Topic: OT: The New Enterprise  (Read 11251 times)

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OT: The New Enterprise
« on: January 22, 2008, 12:11:45 pm »
Found some more screenies....
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 12:22:15 pm by ModelsPlease »

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Offline AsYlUm

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 12:21:35 pm »
lol.... is it me or does that look like the other one you posted a while back thats being modelled as we speak  :laugh:

curious         <-- gagarin video

Offline JohanobesusII

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 12:54:22 pm »
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the first picture is a fan made render.  The second is a still from the teaser trailer running before Cloverfield.  So far it is the only released image of the new Enterprise I've seen.  Since the film is scheduled for release in December, they likely haven't even done any of the effects shots yet.

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 12:54:41 pm »
Found some more screenies....

Shot one is Gabe's ship (which appears to be a cropped version of shot 6).. shot two is a screen capture from the new movie (which is apparently not Gabe's ship).. just wanted to mention that.. :)

Second shot from the new movie is here:


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Offline AsYlUm

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 03:10:17 pm »
And looking at the screenines...

F*CK i cant wait... i love trek all aspects good and bad.. it all adds to it....

and this looks so sweet  :D         <-- gagarin video

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 03:30:13 pm »
I'm honestly mixed on it..

I love the idea of Zachary Quintos being in the role of Spock, and there appears to be some good casting.. but I'm really worried about revisionist history and effects on this one.

As long as the story is good, I'll be there in the theater.  But if buddies are saying bad things about it, I'll wait until comes out on DVD and then a bit.. (still haven't seen all of Nemesis to date for this reason.)
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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2008, 05:08:19 pm »
I'm just dying to see how they get that beast into orbit. I wish we could get a better look at the nacelles, I think we might end up liking what we see. I like the TMPesque saucer but my favorite bits of both TOS and TMP Enterprises have always been the impulse engines and nacelles.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2008, 05:23:51 pm »
I seriously disagree with their choice for McCoy.  They should have gotten Gary Sinese.  He's a great actor, and most importantly, he looks alot like the late DeForest Kelley.  Also, I believe he'd be more capable of staying true to the role.
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Offline Vipre

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 05:33:31 pm »
Completely agree on Sinese, but if they try and spin this off into a series they'd be hard pressed to pull him off CSI:NY
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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 05:47:37 pm »
Simon Pegg, as hilarious as he is, I just cannot imagine as Scotty. I instinctively expect to see his big friend bounding around the corner exclaiming "You've never seen Bad Boyz 2?"(!!!)

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 06:23:18 pm »
well if the get a good actor to play young spock, it might be a good movie, so if the use the kid who play picard in one of the tng episode is not a good idea.

Offline Centurus

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 06:36:17 pm »
Simon Pegg, as hilarious as he is, I just cannot imagine as Scotty. I instinctively expect to see his big friend bounding around the corner exclaiming "You've never seen Bad Boyz 2?"(!!!)

 :laugh: :laugh:  +1
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Offline Centurus

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2008, 06:38:54 pm »
Completely agree on Sinese, but if they try and spin this off into a series they'd be hard pressed to pull him off CSI:NY

It may be possible.  It wouldn't be the first time an actor worked 2 different television shows at the very same time.

One such example comes to mind is Victoria Rowell.  She played Amanda Bentley on Diagnosis Murder, and she was also on some soap opera I can't remember.  And she did both shows at the same time. 

If the movie was picked up as a TOS redo, and they got Sinese as Bones, his schedule would be hectic, but it would be doable.  Depending on where the new series was shot.
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Offline Vipre

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2008, 09:10:37 pm »
Anything's possible I suppose, I hadn't thought of him doing both at the same time. Seems playing a lead in two series at once would be a bit rough though.
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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2008, 10:13:09 pm »
Anything's possible I suppose, I hadn't thought of him doing both at the same time. Seems playing a lead in two series at once would be a bit rough though.

It is, but it's doable.  Although, to be perfectly honest, after giving much more thought, chances are if there were a revamped TOS show, it would probably be shot here in Southern California, and since CSI: NY is shot in New York, it would be nearly impossible for him to do two shows at the same time.  Unless he filmed the majority of episodes for one show in bulk, and then filmed the bulk of episodes for the other directly after, and then kinda going back and forth to shoot a couple more shows at a time for both, but then that would become too demanding.
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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2008, 11:38:36 pm »

What part of the ship are we looking at here? I see fins going up on the side, is this a view on top of a nacelle looking fwd?

Also, one of the books (yea, I know, not canon, but many novels are better or as good as the best trek eps) had the tmp saucer recieving a refit, and their reason for this was gravity. It's much easier to replace things like furnature and carpet in a gravity environment and not working in space suits. It was on the surface, and took off, went out to sea before kicking in the impulse. Now the drive hull on the other hand, or a fully assembled version would be a bit more dificult.

Offline Vipre

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2008, 02:38:05 am »
What part of the ship are we looking at here? I see fins going up on the side, is this a view on top of a nacelle looking fwd?

Based on a rough estimate of the distance between the fins, yes that's most likely a shot from back to front on the nacelle.
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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2008, 07:39:10 am »
In reference to the first post in this thread.. the top image is not from the Movie.. that is a picture of Gabe koerner's CGI model from a Fan Based trailer.

Hope this helps
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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2008, 09:02:48 am »
i struggle to understand some peoples opposition almost to this film.
I class these people in the same way I do with Casino Royale with Daniel Craig. They ranted that he was wrong, that he didn't look right, that the film was a reset for the whole Bond mythos etc... Yet it turned out to be the biggest Grossing bond film; and got the most critical approval than any other Bond film. I thought it was awesome, and can't wait for the next Bond with DC. I think this film is going to be fantastic. TOS, if viewed in a detached way, is terrible. The acting is bad, the sets are awful, the effects are bad... which is to be expected. In my view, it was the movies with TOS cast that really established them in our culture, not the TV series                                                           . And those movies give everything a make over.
 It seems to me, that people really want the original trio and the 1701. We can't have them, because their dead or too old/outdated. So instead of having another derivative show with Star Trek slapped onto the title, lets go back to the beginning and rebuild what made it so popular in the first place.

Star Trek as of a year or two ago was dead. We all felt that after Enterprise was canceled, we would get nothing for maybe 10/15 years, but here we are, a film with twice the budget of the last one, with a Director and writing cast that are highly respected and lauded for their previous work. While we should just accept this new Trek because it's Trek, we should at least be thankfully that someone is trying to make it great again, and that the show we all love is being given another chance at life.

I honestly think that the die hard fans could play a hand in destroying this film with their canon based tantrums by spoiling it for those who either are not into Trek or who like it, but don't froth at the mouth when Klingons are encountered 15 minutes before it was stated in a different series. So I guess I would say to these guys... Be calm, give it a chance. If you refuse to do that, at least don't spoil it by turning casual viewers away. Some of us want more trek, even if it's not in the form you like. And to get more, we need to bring in people who are not fans. We need their money.  :D
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Offline atheorhaven

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Re: OT: The New Enterprise
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2008, 10:21:10 am »
i struggle to understand some peoples opposition almost to this film.
I class these people in the same way I do with Casino Royale with Daniel Craig. They ranted that he was wrong, that he didn't look right, that the film was a reset for the whole Bond mythos etc... Yet it turned out to be the biggest Grossing bond film; and got the most critical approval than any other Bond film. I thought it was awesome, and can't wait for the next Bond with DC.

He was wrong, he doesn't look right, it was a reset, and to each their own.  I've seen every one of the Bond movies, and I rate him behind George Lazenby.  But that's my own opinion, of an older fan, and you have yours.  You're what that new line of movies needs these days.. I'd still rather have seen more movies with Brosnan in them..

I think this film is going to be fantastic. TOS, if viewed in a detached way, is terrible. The acting is bad, the sets are awful, the effects are bad... which is to be expected. In my view, it was the movies with TOS cast that really established them in our culture, not the TV series

*Completely* disagree here.. without the original series going into syndication, we'd not know that much about Star Trek at all.  It was the original series in syndication, plus the cast and stories that established the franchise.  And effects were better than average for that time period.  Ever seen early "Doctor Who"?  That's bad effects and awful sets.. and if you want to see bad acting, watch some of the episodes with William Hartnell (the first Doctor) and watch the companions act.  Or, I should say,"act".  And this is coming from a fan.  Shatner was the worst actor of the bunch, mainly because he was so over the top.. and noone had really matched that until Avery Brooks hit the screen..

But it was the original series influence and the fans of that series that gave us a NASA test shuttle named "Enterprise" (before the first Trek movie), and it was that same fan base for that show being so massive that Paramount wanted to try "Phase 2", which spun into the first Trek movie.

I'm willing to give the new movie a chance, but I'll wait until others I trust have seen it first before I spend money on it.

                                                           . And those movies give everything a make over.
 It seems to me, that people really want the original trio and the 1701. We can't have them, because their dead or too old/outdated. So instead of having another derivative show with Star Trek slapped onto the title, lets go back to the beginning and rebuild what made it so popular in the first place.

Star Trek as of a year or two ago was dead. We all felt that after Enterprise was canceled, we would get nothing for maybe 10/15 years, but here we are, a film with twice the budget of the last one, with a Director and writing cast that are highly respected and lauded for their previous work. While we should just accept this new Trek because it's Trek, we should at least be thankfully that someone is trying to make it great again, and that the show we all love is being given another chance at life.

Hang on a sec... "While we should just accept this new Trek because it's Trek"... ummmm, no.. that's like saying,"We should consider 'Spock's Brain' a good episode because it had the original Three in it."  I view TNG, DS9 and Voyager as being offshoots of Q's influence in the Federation's development as seen in "All Good Things".  I view Enterprise as being an influence of Daniels and the Shadow Guy's Temporal Cold War interference.  I mean, the Mirror Universe's Terran Empire falling?  Please...
I see them all as stand-alone entities, splinter universes that may or may not have happened, (that we caught a glimpse of in "Parallels") and that had no influence on the universe that we saw in the Original Series.

Does that mean that my opinion is right or wrong?  Nope.. it's my own opinion and interpretation of what I've seen, and I'm welcome to it, as you have your own.

I honestly think that the die hard fans could play a hand in destroying this film with their canon based tantrums by spoiling it for those who either are not into Trek or who like it, but don't froth at the mouth when Klingons are encountered 15 minutes before it was stated in a different series. So I guess I would say to these guys... Be calm, give it a chance. If you refuse to do that, at least don't spoil it by turning casual viewers away. Some of us want more trek, even if it's not in the form you like. And to get more, we need to bring in people who are not fans. We need their money.  :D

So even legitimate concerns, based over and off what we've seen in the past, are irrelevant and tantrums?  Words like "tantrum" and "froth" are argumentative to say the least here.. long time fans, if they didn't exist, would make all this irrelevant.  The thing to remember here.. long time fans have been waiting for a really good Star Trek movie for a long time now.  If this new movie is good, fantastic.  If it gives the franchise an enema, even better.  But if it totally destroys everything that we've ever seen before, then you also can guarantee that those long time fans will use their own networks to make sure that their money walks away from this film.  Without the long time fan behind it, the movie will flop.

I, personally, have no problems with seeing the franchise rest for 10-15 years for a restart.. after all, it worked for Doctor Who, and that is a much better show because of it.  The problem is, Paramount is treating Trek too much like the camel in the "Staff of Life" joke and we're expected to be the nun.  ;)
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