Well these days, sites are becoming more and more complex as better and better features become avaliable to code into a site. A basic HTML only site still is good but these days you usually expect PHP, ColdFusion, Active Server Pages (ASP), Java Server Pages (JSP) to provide sites that can change based on information stored on the server (i.e. MySQL allowing the information to be stored in tables).
It really does depend on exactly what you hope to do with a site you want to create. Just providing some information that you aren't planning on changing at all? Probably a good HTML site will do.
If your hoping for some kinda interativity (i.e Changing information, Administrative back-ends to sites making it so you do not have to edit the HTML file, Tables that will grow, shrink, change over time, anything that requires change) then PHP with MySQL Server 5.0 is going to be best.
I am still weak on my ColdFusion pages, but ColdFusion supports programming languages other than CFML in a nutshell. So in dynamic pages that need to support ActionScript, then ColdFusion is probably a better choice when making websites.
I'd advise at least trying to learn what you can as best you can with HTML. Webmasters able to construct a site for you can get quite expensive.
As Bonk posted above, the best way for you to construct a site is to put in some good time to learn HTML, then move on to PHP, and other dynamic page scripts, as well as focusing on learning about how to operate Apache. They can take a bit of time but its worth it considering how much webmasters and webhosters can cost these days.