This is a flash player - flv - at
http://chrisjonesgaming.ontheairtv.comI am firing at a model by Ancient Angel - an IKAZUCHI Battleship - I forget what show it's been so long, lol..
also a Monolith from 2001: A Sapce Odyssey..
Defiant Specs taken from Excel.. Keep in mind this is EAW and not OP
CL F-DEF4 DESTROYER 619 20 55 4 AA 0.25 6 6 3 25 15 30 3 34 3
50 50 50 50 300 5 3 PlaR FA 3 PlaR FA 4 PhG FH 4 PhG RH 4 ADD12 6 3 PhG FX 4 Dis3 FA 4 Dis3 FA 3 PhG RWX 3 PhG LWX 2 PhG R
If you can decipher that lol..
Shields in Yellow..
Don't have shipedit installed right now..