!



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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2008, 12:03:38 pm »
I, Mudd,

These models should be included in the next OP+ update Pestalence puts out. EXCELLENT work and Well done!

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2008, 03:04:35 pm »
I, Mudd,

These models should be included in the next OP+ update Pestalence puts out. EXCELLENT work and Well done!


Cant do that. This has to be a standard dyna upgrade because both the drafter and draftees need to have the same models or you will get vastly different missions. It has to be part of both the models and the No_models version of OPPlus.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2008, 04:02:45 pm »
If that's the case, Dizzy, modifying the hardpoints on the stock models won't make a lick of difference, because then that model has been altered, thus no longer stock. You would have to have either one of these models I whipped up, or an altered stock model, either way, a no models mod would be out of the question, unless you know of another way to edit hardpoints rather than simply moving them around in a modeling program.

At this point, I think I should make it clear, that while I'm not opposed to seeing this pack included with such a great mod to be made available here at Dynaverse or wherever, I really don't care for the idea of posting this pack, per say, or any of my stuff as presented for that matter, anywhere but Planet Mudd for availability. However, mods like the one suggested are okay because that's really beyond the scope of what I do anyways and would sort of defeat the purpose of the Planetpacks re-hardpointing. So, If it's part of a mod, well cool ... that's understandable and I'm okay with that ...

... but If you are changing up textures and posting it, at say, Battleclinic, ... which I really more than half expected, ... well,  I'll meet you halfway if you at least have a little courtesy and post a shot or two of what you're doing over at my site, maybe with a link provided back to , say, Battleclinic, for downloading, if that's where you are uploading it to. Hell, if you are posting it for download, why not ask me to host it for you? It's a simple thing, really.

Folks playing with things like this, whether re-texturing or kitbashing, has really helped keep this community alive for so long. Out of respect for these modders, I have opened up a Mod Shop section of Planet Mudd, with the Scrapyard and Paint Jobs, for example, and these sections are open to requests, whether I build them or some other kitbasher does. I saw this as encouragement to all those guys to go ahead and have fun. All I ask is a few screenshots or display pictures of what you've done, and maybe a link to get it. Consider this a modification/update to the whole permission thing.

Just to be clear, I'm not picking on Battleclinic or anyone in particular, by any means, so don't take that wrong. The last thing I want is to stir up another hornets nest in the form of what I consider a 'dead horse discussion'. I simply see it as redundant to repost any of my work, as I have presented it, on another site other than mine.

That said, I'd also appreciate variations of my work, kitbashes and re-textures, acknowledged/recognized/recorded at the same place you got it from. Call me a completest, call me eccentric ... Call it a personality glitch or ego or  whatever, I don't care ... I just like things relatively orderly and centralized when it comes to stuff like this. Personally, I hate searching all over the place for stuff I want ... and Battleclinic, for instance, is huge and takes me a while to find what I might want.

I hope all that came out right and didn't make me sound like a control freak/model nazis or something. :P I'm really more concerned with having fun with this stuff, but at the same time, I like the idea a tidy community. I'd expect to find Wicked Zombie models at his site, and I'd expect to find Lord Schtupp's models at his ... not repeated over and over at other locations.

anywho ... in the paraphrased words of another SFCer, carry on.


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2008, 04:19:53 pm »
Coolness; Looking forward to seeing that!



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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2008, 04:25:47 pm »
...either way, a no models mod would be out of the question, unless you know of another way to edit hardpoints rather than simply moving them around in a modeling program.

FS and I both know this and we have already discussed it. His No_Models version of OPPlus would have to use 'I, Mudd's Planet Pack' as would his models version. Technically you couldn't call it a no_models version if it had a planet pack, but there's no other way to fix Taldren's 3D planet goof with a 2D battlefield. Both D/Leds would feature your planet pack exclusively. This is mainly a Dynaverse fix and as such will forever alter the missions and the game for the better. FS and I are only interested in a planet modelpack where every planet model has the exact same HP location. Every stock planet would need to be done as you have done to your test Planet. Basically we would be replacing them all. Furthermore, it's not my concern in seeing your planets be individually uploaded or downloaded elsewhere, as that is up to you and your wishes on the reuse of your models, rather, your work would be exclusive and integrated within the OPPlus shipslist D/Leds only and also available wherever else you intend to upload them. My concern, again, is only to have them included in the two OPPlus versions to replace the stock planets. I, Mudd, for a very long time, the dynaverse community has wanted to have this type project come to fruition. I hope you will help us.

I D/Led your pack and am impressed with the Atmospheric glow. Very cool! You say you are going to add illuminations? That'd make it even cooler! Ever tried colored illuminate maps?


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2008, 04:52:37 pm »
As you describe things, Dizzy, I have no issue with that whatsoever.

As for the other models in the stock game being remodeled/replaced, for me to do it, it'll be a week or two, because of the logistics of moving and when my phone line for DSL becomes active in the new place. it's a rural area ... you take what you can get. :P As I have said, I have no problem with anyone else doing what they can to contribute, outside of some meager requests. That's sorta why I presented the Planetpack as it is. That won't stop me from making Pack II, but the good thing is they will be built on the exact same hardpoint template you came up with, so they would be perfectly compatable.

I used to use colored illuminate maps all the time ... but in the interest of filesizes I stopped. Textures make more of a difference to playability than polycount, believe it or not. The differences between colored lightmaps and black and white ones, visually, is neglegible to the game.


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2008, 05:24:31 pm »
Whoohaw! Thanks for the help Mudd. This will make a

 If your time table is two weeks, then no rush. We need time to properly integrate them into OPPlus shiplist and installer. I'll need to notify FS too. My next server is slated to start trials next week so this project will wait for my next server after this one. So take your time. To tell the truth, I cant wait! These new planets you rehardpointed will rock the dyna!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2008, 05:48:14 pm »
If that's the case, Dizzy, modifying the hardpoints on the stock models won't make a lick of difference, because then that model has been altered, thus no longer stock. You would have to have either one of these models I whipped up, or an altered stock model, either way, a no models mod would be out of the question, unless you know of another way to edit hardpoints rather than simply moving them around in a modeling program.

At this point, I think I should make it clear, that while I'm not opposed to seeing this pack included with such a great mod to be made available here at Dynaverse or wherever, I really don't care for the idea of posting this pack, per say, or any of my stuff as presented for that matter, anywhere but Planet Mudd for availability. However, mods like the one suggested are okay because that's really beyond the scope of what I do anyways and would sort of defeat the purpose of the Planetpacks re-hardpointing. So, If it's part of a mod, well cool ... that's understandable and I'm okay with that ...

... but If you are changing up textures and posting it, at say, Battleclinic, ... which I really more than half expected, ... well, I'll meet you halfway if you at least have a little courtesy and post a shot or two of what you're doing over at my site, maybe with a link provided back to , say, Battleclinic, for downloading, if that's where you are uploading it to. Hell, if you are posting it for download, why not ask me to host it for you? It's a simple thing, really.

Folks playing with things like this, whether re-texturing or kitbashing, has really helped keep this community alive for so long. Out of respect for these modders, I have opened up a Mod Shop section of Planet Mudd, with the Scrapyard and Paint Jobs, for example, and these sections are open to requests, whether I build them or some other kitbasher does. I saw this as encouragement to all those guys to go ahead and have fun. All I ask is a few screenshots or display pictures of what you've done, and maybe a link to get it. Consider this a modification/update to the whole permission thing.

Just to be clear, I'm not picking on Battleclinic or anyone in particular, by any means, so don't take that wrong. The last thing I want is to stir up another hornets nest in the form of what I consider a 'dead horse discussion'. I simply see it as redundant to repost any of my work, as I have presented it, on another site other than mine.

That said, I'd also appreciate variations of my work, kitbashes and re-textures, acknowledged/recognized/recorded at the same place you got it from. Call me a completest, call me eccentric ... Call it a personality glitch or ego or whatever, I don't care ... I just like things relatively orderly and centralized when it comes to stuff like this. Personally, I hate searching all over the place for stuff I want ... and Battleclinic, for instance, is huge and takes me a while to find what I might want.

I hope all that came out right and didn't make me sound like a control freak/model nazis or something. :P I'm really more concerned with having fun with this stuff, but at the same time, I like the idea a tidy community. I'd expect to find Wicked Zombie models at his site, and I'd expect to find Lord Schtupp's models at his ... not repeated over and over at other locations.

anywho ... in the paraphrased words of another SFCer, carry on.



All work in the OP Enhancement Package is properly credited for all content (read the posted readme files I do above the DL link).. so you need not worry about that..

Dizzy is correct about it being added to OP + because of the Model.siz file and the shiplist.txt file.

One thing I could suggest is that Planets have Fighter Bays added.. what planet would not have defense fighters?

The Platet pack is an excellent idea and would be a fantastic addition to the OP Enhancement Package...

Taldren Stock would not be able to utilize anything except the Model itself, but OP +, and any future mods would benifit from it greatly (and Dyna servers).. and I can redo OP + Hard Core to include the new planets unless Diz and Firesoul plan to do it..

Anyhow.. let me know.. This does give the the Idea of Taldren Stock Enhanced for OP Enhancement Package for use with the EEK and NW conquest campaigns... I think I'll give it a shot and see whaqt happens.. I'll contact ya by PM to give ya first copy for testing and permission for release in the OPE..

Thanks. Keep up the fantastic work.
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2008, 05:59:56 pm »
I do plan to work with FS on this and push it out in time for the next server. I'd wait till I get it done, Pesty, cuz I'll have to redo the shiplist parts to take advantage of the new HPs. That will make it easy for you to include it in OPPlus Hardcore.

Fighterbays on planets wont work I dont think but be nice if they did, nor will drones because they are omni directional and pass thru the planet causing nasty collision sounds. Fighters, drones and such can be handled easily enough by a DefSat that is coded by the script and modded by the shiplist. The main thing is the equatorial placement of HP's allowing proper point defense and adequate Heavy Weapons fire. What I'm intrigued by are the tactor beams. They stop drones? Cool.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2008, 06:10:04 pm »
One thing I could suggest is that Planets have Fighter Bays added.. what planet would not have defense fighters?

Well, that's really a matter of ShipEdit editing, isn't it? Do we know exactly which Dummy object in the model file actually supports fighter/shuttlecraft launching? When I did this, I moved all the dummy object to the exterior of the model proper, keeping the hardpoints aligned along the equator in the specific order Dizzy had outline ... but as for damage points and other dummy object I aligned them just above and below the equator, in case I had to make an alteration ... that way I wouldn't have to guess which dummy was which.

If Fighters/PFs/Shuttlecraft are launched from the center of a mesh, which would be catastrophic for the small craft due to planet collision, this is probably due to a default location, and there might be a dummy object we've missed to handle just such a situation. (Apparently, the reason the tractor beams are working is because, in order to hardpoint this, I imported a stock Starbase I think it was near the top of the models folder list ... might have been dsb ... not sure  ... don't remember ..., and used all the dummies from it ... )
If nobody knows for sure which dummy handles small craft, we'd just need to find a stock model that deploys these small craft from alternate locations rather than the default middle of the mesh ... sadly, right now I simply don't have time to research this ... as I am typing responses between filling up boxes ... lol.

Fear not, the computer and the TVs are among the last things to go, if I have anything to say about it ... lol.

And once again, if any of you mod makers wanna use this, have at it - to include what you are doing too Pesty!  ;)



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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2008, 10:35:56 pm »
Cool.. What we need for planet textures is some way for the community to decide on them.. the reason I state this is because my pack is to include the most commonly used / requested items for the game..

What I can do is put a batch file in that can adjust the textures or revert them back at a player's whim.. or they can modify them on a file by file basis, making them truly custom.

that is easy enough to do..

Anyhow Diz.. just let me know when it is ready..

Also PM me your current Email addy.. I have a script package that is updated with newer NW mission scripts.. You can sort through them to check which you want.. but I have found some on Stray's tavern.. like Allied Assault and so forth.. I don't know where he got them.. there are 12 new scripts he had that I did not find on NW's site.. SO I leached them out of his DL to add to the Enhancement Pack..
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2008, 10:45:41 pm »
As long as folks just edit the BMP content of the planet's textures and don't rename the textures, they already can put whatever textures they like on these meshes, like Klingon Fanatic is doing with the two templates I included in the Planetpack ... One is a guide to place the texure on the model, according to it's mapping, and the other is the shadow effect, to be placed on top of the BMP before you export/save as a BMP.

Just being helpful ... lol


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2008, 10:59:52 pm »
Do we know exactly which Dummy object in the model file actually supports fighter/shuttlecraft launching? When I did this, I moved all the dummy object to the exterior of the model proper... but as for damage points and other dummy object I aligned them just above and below the equator, in case I had to make an alteration ... that way I wouldn't have to guess which dummy was which.

If Fighters/PFs/Shuttlecraft are launched from the center of a mesh, which would be catastrophic for the small craft due to planet collision, this is probably due to a default location, and there might be a dummy object we've missed to handle just such a situation. (Apparently, the reason the tractor beams are working is because, in order to hardpoint this, I imported a stock Starbase I think it was near the top of the models folder list ... might have been dsb ... not sure  ... don't remember ..., and used all the dummies from it ... )
If nobody knows for sure which dummy handles small craft, we'd just need to find a stock model that deploys these small craft from alternate locations rather than the default middle of the mesh ... sadly, right now I simply don't have time to research this ... as I am typing responses between filling up boxes ... lol.

Wow... You will be my personal hero if uve figured out how to get shuttles and ftrs to launch from a planet!!! In fact, you may have already placed the dummy object that does it outside the mesh and it may work, I simply cant test this atm. I'll try to test it this week, but if fts launch from planets, that'd be HUGE.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2008, 08:30:19 am »
Dizzy, I tinkered around for about an hour last night, and I couldn't find anything. I even adjusted the model away from it's center point to see if it would then launch ... it would not ... It could be because of the Planet clasification setting adjustable in ShipEdit as to why fighters WILL NOT launch. I didn't test it as a Starbase or Base Station though, only because that would remove the collision effect and make the planet destructable, which seems undesirable in a dyna server situation. It seems defense platforms and orbital bases stuck in seperately are the way to go at this point.

On another front ... Well, it's finally just about time to disconnect the PC and ship it to the new apartment. Because of this, I will be offline until the transition is complete and all the utilities have been carried over.
I don't think anyone looks forward to moving, I certainly don't, but it's for the best. Hopefully, this won't be any longer than a week, but ... well, you all know how life has a way of happening when you're making plans and all ...

Hope to see you all in about a week or so in new RL diggs.



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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2008, 08:38:56 am »
gl with the move. Too bad on the ftrs, huh?

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #34 on: January 29, 2008, 03:57:01 pm »
IM, I wanted to thank you for the new planet pack and textures. This is excllent eye candy. Litttle upgrades like this make SFC better all the time. Nice work!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2008, 09:44:56 am »
I, Mudd, I hope the move went well.

This topic is too low on the page.

Wish list: Hard pointed STOCK asteroids to make Nuclear Wessels mission packs better (and to placehold for Jindarian ships), larger gas giants, ringed planets and planets with moons.

This is REALLY going to change how we all play SFC:OP...


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2008, 11:22:16 am »
SFC 1 allows for Drone to be launched from planets, as they have this i the options for planets and asteroids in the SFBSPC13.TXT spec file.

In SFB it is recomended that fighters be based in orbiting hangar pods, as this is what they're intended for and it eliminates wasting a turn clearing the atmosphere if one is present.

I've read up the rules in SFB Volume.III. Commander's Edition Rule Book and even have the Ground Based Phaser SSD.

OK SFB numbers typical colony defence to be 6 x evenly spaced GBP emplacements space around the equator. Up to 24 are allowed in SFB rules for larger populations .

Each emplacement has 4 x APR, 1 x Ph4 and 2 x Ph3 as weapons. the single #1 Shield is 12 boxes in strength.

There is a list of Klingon, Gorn, Kzinti, Lyran, etc. variations of the GBP with the range 50 Disrupter replacing the for the Klingons, Kzinti and Lyrans. Use the Dis4 instead.

This would make the GBP a GBD instead.

In SFC we only have the range 15 to range 40 Disrupters, as the range 10 and range 50 ones have been left out. Freighters and PFs use the range 10 ones, so these are actually slightly overgunned in SFC.

I can scan in the tables and SSD in it is requested.

General defences used here in SFC 1 LAN games are:

Def Sat
Captor Mines (Tractors and holds a ship, explosion value 500 to 1,000 so shooting it sin't very smart!!)
Kzinti Drone Mines (Tractors a ship and then pounds it with Drones.... sneaky and nasty!!)
Orbiting Fighter Pods (These actually can move at speed 1 on Impulse Power)
Orbiting PF Tender Pods (Have no propulsion)
Ground Based Phaser emplacement
Ground Based Disrupter emplacement
Ground Launched Drone emplaced
Ground Launched Fighters
Ground Launched Shuttles (usually MRS types)
Ground Launched Cluster Packs and Suicide Shuttles.
Ground Launched Impulse Powered Nuke (Large Impulse Powered missile with a single Cluster Pack.... used by pre-Warp civilisations and pretty useless!!)
Ground Launched Warp capable Nuke (large Warp Capable missile with a single Cluster Pack.... reasonably effective if not shot down first!!)
Light Monitors

All are easily modelled and / or adapted from SFB by use of Ship Edit.

What I find annoying is why stock planets or custom planet models in stock planet slots, are solid whilst any planets added in as extras are not!!

The thing is that enemy ships will fire through the "soft" planets at targets, which they won't do with solid planets.

Ships can also be flown through soft planets.

How can soft planets be made to be solid??

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2008, 01:01:16 pm »
Like the work you did on these planets... though, I have to admit that i've not used any of them.
Instead I used planets from a High resolution Graphics mod from Galactic civilizations 2.

The detail on these planet textures are amazing....

So, instead of thanking you for the Planets, I give you a MASSIVE thanks for the Templates that allowed me to use my preferred planet textures instead.
I've never been able to get Good looking planets in SFC, but thanks to you I now can.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) :rwoot:
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2008, 02:43:56 am »
planets looking like those in Legacy and this sucks, sorry they just don't look realistic and in Legacy they look like they are cut-out paintings clued to a board
why are you guys copying that sh** Legacy style, its not even better than BC !??!  :o  :'(

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2008, 07:15:41 am »
planets looking like those in Legacy and this sucks, sorry they just don't look realistic and in Legacy they look like they are cut-out paintings clued to a board
why are you guys copying that sh** Legacy style, its not even better than BC !??!  :o  :'(

That's a bit harsh in view about IMudds work... perhaps i'm reading it wrong though.
However, When using legacy as an example, you've got to include the fact that Legacy as a game "sucks"
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2008, 08:44:40 am »
planets looking like those in Legacy and this sucks, sorry they just don't look realistic and in Legacy they look like they are cut-out paintings clued to a board
why are you guys copying that sh** Legacy style, its not even better than BC !??!  :o  :'(

I don't know, because the diffusion of light through the upper atmosphere that causes said halo effect is a physics thing and not an artsy fartsy attempt at making it look cool... that would seem like more than a good enough reason for me.  Card board cutout would be SFC planets as they are, lacking any real depth or realism because of size and lack of pertinent details.  I would think mud deserves more, as he is one of the first people in what 8 years to get this to work right.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2008, 09:59:03 am »

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2008, 01:57:29 pm »
Well, I'm back now .. the move went smoothly until it came time to get my DSL back ... it took a few days longer than anticipated.

Terradyhne is perfectly entitled to his opinion, which is valued as much as everyone elses more positive comments. Can't please everyone, I suppose.

As I think I stated earlier, either here or at Planet Mudd, the textures for these planets aren't all mine, per say. I modified many of them from other sources, such as NASA; and because I knew that others would want to do the same, I provided the means to do so. Glad ya dig it, Dragoon.

Panzergranate may be on to something .. will need to do some research.

Again, thanks guys for your comments!


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2008, 02:13:03 pm »
Now if the planets could be as good as those portrayed in Space 1999, well.....

I've always marvelled on how Gerry Anderson's planets in Space 1999 looked way better than TOS's planets, baring in mind that the modelmaking and technology available are about the same. Obviously the talent levels were vastly different.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2008, 06:44:11 pm »
Any new developments I, Mudd?


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #45 on: February 11, 2008, 09:04:39 pm »
Not really ... I have been rather distracted lately by other modeling projects, but fear not ... ringed planets and multiple moons are modeled ...


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #46 on: February 14, 2008, 08:06:16 pm »
Like the work you did on these planets... though, I have to admit that i've not used any of them.
Instead I used planets from a High resolution Graphics mod from Galactic civilizations 2.

The detail on these planet textures are amazing....

So, instead of thanking you for the Planets, I give you a MASSIVE thanks for the Templates that allowed me to use my preferred planet textures instead.
I've never been able to get Good looking planets in SFC, but thanks to you I now can.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) :rwoot:

Dragoon can you post some screen shots? I can't get the graphics mod from Galactic civilizations 2 site to download to try this myself.

Also of note the SFC3 CV model viewer program doesn't like the planets I, Mudd has made because they don't show up for me anyway when I've attempted to make TI, VL and BS shots to post here.

How about some screens I, Mudd of the new planets you are working on...

Firesoul will probably want to use the I, Mudd planet templates but use the original Taldren planet textures for the next OP+ version. Maybe Dizzy can comment on this...

Between I, Mudd's planets and Atras new bases, the next SFC: OP+ is going to be even more awesome... the only thing missing IMHO is SFC1 missions like the Repair Roundevous Skirmish being made for SFC: OP+.


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #47 on: February 15, 2008, 01:57:53 pm »
Like the work you did on these planets... though, I have to admit that i've not used any of them.
Instead I used planets from a High resolution Graphics mod from Galactic civilizations 2.

The detail on these planet textures are amazing....

So, instead of thanking you for the Planets, I give you a MASSIVE thanks for the Templates that allowed me to use my preferred planet textures instead.
I've never been able to get Good looking planets in SFC, but thanks to you I now can.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) :rwoot:

Dragoon can you post some screen shots? I can't get the graphics mod from Galactic civilizations 2 site to download to try this myself.

Also of note the SFC3 CV model viewer program doesn't like the planets I, Mudd has made because they don't show up for me anyway when I've attempted to make TI, VL and BS shots to post here.

How about some screens I, Mudd of the new planets you are working on...

Firesoul will probably want to use the I, Mudd planet templates but use the original Taldren planet textures for the next OP+ version. Maybe Dizzy can comment on this...

Between I, Mudd's planets and Atras new bases, the next SFC: OP+ is going to be even more awesome... the only thing missing IMHO is SFC1 missions like the Repair Roundevous Skirmish being made for SFC: OP+.



As soon as I get a spare minute, i'll grab some quick screen shots of the planets in the model viewer.
For the high res mod, try signing up to the imod website, you should be able to get quick download speeds from there. ( link below )

Still, I'll post up some pictures anyway.... just so I can get some compliments for my very small but of work. ;D
Also, I used Imudds fantastic Mirak Cruiser ships textures and retextured the StarWars leviathen model. I wanted the Mirak to have a mad Monster ship.
Hope you don't IMudd if I put a pic of that ship up too? All I've done is a hack and slash job, and it's for my own use.
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #48 on: February 15, 2008, 03:53:06 pm »
Go for it, Dragoon! If folk's like it enough, we can stick a download link over at Planet Mudd in the Paint Jobs section, maybe?


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2008, 04:19:38 pm »
These are some pics of the changes I made, most come from a Galciv 2 planet mod pack, except the Forbidden planet which I made from some Borg textures and a world texture from Celestia.
The Leviathen model is by Kreeargh, with I, Mudds awsome Mirak cruiser texture... though it's a hack and slash job that I did for fun.
The Planets that I'm showing here in order are:
Earth, Forbidden, Lyra, Niflheim,Remus, Romulas, and I'll follow up in a second post with some of the others.
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #50 on: February 15, 2008, 04:21:44 pm »
Post 2.
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #51 on: February 15, 2008, 05:31:29 pm »
 ;D Nice work Dragoon! Please get these up somewhere, even if it's posting the texture files in this thread.

My favorite is this one:

I'd love to tinker with the others too!


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2008, 06:30:58 pm »
;D Nice work Dragoon! Please get these up somewhere, even if it's posting the texture files in this thread.

My favorite is this one:

I'd love to tinker with the others too!



Thanks for the praise.
I'll check the original mods read me to see what the authors usage policy is first. If I can't find anything that limits the use, I'll put the textures up. Hopefully I Mudd doesn't mind me Hijacking the thread a bit. I can't remember exactly, but I think that all of these use I Mudds Planet models too. So perhaps these could be used as optional extras.
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2008, 10:51:18 pm »
Optional extras ... cool!

If you be so kind, for where ever you decide to host them, I would like you to start a new thread at Planet Mudd with a download a link along with these screenshots ... they look fantastic! Threads around here tend to get pushed down and I don't see why this would be stickied ... that's why I'm suggesting this ... it just makes Planet Mudd an "easy-to-manage/find-one-stop-shop" for my models and their accessories.

And technically, you're not hijacking this thread at all, IMHO ... it's called embellishing and enhancement where I come from ... :D


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #54 on: February 16, 2008, 04:35:21 am »
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2008, 08:22:51 am »
My planet textures are now up at battleclinic.
Hope you get some use from them.
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2008, 02:11:06 pm »
... adding this to the thread so it's easy to find.


and download link:,
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

Don't bother checking out my website for the most recent updates, because I've
been too lazy to update it!  Check Battleclinic!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2008, 02:59:12 pm »
... adding this to the thread so it's easy to find.


and download link:,

That's one Crazy construction... all we need are some asteroids and starship trooper ships, and we're away!!
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2008, 06:52:23 pm »
We're spoilt for choice with all these planet textures!!
I've got to work out how to put as many in as possible now!!!

I love your bigger scaled worlds Fallen!

And I have to say that your worlds, with I, Mudds Planet Shadow map placed on them look awsome.

Cheers to both you guys for providing those of us who lack your skills the rescources to paly about and learn with!   :rwoot: :drink:
« Last Edit: February 17, 2008, 07:03:43 pm by dragoon »
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2008, 09:38:05 pm »

Cheers to both you guys for providing those of us who lack your skills the rescources to paly about and learn with! :rwoot: :drink:

Thanks for making my night!



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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #60 on: February 18, 2008, 07:18:06 am »
indeed, now i should maybe get around to releasing more planet packs, ive got a class I-J planet thats ringed with correctly scaled moons, ive also got the best earth model ever made with moon, dry dock, repair dock with nebula class been repaired and spacedock. come to think of it ive also got some multi model asteroid mods

How could you keep those to yourself!?
I think it's fair to say that we would want these.  ;D
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #61 on: February 18, 2008, 08:20:48 am »
the problem I've discovered with planet/moon/starbase/whatever combinations is the game treats it all as one mesh and scales the boundary box accordingly, which can produce some wonky effects ... small planets and even smaller moon system, for example ... with one large moon, that's fairly okay, but starbases and such become as indestructible as the planet, which is too bad.

I've also been toying with the placement of Planet models lately... for instance, dropping it some below the playing field  ... it gives the appearance of flying toward the northern pole, which looks a little weird, but ... missiles might work this way and fighters might launch (more on that later ...) ...  while on one hand I want this stuff to look as good as possible, on the other hand none of those good looks mean much if it doesn't work in game so good.

Another weird idea of mine is rather poly heavy and expiremental, but could yield interesting results if it can be implemented properly... using testplanet as an exterior, non collisionable object, can we place an inverted faced sphere inside that mesh to represent sky and another collisionable sphere to represent the surface ... thus entering an atmosphere could be possible. The trick would be making the surface collisionable ... but then, if planets weren't collisionable, I'm 98% positive missiles and fighters would work anyways because they'd be no different than and starbase or ship model in game ...

food for thought ...


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #62 on: February 19, 2008, 05:47:19 pm »
ASTEROIDS.... Switch SFC:OP's RockS.brk to RockS.mod and you get this: They swirl and spin in a cool way like micro gravity eddies...

I also swapped out the Asteroid 1-4 for ones from SFC3 TNG 2007 Expansion mod; Asterblaster makes a cool BIG rock now...

I replaced my SFC:OP SPACE mod with SFC3's SPACE folder as modified by the TNG 2007 Expansion mod and the space textures ROCK!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #63 on: February 20, 2008, 04:51:26 pm »
SFC 1 has alternative Star models which can be switched for the yellow model.

Then there is the X-listed ships at the top of the SFBSPC13.TXT spec file, under "All Races", which do not actually have models assigned or list in a game except under FMSE.

They include the Ore Carrier, Large and Small Troop Carriers and a few other SFB auxilaries.

They just need assigning to a race and a model assigned to them.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #64 on: February 20, 2008, 07:31:28 pm »
Anybody have this model from

Link:     requires a membership?


ST: Australia has a bunch of Planets here: but the links are down...

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #65 on: February 21, 2008, 04:03:11 pm »
Sent you a personal message - I just downloaded it and want to know how to send it your way.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #66 on: February 21, 2008, 06:55:58 pm »
This has turned into quite a project. I'm very pleased to see this thing spread it's wings and take off.

This is so very important for the D2 community because on most servers the most important fighting centers around taking a planet which is usually a huge deal for victory condition purposes. Seeing this project through and getting a workable mod ready to go would significantl;y alter the Planet Assault scripts we currently use... So I eagerly await any new news of a test planet pack we can use on a dynaserver...

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #67 on: February 21, 2008, 07:24:34 pm »
This has turned into quite a project. I'm very pleased to see this thing spread it's wings and take off.

This is so very important for the D2 community because on most servers the most important fighting centers around taking a planet which is usually a huge deal for victory condition purposes. Seeing this project through and getting a workable mod ready to go would significantl;y alter the Planet Assault scripts we currently use... So I eagerly await any new news of a test planet pack we can use on a dynaserver...

Dizzy, I thought you and or Firesoul were working on OP+ to accomodate ALL the new planets I, Mudd had made. Any news on this?

I believe I, Mudd has some planets with moons and a ringed world or two ready but he hasn't posted any release news here... yet.

This is truly awesome indeed yet another reason to keep SFC: OP on my PC.

I am STILL loooking for this planet folks:

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #68 on: February 21, 2008, 07:34:05 pm »
 ;D I need help identifying some of the planet textures I'm posting here as some are from a Klingon Academy conversion by Darkdrone done a few years back. If we can identify them I'll post these like Dragoon did.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2008, 08:37:54 pm by Klingon Fanatic »
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #69 on: February 21, 2008, 09:13:38 pm »
Dizzy, I thought you and or Firesoul were working on OP+ to accomodate ALL the new planets I, Mudd had made. Any news on this?

i WILL NOT ATTEMPT TO DO ANYTHING UNTIL SOMEONE, oops caps, until someone notifies me that there is a replacement model for each and every stock planet. Once I have the models to replace each stock planet, I'll setup something FS can use.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #70 on: February 21, 2008, 11:57:49 pm »

Hey, you do know that all the stock planet models, with the exception of Planet Saturn, are, as near as I can tell, identical except for the filename, right? So, theoretically, If I sent you the Ringed Planet, you'd have everything you need ... (sort of).

With the plethora of textures turning up in this 'Strange New Worlds' thread, I would think it would be no trouble at all to replace all the stock models, except Saturn ... which, incidentally is 95% finished as you read this. All I need to do is tweak the ring texture and you can have it, which could be as early as a few hours or a day at most.

Planet Pack II will include a bunch of other stuff, but if all that's holding you up is the Ringed Planet, hell, I'll send it to you early so you can put stuff together.

I also have tweaked the Testplanet mesh slightly in regards to it's non-hardpoint dummy objects - aligning them all along the equator - it seems to make a slight difference in gameplay as to where phasers strike and damage plumes flare. Ringed Planet is set to the same template. None of the Hardpoints have been further edited. Illumination maps have been added to the planet surfaces as well.

Of course, the Planets can be individually scaled using model.siz ... personally, I think bigger works better with the great visuals and new firing arcs, but to each their own.

Let me know if that's what you want ...


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #71 on: February 22, 2008, 12:40:33 am »
I havent started testing my SG server yet. I can wait a cpl days for you to finish your planet pack. When you are done, let me know and help me in doing what I need to do to replace all the stock planets. I'll then notify FS.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #72 on: February 24, 2008, 05:50:44 pm »
Here are pics of the 5 STOCK Taldren Planet models that I think will remain in my game...

Planet Gorn 1, 2, 3, Planet Hydra and Planet Lyra

NOTE: I like that Planet Gorn appears to be larger due to the model size file. I did not move my ship when I took these pictures.

These are two planet packs are now up at Battleclinic:

Klingon Academy Inspired:,

The partial STOCK Replacements pictured in this post are here:,

I, Mudd, hotmail won't let me send these retextures to you; feel free to post these at Planet Mudd if you wish.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2008, 05:23:50 pm by Klingon Fanatic »
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #73 on: February 26, 2008, 01:51:50 pm »
The textures at these links might help  further this project. I used the Callista texture for a pirate skull base I've been working on for - oh let's not say how long...  ::)

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #74 on: March 01, 2008, 07:32:46 am »
ok so ive been tweaking my earth model using mudd's atmosphere. Trouble is this is 1 big butt file, weighing in at whooping 50.1MB. Mainly because the earth itself uses a 4096x2048 texture with a matching size lightmap, the moons map is 2048x1024 and theres all the textures of the nebula, spacedock and the drydock and McKinley station, the drydock you can fly into it is scaled for SFC3 so what do you guys think worth me finding somewhere i can upload it too?

Wow that is cool! Upload this to Battleclinic or SFC3files please. I hope the file size can be reduced though.

Also, can you make a 0, 1. 2 or even 3 moon version by adding/subtracting a moon and can you swap out the Fed drydock for this Klingon outpost and drydock?:,95a936818bd851f2dc35824d0b684d28.rar,

If so, I can have three retextures done for a Klingon/Romulan and Lyran version.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 03:08:14 pm by Klingon Fanatic »
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #75 on: April 02, 2008, 05:25:09 am »
 ;D Any Updates?

Here's a PlanetFire I'm using right now...
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #76 on: April 03, 2008, 04:34:10 pm »
Wow, lots of cool resources in this thread, thanks all!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #77 on: April 03, 2008, 04:41:53 pm »
Also, can you make a 0, 1. 2 or even 3 moon version by adding/subtracting a moon and can you swap out the Fed drydock for this Klingon outpost and drydock?:
If so, I can have three retextures done for a Klingon/Romulan and Lyran version.

..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

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been too lazy to update it!  Check Battleclinic!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #78 on: April 03, 2008, 10:16:35 pm »
Also, can you make a 0, 1. 2 or even 3 moon version by adding/subtracting a moon and can you swap out the Fed drydock for this Klingon outpost and drydock?:
If so, I can have three retextures done for a Klingon/Romulan and Lyran version.


Cool. Atheorhaven is up to something.

Can somebody explain to me why the ISC homeworld models all resemble the DEATH STAR?

Here is what I'm using for the ISC homeworld:
HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #79 on: April 04, 2008, 10:59:14 am »
i think alec and i need to have a chat :P

Drop me a PM when you're online.. I found a way to access MSN, AIM, Yahoo IM, and Googletalk while at work and not have the ports and protocols pinging the proxy (and causing lots of fun and hilarity for me).

So I'll go get that running now..
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #80 on: April 04, 2008, 05:38:44 pm »
Anybody have this model from

Link:     requires a membership?


ST: Australia has a bunch of Planets here: but the links are down...


The original files are textures for use in Max. Luckily, they seem to work fine with C4D as well. I assembled them into a single layer .bmp with a lightmap so they can be used in SFC. The texture size is 2048x1024. I've included a sphere in .mod format in case the planet you are using is mapped differently. Probably not, but just to play it safe. You can scale it and add the HPs from another .mod if the texture won't work on your planet models. The original textures are also in the download. Someone might be able to do a better job with them than I have. Thus the big file size.

The pic on the right is the original multilayered textures. The one on the left is the converted .bmp used on the .mod. I hope it's what you were looking for.

All mJAstro asks for is credit for any images created from these textures. If anyone redistributes this PLEASE don't remove the readme.


Updated with a "dark side". No atmosphere effect. I'm assuming that's accomplished with I Mudd's .MOD and you can just use these textures. Let me know if this works out.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 04:43:06 am by Rod ONeal »
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #81 on: April 04, 2008, 06:07:07 pm »
Nicely done Rod! Any chance you've seen the other planets I've posted about?

Also, these planets should have a night side too. I'm not sure how to do that without mauling the excellent work you've done with this.


P. S. Nobody has yet explained to me why the ISC Homeworld has been portrayed as Death Star like... I did a Google search and turned up nothing on the description of the ISC Homeworld. Actually, the one depicted in SFC wouldn't that just be the capitol planet as the ISC are a diverse group of races akin to the Federation?
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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #82 on: April 04, 2008, 06:20:01 pm »
I could render the texture with a dark side, instead of evenly lit (there's 128 evenly placed spots for lighting the render to eliminate what you are asking for LOL). What side would it be on? I can put a light with a sun modifier in the scene and render the bitmap.

I didn't notice any other requests you posted. If the textures are done like these were then it wouldn't be a problem to do some more also. The software did all of the work for this one.

Also, you might as well tell me what size textures you need?
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #83 on: April 04, 2008, 06:48:58 pm »
I could render the texture with a dark side, instead of evenly lit (there's 128 evenly placed spots for lighting the render to eliminate what you are asking for LOL). What side would it be on? I can put a light with a sun modifier in the scene and render the bitmap.

I didn't notice any other requests you posted. If the textures are done like these were then it wouldn't be a problem to do some more also. The software did all of the work for this one.

Also, you might as well tell me what size textures you need?

For I, Mudd's Planet pack, it appears that we are using a SINGLE 1024X1024 BMP file for the actual planet texture. I have no idea where to get the terraformed cratered moon that Pataflafla used for the backdrop of his USS Northampton. The planet is rendered here:


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #84 on: April 04, 2008, 07:16:38 pm »
For I, Mudd's Planet pack, it appears that we are using a SINGLE 1024X1024 BMP file for the actual planet texture. I have no idea where to get the terraformed cratered moon that Pataflafla used for the backdrop of his USS Northampton. The planet is rendered here:

I think I know where to get that.. :)
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #85 on: May 01, 2008, 09:37:09 am »
I'm testing the planet in SFC3 and have found some problems:

1) The texture does not fit with the seam. It looks pretty obvious since the planet is BIG.

2) Does it really need so many polygons? The stock SFC3 planet is less than 2000 but this one is almost 8000.  :o

I want to use it with the atmosphere effect of SFC3, so I have to scale the planet smaller to make it work. I attached the resized planet in this post.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #86 on: May 01, 2008, 08:18:19 pm »
I'm testing the planet in SFC3 and have found some problems:

1) The texture does not fit with the seam. It looks pretty obvious since the planet is BIG.

2) Does it really need so many polygons? The stock SFC3 planet is less than 2000 but this one is almost 8000.  :o

I want to use it with the atmosphere effect of SFC3, so I have to scale the planet smaller to make it work. I attached the resized planet in this post.

You-Cheng Hsieh,

The planets you have in the SFC3 Expansion pack are cool BUT they don't have a dark/night time side. Is that something you can fix?


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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #87 on: May 01, 2008, 09:06:57 pm »
You-Cheng Hsieh,
The planets you have in the SFC3 Expansion pack are cool BUT they don't have a dark/night time side. Is that something you can fix?
The planets in my mod were either made by Fallen_Warrior, or converted from Nexus: The Jupiter Incident by Darkdrone(check the readme in sfc3\assets\models\ for further details). SFC3 has simple lighting source system, so if you fly around the planet, you will notice there's dark/night side of it.

If the dark side is painted on the textures, it will look weird because the lighting direction and the textures usually don't match.  :P

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #88 on: May 02, 2008, 12:56:57 pm »
ASTEROIDS.... Switch SFC:OP's RockS.brk to RockS.mod and you get this: They swirl and spin in a cool way like micro gravity eddies...

I also swapped out the Asteroid 1-4 for ones from SFC3 TNG 2007 Expansion mod; Asterblaster makes a cool BIG rock now...

I replaced my SFC:OP SPACE mod with SFC3's SPACE folder as modified by the TNG 2007 Expansion mod and the space textures ROCK!


Can you tell me how to do this? I hate the backgrounds and space textures in OP. That screeny looks awesome!

I, Mudd and the others: This is a great project that I can't wait for you to finish as I am working on a tactical shiplist of my own and better looking planets with the proper weapons placement would make for a great addition.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #89 on: October 23, 2008, 10:06:30 pm »
What's the latest, guys? Here's what I need. I need a replacement model and texture for all the stock planets. The poly's should be no more than 4-6k polys. This enables slower machines to run planet assaults if the model doesnt have LOD's. If LOD's the polys can be higher for close up and less for far away.

This is an encompasing project that will involve many people. Dont think I'm the only one who will use it. ED will need to rewrite his planet assault scripts. We will need to play test them. Firesoul will need to redo or give permission for DH and I to redo opplus. There are many things riding on this and I sense that with the use of SFC3 space textures that this project could result in a more attractive project entirely.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #90 on: October 25, 2008, 01:57:42 pm »
well I'm not working on planets, but my side project consists of creating new backdrops for the game...

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #91 on: November 14, 2009, 05:54:22 pm »
hey mudd, where is your stuff now? There's no link in your sig any more. I've not been over to your site in a while and want to check out what I've missed.

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #92 on: November 23, 2009, 12:34:06 pm »
So what's the odds of a Space Ameboa back drop??

Maybe an all encompassing nebula backdrop too??

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #93 on: December 19, 2009, 12:09:02 am »
well I'm not working on planets, but my side project consists of creating new backdrops for the game...

would love to get someone to fix the broken part of the game instead of something that isnt... :(

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Re: Strange New Worlds Planetpack
« Reply #94 on: December 19, 2009, 12:10:45 am »
deal with it

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