Beeblebrox's thread about an OP mission got me thinking: How do you fly an Orion ship?
-There don't seem to be nearly as many tactics on the web for the Pirates. The only I could find were Tourney tactics for SFB, where there were option mounts.
-Also, they seem to be really underclassed compared to the Empires. For example, an Orion war cruiser might have 25 or 27 engine power, while an Empire CW will have anywhere from 31-38 power and the same movement cost. Orions seem to be ships that would use finesse tactics, so how would one go fast enough and keep the range open?
-The only advantage I can find for the Jolly Roger is that the ships are usually dirt cheap, BPV wise. In a point-balanced matchup they could be the heavyweight ships.
-Does flying as an Orion depend on using Engine Doubling?
Thanks for the help,