coalition outnumbers alliance 2 to 1 on ...
17 C - 12 A...

How many times will this be debated before a server even starts...?
Do we have a firm start date? idea of how the campaign will even work other than the races...?
I asked to have the forums set up the day Dizzy made his announcement. made some posts, sent pms, etc.
Some early birds signed up...
It's not who signs up in the forums that will even's who shows up and puts time in that makes the difference.
I think it's a wee bit early to start worrying about numbers on the server based on who joined the forums anyway.
Let peeps sign up with who they WANT for a change, rather than saying, you should fly for us because we have the least in the forums...

I'm sure they'll be plenty of time for asking for volunteers to change if there turns out to really be a huge numbers imbalance.
Perhaps someone could post in the FPF and SSCF forums and let them know.