Topic: Anyone still play SFC 1?  (Read 3138 times)

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Offline Verroc

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Anyone still play SFC 1?
« on: January 20, 2008, 07:33:17 pm »
Anyone out there still play SFC 1?

If so and you fancy a game msg back or drop us a line @

Would love a game, for old times sake :D

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2008, 09:34:08 pm »
Yep, still playing it here as copies of SFC 2 for sale in the UK and Europe were and are as rare as brain cells inside "Dubya's" head.

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2008, 04:32:15 pm »
I still play it, great game.
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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2008, 06:01:35 pm »
Actually, it is a good idea to make and run off of a back up CD of the game and keep the master safe somewhere, which is what I do here. In the LAN games we run on 6 back up CDs of the game, which is allowed under the licence of the game, if you read the conditions, so long as they remain with the owner of the master copy and aren't distributed (piracy).

So I have, in effect,  the SFC 1 game backed up 6 times, just for paranoia's sake.

We've had a CD drive freak out, spin up to Warp Speed and explode a game CD last year on one machine. Now if that had been a master copy....

The FMSE script editor shareware, found on Battle Clinic, has added a whole new dimension to SFC 1 and SFC 2, though the SFC OP version is under development.

It bypasses the SFC 1 and SFC 2 64 x FF, 64 x CL, 64 x CA and 64 x DN SFBSPC13.TXT shiplist selection limitation and allows player created maps and scenarios with more than the stock game 3 x ship squadrons.

If you haven't downloaded it then go and do so, as it makes the game even better.

It also makes the SFC 1 LAN campaigns, we fight here, even easier to set up as we now have filed maps of all the star systems that we battle over to build scenarios around. Anyone in the group can pre-build a campaign battle map away from the game quickly and then present it in the game later.

It is what the game has always needed.

So how do you propose to rig a game or two up, bearing in mind distances seperating most players still using SFC 1??

Also there is how to determine a common SFBSPC13.TXT shiplist file.

I've found that it doesn't matter how different the file actually is or what models are used in a game, so long as all linked computers have all the same ships and identical specs for all vessels in a battle.

In effect, it doesn'y matter if player (A) has a F-CLS in his list and player (B) doesn't if  it isn't being used in the game. Also that the F-BCJ used by player (A) is the correct SFB Belknap Class model and player (B) is using the stock game (wrong) Excelsior Class model to represent the same ship, so long as the specs are identical, it doesn't matter a jot.

All that will happen is that during ship selection the game will flag up that there is a difference in SFBSPC13.TXT files, that's all.

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Offline Verroc

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2008, 07:48:42 pm »
great! i got sfc installed, so how do i play :)?

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 09:33:32 pm »
Without playing through a server, it would need two people to link direct through their individual IP addresses, like back in the old days of online gaming.

The game does allow IP address to IP address gaming  links.

As I've never bothered with this before, maybe someone used to doing this might explain any hastles, etc. involved.

Frey will probally know how to do it.

What we need is one of the moderator gods to explain how to do this, if they know how.

This'll need a new subject post to attract their attention, of course.

The other way is to run a LAN game, but for this you need a hub (cheap buyable) and other players plus computers, which is how we run it here.

So, two players would need each other's IP addresses, an agreed time to be on and a common ship list or at least agreed list of ships that both sides have in common.

Also both sides will need to both running SFC 1 of the same versions, which will most likely be the final V1.03, which is what mine is patched up to, which brings the game in line with SFB and fixes the bugs with the Romulans being siitting duck when cloaked.

I also have the full SFB Kzinti fleet added to my SFC 1 including some of the newer SFB ships that are under acceptance playtesting or have been accepted for future modules on the ADB site.

My Klingons also include the FASA fleet plus other interesting models from various books and manuals out there.

I also have the Cardassian fleet from TMP to DS9.

I'm gradually working on the other additional races that I want in my games, some of which I have to convert from SFC 2 and OP into SFC 1 models, which can take anything from a few minutes to several hours.

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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2008, 10:45:46 pm »
Without playing through a server, it would need two people to link direct through their individual IP addresses, like back in the old days of online gaming.

The game does allow IP address to IP address gaming links.

As I've never bothered with this before, maybe someone used to doing this might explain any hastles, etc. involved.

Frey will probally know how to do it.

What we need is one of the moderator gods to explain how to do this, if they know how.

This'll need a new subject post to attract their attention, of course.

The other way is to run a LAN game, but for this you need a hub (cheap buyable) and other players plus computers, which is how we run it here.

So, two players would need each other's IP addresses, an agreed time to be on and a common ship list or at least agreed list of ships that both sides have in common.

Also both sides will need to both running SFC 1 of the same versions, which will most likely be the final V1.03, which is what mine is patched up to, which brings the game in line with SFB and fixes the bugs with the Romulans being siitting duck when cloaked.

I also have the full SFB Kzinti fleet added to my SFC 1 including some of the newer SFB ships that are under acceptance playtesting or have been accepted for future modules on the ADB site.

My Klingons also include the FASA fleet plus other interesting models from various books and manuals out there.

I also have the Cardassian fleet from TMP to DS9.

I'm gradually working on the other additional races that I want in my games, some of which I have to convert from SFC 2 and OP into SFC 1 models, which can take anything from a few minutes to several hours.

To play SFC 1 Multi-player doing a Campaign, it takes a web based map or a map passed by email.

it also takes Gamespy Arcade.

SFC 1 can be played on Gamespy Arcade with up to 6 players in each room and up to 3 ships each.

Requirements.. All players must be using the same models and the same sfbspc13.txt files. Players using Custom Models will create an accidental and known Model Size variant Cheat that SFC 1 was never fixed for.. in SFC II EAW and OP, there is a Model.siz file that regulates Model sizing in game (overrides model's actual dementions and scales to remove game cheat) and is CRC check upon Dynaverse server log in and Gamespy after you select ships.. Game set up lobby will notify if someone is not using correct files (cheat attempt message)...

the importance of the Honor System in Gamespy Arcade using SFC 1 is critical .. Everyone MUST have the same models and same SFBSPC13.txt file.. the sfbspc13.txt file is CRC checked for tampering.. however Models are not and could creat a massive cheat, which is why hardly anyone uses SFC 1 on Gamespy Arcade anymore.

All players using XP or newer systems must have the game in Compatibility mode for Win 98 and Visual Themes disabled

All players must set up Gamespy Arcade Manually to launch from the correct game EXE file.. namely Starfleet.EXE .. the SFC.exe file is severely bugged on SFC 1, SFC 2 : EAW, and SFC 2 : OP.

Finally All players must be using the same patch file with the same updated sfbspc13.txt file .. latest patch version is 1.03 (1.021 is bugged and was fixed by Taldren just after the company formed.)

latest version is included in my patch installers located in the sub boards in this section of the forum, or re-created into a unified installer by another member of this community.. I also include all Bonus CD campaign scripts for the other races in my installers .. just make sure that after you scan the installer exe file with your AV, disable AV to install or the patch files will corrupt.

Playing a Campaign through Gamespy Arcade.. a player needs to be a subscriber so they have access to White Board and can adjust / edit a made up map..


You can create a simple text based map in Notepad or Microsoft Word, or Word Pad and just email the updated map out to each person in the campaign..

Also Voice Communications through a program like Team Speak is a must so that everyone is talking real time to each other and that you can coordinate your movements and battles easier.

For private games, 6 players can join into an instant action game using TCP/IP option of the game.. 1 player is the host and distributes his /her IP address to the players.. host launches game into TCP/IP mode and selects create game and sets game up.. players joining enter TCP/IP and click Join and enter Host's Ip Address.. after Host sets up game, game will appear to each player that set up correctly.. then you play as if you were on Gamespy Arcade.. Same rules apply to Patch, EXE file, Models, and SFBSPC13.txt, and Compatibility Modes. This applies to LAN based games as well.

hope that this helps

« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 11:03:26 pm by Pestalence_XC »
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Offline Verroc

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2008, 08:41:14 pm »
Know how to play, just wondering if anyone fancys a game?  :)

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2008, 03:37:11 pm »
I'm up for a game as playing the same folks on LAN means that we all tend to know each other's typical moves and reactions.

We use a common campaign modified SFBSPC13.TXT file on all the linked machines, which is updated by concensus of the group, should newer models are introduced by either side.

One side, at present, has a totally introduced side namely the Kzinti, which aren't a stock SFC 1 race.

The previous attempts at just adding in lines of comman ships into the player's personal shiplists used to fail because someone would forget to add a particular ship and the game would crash when somebody selected that ship or someone had put the ship spec under a different type heading.

Now everyone has a batch file icon set up to switch the SFBSPC13.TXT files before firing up SFC 1 and then another to switch it back to their own private custom one afterwards.

As for the actual model portrayed on individual player's coputers online or in a LAN game, it doesn't matter whever it is a stock SFC 1 ship or the actual correct SFB one that should be portrayed, only that the specs are the same.

I'm used to writing most of the FMSE scripts for the LAN games here, so maybe I could have a try at hosting a game at sometime.

The thing is, with the various time zones, being on at the same time could be a problem.

As for talking in game, just use X-BOX 360s on private party line instead of through the PC and free up valuable processor runtime.

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2008, 04:29:28 pm »

As for the actual model portrayed on individual player's coputers online or in a LAN game, it doesn't matter whever it is a stock SFC 1 ship or the actual correct SFB one that should be portrayed, only that the specs are the same.

This is incorrect...

If you have a ship model that you add to the game.. lets say Pneumatic 81's Star Destroyer from a Star Wars mod.. the model almost physicaly fills the screen.

MODELS ARE NOT TRANSMITTED OVER THE INTERNET WHEN PLAYING.. only you can see your model that you have in the game..

the other player see whatever model he has in game..

the cheat is this..

when you have say the custom model mentioned above in place of say the f-ca, then you see a star destroyer and opponent sees the TMP enterprise...

Damage calculations happen on the firing persons computer and is transmitted to the opponent to apply damage..

the problem with using different size models is that if you have a Star Destroyer you may see your range to your enemy at 10 K.. However your opponent will see you at 50 K..

when you fire at 10 K your system calculates damage to opponent at range 10 K.. Opponent recieves damage at 10 K.. however opponent can not fire back because his weapons are out of range an they are hard pressed to get a shot..

Even if your model is making a range adjustment of .01 K, you are using a cheat.. weapon damage chart breaks damage down by distance..  a .01 distance shift could mean the difference of phasers doing 10 pts damage or 8 pts damage... This may not seem like a lot but say you fire 10 shots all for 10 pts each... your enemy fires 10 shots for 8 pts each.. you will score 20 points more damage on your opponent than he is capable of inflicting on you using the same weapon just because of the .01 range difference.

this is a known cheat.. If your models are not Identical to your opponents models in SFC 1, you are using a cheat..

SFC II, OP and SFC 3 were fixed in the 3rd to last patches by including a model.siz file that the game engine uses to rescale models to fit the game, the crc checks the model.siz file for tampering..

SFC 1 never recieved the cheat fix..

As I stated, in SFC 1, if you are playing LAN, TCI/IP, or GSA, then you Must have the exact same models as your opponents so as to not exploit a known cheat. Every custom model is sized differently and and will effect range differently than what your opponents system will reflect..

To check out if you are cheating or your opponent is cheating.. go into a TCP/IP or lan game, or Gamespy Arcade..

Pick one of your favorite custom installed models..

Verify that your opponent does not have the model..

Have him pick a different ship...

Fly to him and stop at 15 K from him and ask him what range he is to you.

the numbers are suppose to be exactly the same on both ends..

If your range and his range are different.. someone is using the Model Size Cheat by having models that the opponent does not have...

Some people may not know that they are cheating and just think.. wow cool model.. I'm adding it..

People who have been playing since the release of SFC 1 know the cheat and no longer play the game on line because people have no honor and exploit the cheat a lot.

the easiest way to avoid the cheat is for all parties to select which models they want in game and make a custom Models folder for PvP that will prevent a cheat.., then have a folder for all your personal custom models for Single Player use..

This is the best and easiest solution and will prevent cheating by all parties.

Hope that this helps.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 04:47:53 pm by Pestalence_XC »
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2008, 11:53:00 pm »
I just don't know why some folks just have to cheat as winning by cheating isn't actually a win, because obviously, the opponent had the greater skill.

I had to report a player on X-BOX 360 for using a tampering device so that he could induce "lag" to give an unfair advantage in a Call Of Duty Game. Everyone else also reported hum. Generally it allowed him invulberability and to literally move fron one place to another as if by magic. Unfortunately, use of such devices in COD3 and 4, Halo, etc, is glaringly obvious to everyone else playing and so the cheat ends up being reported for server conection tampering. They receive a stern warning from Microsoft Online threatening expulsion if they are caught cheating again.

As for the common agreed game shiplist, that's the system we've been using for a long time here for LAN games and it works fine.

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2008, 09:29:31 am »
Anybody know if the SFC1 music files are still online? I'd like to get my hands on a copy of the music from that game. IMHO, it was the best soundtrack for the enitire series and got me in the TMP era mood everytime I played.

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Re: Anyone still play SFC 1?
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2008, 03:36:42 pm »
The SFC1 soundtrack is awesome.

This is the only site I know of that has the general combat music that all races use (it was reused from Starfleet Academy):
Unfortunately, I couldn't get the link to work today. It's worked recently, so hopefully it's just a temporary thing. I know the mp3's were hosted on Fileplanet but I couldn't find them through there. I still have most of the tracks on my computer, if the link doesn't fix feel free to pm me.

Here are the race-specific SFC1 musics: