Getting the axe like that without cause or notice is nasty, not what I call a good company.
The prior notice helps a bit but not as much as you might think. We were told back at the end of July but not a date just that we were going to be either shut down or sold. Selling is increasingly unlikely as time passes and since the building and land is owned by a 3rd party it becomes a 3 cornered deal, not too easy. Originally it looked likely we would be gone by October then New Years but there is a line in the sand at the end of May, one way or the other we should be gone by then if not bought first and maybe even then.
For most of us finding another job means losing a substantial severance package (including me). I'm due more than 30 weeks pay equivalent as a severance package, so it makes sense to wait for it. Knowing that It is coming does let me save money while waiting for the axe to drop. I'll have enough money to easily get along for over a year but I hope to get a job quickly. If not it won't be for lack of trying. Having no debts and owning my own home helps alot.
I have never been unemployed before so this is unexplored territory for me. My most recent boss (Stewart) (transferred to another location) and his boss (Cam) will be very good references for me so hopefully that will work in my favour. Cam has even volunteered that based on what I have actually been doing that he will back me up as a reference if I claim to have had a step or two higher job than my official job that may open up opportunities that would otherwise not be available.
Half as a joke and half seriously I do plan to go back to my old employers (its been a
long time) as they did tell me if I ever needed a job to come back. I also have (must dig it out) a superb reference from my old supervisor there so it should at least pique their curiosity even if no one is there from those days. It would be interesting to be back there after all this time.

Heres hoping that both of us find a good job that we like quickly. Best of luck.