
Which side are you flying for at the outset? Poll closes in 10 days.

Alliance (Mirak/Hydran)
15 (44.1%)
Coalition (Lyran/Klink)
18 (52.9%)
none of the above ;)
1 (2.9%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Voting closed: January 27, 2008, 06:38:04 pm

Topic: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux  (Read 14671 times)

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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #60 on: January 28, 2008, 08:51:09 pm »
We could always:
A) lower the required kills and/or grant a "bye" so you could lose once and still get it...

B) Maybe try my idea to give them to just the SCs and RMs...that would be 3 per side in this case. It was my intention to make the job of being an RM/SC a little rewarding since it can be more work than just banging out missions.
Maybe that way when asked who is willing to do it, they'll have some reward for taking the responsibility of keeping pilots organized, settling disputes, etc that go along with the title and maybe even actually want to do it.
just an idea... ;)

If anyone needs an inducement to take a role or play the game like a free Legendary ship, then I really think they need to ask themselves why they are bothering in the first place.

I, for one, would not expect or accept any special compensation for being an RM/SC, especially a pimped-out ship that gave me an advantage over other players.  I would not find it ethical. 

We have put a stop to handing out and assigning cap ships.  The heavy metal point system allows whomever to fly a cap ship within a cap ship limit.  Let's not go back to handing out "special" ships to people based on their perceived community status.

I would not want a Legendary ship, and I don't know who would, especially if you are a PvPer.  It would be like cheating.

"pimped-out"  lol...
And we havn't "handed out" capitol ships in a few servers, we've been using the HM restrictions. I doubt this one will be any different.
And speaking from the Coalition side, they've never been given to someone based on anyone "perceived community status"
If there was a limited number, it was whomever asked first, nothing else.
I rarely, if ever flew a capitol ship through many servers while using "The Production" type system, because more were wanted than there were.
And I'm not sure how "legendary" the ships are, ya make it sound like having one ensures success in battle.
Not so, since the one side has lost it every time.... ;)
And, like Hexx has pointed out, you've never been an RM or SC and can't really begin to understand how it can be less enjoyable than just banging out missions.
And if we had no RMs or any type of command structure at all, how would any campaign really funtion.
Maybe you should step up and try it a few times, through the good times and bad, and come back and say again the title is reward enough.  ;)
I could care less either way about them, they have their place in early to early mid era, but, in later eras they're completely outclassed, in spite of any advantage they have.
Remember, they're only CCs with turbo, not Capitol ships. At least they can make speed 31 across the border quick...lol...
Lord Krueg
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #61 on: January 28, 2008, 08:55:44 pm »
coalition always.... most likely up to four hours a week.... more if I can, but the stupid shift I work usually precludes more...


Added and welcome.
Good to hear from ya again, sir.  ;)
Lord Krueg
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Offline Lepton

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #62 on: January 28, 2008, 11:07:25 pm »
We could always:
A) lower the required kills and/or grant a "bye" so you could lose once and still get it...

B) Maybe try my idea to give them to just the SCs and RMs...that would be 3 per side in this case. It was my intention to make the job of being an RM/SC a little rewarding since it can be more work than just banging out missions.
Maybe that way when asked who is willing to do it, they'll have some reward for taking the responsibility of keeping pilots organized, settling disputes, etc that go along with the title and maybe even actually want to do it.
just an idea... ;)

If anyone needs an inducement to take a role or play the game like a free Legendary ship, then I really think they need to ask themselves why they are bothering in the first place.

I, for one, would not expect or accept any special compensation for being an RM/SC, especially a pimped-out ship that gave me an advantage over other players.  I would not find it ethical. 

We have put a stop to handing out and assigning cap ships.  The heavy metal point system allows whomever to fly a cap ship within a cap ship limit.  Let's not go back to handing out "special" ships to people based on their perceived community status.

I would not want a Legendary ship, and I don't know who would, especially if you are a PvPer.  It would be like cheating.

"pimped-out"  lol...
And we havn't "handed out" capitol ships in a few servers, we've been using the HM restrictions. I doubt this one will be any different.
And speaking from the Coalition side, they've never been given to someone based on anyone "perceived community status"
If there was a limited number, it was whomever asked first, nothing else.
I rarely, if ever flew a capitol ship through many servers while using "The Production" type system, because more were wanted than there were.
And I'm not sure how "legendary" the ships are, ya make it sound like having one ensures success in battle.
Not so, since the one side has lost it every time.... ;)
And, like Hexx has pointed out, you've never been an RM or SC and can't really begin to understand how it can be less enjoyable than just banging out missions.
And if we had no RMs or any type of command structure at all, how would any campaign really function.
Maybe you should step up and try it a few times, through the good times and bad, and come back and say again the title is reward enough.  ;)
I could care less either way about them, they have their place in early to early mid era, but, in later eras they're completely outclassed, in spite of any advantage they have.
Remember, they're only CCs with turbo, not Capitol ships. At least they can make speed 31 across the border quick...lol...

So if you couldn't care less about them, then I see no reason for having them, certainly no reason to be handing them out three at a time for no reason.

Problem solved.  Next.

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Offline Lepton

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #63 on: January 28, 2008, 11:15:09 pm »
I have absoulutely no issues whatsoever with RM's getting a ship with a bit of a boost.

Being a RM is a responsibility that few volunteer for. As someone who's done it (And failed miserably at it for a variety of reasons on a variety of occasions)
I have nothing but respect for those that make a go of it.

And forgive me Lepton- this is going to sound kinda harsh although I really don't mean it to be- for whatver reason I don't remember you ever volunterring or running a side as a RM (if you've done so repeatedly boy am I gonna be embarrased) so I don't think, not having volunteered your own time recently- that really one shouldn't be jumping up and down and saying someone else doesn't deserve something or the time and effort they're going to be putting in.

Ships for RM's is great.
Ships earned with 15 straight victories in the same ship is OK, but I don't see anyone really doing it so not likely an issue.

No experience to be an RM, no desire to be one, no time to devote to it, and doubt one is needed.  RM is race moderator, yes?  If you guys can't police yourselves at this point, you might as well thrown in the towel.

If you are speaking of a more strategic planner role, I'd also say much of what I said above.  You know what might be fun?  If people stopped planning to humiliate the other side and just decided to have fun.  No plan needed for fun.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #64 on: January 28, 2008, 11:52:06 pm »
Now there is a novel concept. A server with no VC's, objectives or goals. Just a frontline to fight on.

Offline KBF Soth

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #65 on: January 29, 2008, 12:32:14 am »
 2 CC+'s that are a little juiced and only limited server time seems kinda pointless to argue about, after all haven't we been doing this last few servers?UGH!! a campain server with no goals ? :P
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Offline Lepton

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #66 on: January 29, 2008, 07:11:33 pm »
Never suggested a server without VCs or specific goals; however, to the degree that servers turn into striving to win the campaign through any number of questionable tactics or that the emphasis is on winning the server is to the degree that playing on a server turns into mission grinding drudgery.  I'd rather see people having fun PvP battles in a campaign context with little regard for the outcome rather than planning, sandbagging, 11th hour end runs to VCs, etc, etc.  To the degree that strategy trumps the in-game tactics and fun is to the degree that we have failed in my estimation.

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #67 on: January 29, 2008, 07:59:07 pm »
How about a VC is only gained through X number of PVP battles (filmed) on a VC hex.. owning the Hex won't matter.. but X number of wins in a hex will gain the VC.. flipping the hex should be able to be done server side in SQL..

This will encourage PVP and maybe slow down the hex flippers as territory is gained through PVP, not flipping..

this will

1. encourage PVP

2. minimize people playing the hex flipping game to acquire a VC.

3. server should state several VC hexes across the board... but reveal only a few at a time.. this way it will encourage the hex flippers to make a path to the VC spot where intense PVP can take effect..

4 don't just make 1 hex by itself a VC.. but 2 or 3 hexes in a row or even making a triad sector of space a PVP..

this way almost everyone can be happy.. Hex flippers to make a path.. PvPers to make the VC's.. and also makes the Admins work the server end a bit by updating the game map to reflect the VC's

it adds a bit more to the strategy of the game, enforces PvP conquest over hex flipping, and still allows those who prefer hex flipping to make a contribution...

Just a thought..
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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #68 on: January 29, 2008, 09:16:57 pm »
coalition always.... most likely up to four hours a week.... more if I can, but the stupid shift I work usually precludes more...


Added and welcome.
Good to hear from ya again, sir.  ;)

Thanks. I've been really busy with too many projects (Including "Fantasy Trek" that I will plug here http://fantasytrek.blogspot.com/ ). Plus working on a book of poetry that may just get published... I'll be happy to climb back in the Captain's chair and kill whatever AI get in my way  ;D
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #69 on: January 30, 2008, 06:38:49 pm »
Do we have a better idea of a start date yet?
I have a couple that will be gone by the 2nd week of Feb, one to sea and one to get away from it all... ;)
Now that we've all got our ships out of mothballs, some are obviously ready to go... ;D
Lord Krueg
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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #70 on: January 30, 2008, 08:22:05 pm »
Coalition, about 15 hours a week.

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Re: Player signup SGO8: Four Powers War Part Deux
« Reply #71 on: February 02, 2008, 01:06:00 pm »
Missed the vote.  I plan on flying Lyran, but I'll fly Hydran if it's too lopsided.  Will do maybe 4-5 hrs a week.  Maybe more if it's fun.  I've only recently been able to get SFC online.  Still can't play on Gamespy.  My PvP skills are quite rusty.
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