Another City of Heroes fanfic, though not a Bob story this time 'round.
It's a sequel, of a sorts. The GF wrote me a...erm...story...involving one of my villains and her hero. I'm one of those people that always asks 'but what happened
after that', and thus, I started working on Call-In.
Posting rate should be much faster than usual. I'm writing this for the significant other, and she continually 'reminds' me that I should be working on it. It's sort of like living in the same house with Grim Reaper in that respect.

Call-In"Back on in three." The sandy-haired producer calls out. The last strains of a commercial plays over the booth speakers.
"You're back to Mystery Lynn on Paragon City's Ninety-five-nine hottttttt FM...Murray in Skyway City has a problem with his neighbor's bedroom antics. Could you tell us what the trouble is Murray?"
"Yeah, it''s the noise level. I mean, I know they're into each other and all, but Christ, I work the early shift. All f*ckin' night all I hear is 'Oh God' this and 'Harder!' and screaming and hollering. I don't wanna spoil their fun, but I don't wanna start sleeping in earmuffs either.""Have you said anything to them about it?"
" mean, I figure they might try and keep it down. I even talk to 'em occasionally, but it's kind of hard for me to bring up.""Why's that?"
"'s two women. That doesn't bother me, I'm cool with that, but I don't...well..."The DJ closes her eyes for a second. Passions surround her, as individual as a face, or a voice, or a scent. She picks Murray's out easily, drifts through it. Distance isn't always an issue for Mystery Lynn. Murray is talking directly to her. That's as good as being inches away.
"You're worried they'll think you've been listening in."
"A little, yeah.""I'd still talk to them. If they're as energetic as you're letting on they're probably aware of it."
"Man. Afraid you'd say that." Murray chuckles.
"Still gonna be rough.""You'll manage I'm sure." Mystery grins "And there is the off chance they'll ask you to join in."
A nervous laugh from Murray. A surge of excitement that let her know that he'd probably had that idea before.
"If that happens, though, you have to call back and tell us about it."
The call ends.
"Next up we have...oh my. Hello, Razor."
You rock!" The voice in her headphones sounds young, enthusiastic, and somewhat stoned.
"What's going on with you today?"
"Just calling in for some free advertising, babe! Bonesplatter's got a gig!"Mystery didn't encourage people calling in to get airtime for their personal projects. She didn't encourage people to call her babe. She made exceptions for Razor. His affection was honest, and his band eager.
"That's great." She smiled. "Where at, I might try and drop by."
"That club in IP! Ah hell....where'd I put the flyer..."There was only one place you'd call 'that club' in Independence Port. It was just called 'Amp' this week, and usually featured the kind of music Razor and his merry thugs enthusiastically mangled.
"Yeah! You rock.""I know it well." She admits. She did. She hadn't been there since it'd been a drug producing hideout for a gang of cybernetic anarchists known as the Freakshow. She had a flash of memory. Wild emotions, thrown punches, the able assistance of a well-liked fellow in a hat. Someone had bought the warehouse at the police auction and turned it into a rave spot. "When's the show?"
"Friday night at eleven! You gonna swing by?""I might."
A spike of wild hope from Razor.
"Yeah!" He shouts.
"You f*ckin' rock!"She laughs, the call ends. She glances at the clock. It isn't time for another song yet. She looks toward her producer, reads the words he’s fed to her call screen.
"Liz from Galaxy City, you're on the air."
"Hello there, Mystery."The voice on the phone spoke perfect, unaccented English. The Dee Jay recognizes it anyway. More than the voice, the anger, the borderline mania, the hunger.
"Uhm...." Mystery's fingers curl, uncurl. She leans closer to her microphone, her voice quieter than it had been. "...hello. You had a question?"
"Yes, I did." 'Liz' replied.
"There's this woman. We had an encounter I enjoyed considerably."The Dee Jay has her eyes closed. 'Liz' is speaking precisely. Excellent diction. She was usually less formal, more emotive, despite her tendency for well thought out plans. What was she up too?
"I see. And you're..."
"...hungry for another taste."Feet shuffle against the broadcast room's floor. Cheeks flush slightly.
"Well...have you tried calling her? Asking her out?"
"Well." There was a trace, a bare hint of 'Liz's' usual accent.
"I have called her.""I...well how'd that work out?" Mystery asks. Her heartbeat is accelerating. Excitement and fear. She'd been carried to her car that night. There'd only been one person it could've been, and that person knew her secret.
I'm not sure yet." Accent or no, that sentence was the 'Liz' she knew. Unpredictable but deliberate. Teasing, with the trace of a sadistic laugh.
"I'm still waiting to see what happens.""Sounds like you know what to do...what was your question?"
"I wanted to know how you think she might respond."The Dee-Jay squirms a little in her seat.
"No way to tell. Just have to wait and see."
"Oh, see, I'm just...not very patient." Mystery reaches, trying to touch her caller's heart. Hunger. Lust. Curiosity. All seemingly normal, but mixed in odd portions. She knew from experience that 2 + 2 with ‘Liz’ didn’t always equal 4.
“Well...maybe you’ll have to be.”
“Maybe. Or maybe I should just be more assertive. She’s got a great apartment. Could surprise her there. Jump on her and just have my way.”“I...” The inside of the Dee Jay’s mouth goes slightly dry. “...don’t know. Coming on too risk rejection.”
“In this case, ‘no‘ isn‘t an acceptable answer.”Mystery shivers. What was the woman suggesting? Rape? Blackmail?
The Dee-Jay contemplates the possibilities. Fear asserts itself, but something else too. Something that’d enjoyed being abused, that’d been quite satisfied with the floodgates she’d opened out of desperation.
“I...” She looks up. Her engineer is giving her a look that states ‘what the f*ck?’ despite his silence. She blinks. “...I think it’s time to go to commercial.”
She hits a button. A Cell Phone company begins preaching the dogma of better networking as Mystery whips off her headset, snatches up the phone’s for-real receiver.
“Look, I don’t understand wha....”
There’s no response, just the hum of the dial-tone.
Mystery exhales, replaces the telephone. She leans back in her chair. ‘Liz’ is capable of most anything, she knows. She should take tonight as a threat. She should take precautions. When she goes home tonight, ‘Liz’ might actually be waiting.
She might not be, too. Mystery knows.
The thought gives her a chill.