Topic: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans  (Read 4925 times)

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Offline Vipre

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Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« on: January 09, 2008, 10:53:45 am »
Full set of TOS Constitution Class deck plans at the bottom of the page. Check out Deck 19 for an odd item in such detailed plans.

Deck plans
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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 11:33:40 am »
If you are talking about the bridge being there, that is the backup / battle bridge that was never used / shown on TOS.. and like Gene Roddenberry stated..if it was not shown on TV or Film, it is not Canon for Trek..

Franz Joseph was discredited on his Trek work by Roddenberry on National TV by saying this.
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 11:38:47 am »
That was it. I found it odd that he'd put 3 bridges on the ship. Full bridge on deck 1, Emergency bridge on deck 7 and a second full bridge on 19.

Like the pool and bowling alley though.
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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2008, 05:08:33 pm »
Is it just me or is the Emergency Bridge on deck 7 smack dab in the middle of the medical complex?  I seem to see the intensive care unit and the chief medical officer's office on the port side.  And is that Main Engineering at the rear?  I'd swear that I can see the dilithium articulation matrix in that room just before the impulse engines and to port of the emergency computer. 

Does anyone know where Auxiliary Control is?  I know I've heard it mentioned in TOS and I'm pretty sure the showed it in at least one episode.  Didn't Lt. Riley lock himself in there during The Naked Now?
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Offline Vipre

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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2008, 06:04:10 pm »
It's not just you, the operating room is on the starboard side. There's a warp engineering room on deck 16. As Pestalence pointed out these plans obviously aren't considered cannon. There's another full medical section on deck 16 as well. Looks like he was just trying to fill empty space by repeating componenets over and over.
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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2008, 06:58:19 pm »
Is it just me or is the Emergency Bridge on deck 7 smack dab in the middle of the medical complex?  I seem to see the intensive care unit and the chief medical officer's office on the port side.  And is that Main Engineering at the rear?  I'd swear that I can see the dilithium articulation matrix in that room just before the impulse engines and to port of the emergency computer. 

Does anyone know where Auxiliary Control is?  I know I've heard it mentioned in TOS and I'm pretty sure the showed it in at least one episode.  Didn't Lt. Riley lock himself in there during The Naked Now?

Aux control would probably be that bridge on deck 17.  (SFB has three bridges on the CA, main bridge on top, Aux Con, probably the one of 17th and Emergency Bridge, should be the one on deck 7)  Then the command ships add another bridge (Commnad I believe, which is the one that controls the fleet)

Wasn't a battle bridge from TNG down on the secondary hull, shown a few times on TNG when they seperate the hulls.
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Offline Vipre

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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2008, 07:30:58 pm »
Wasn't a battle bridge from TNG down on the secondary hull, shown a few times on TNG when they seperate the hulls.

The battle bridge was right on top of the neck, it's visible on the forward elevation when the saucer is detached. This is the first I've heard of three bridges, SFB was a just bit before my time.
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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2008, 09:39:10 pm »
In TOS, the Enterprise had Saucer Separation like TNG does only the recovery and re-attachment was done at a Starbase/Shipyard, not in mid flight.

The TOS Enterprise is the F-CA in the game. She is suppose to have 2 bridges, one in the top of the saucer, and one in the connecting dorsal (emergency bridge).

The saucer is the battle bridge in TOS, the stardrive section (secondary hull with the warp nacells) was suppose to duplicate the saucer. The crew compliment of the ship is 400, but the ship's capacity is 800.

The secondary hull is the Lifeboat and the duplicate rooms are for the ships crew.

In TOS, the Separation option is never used and the Lifeboat part of the ship is mainly used to carry delegations for confrences. The secondary hull is also used for evacuation of colonies is extreme emergencies.

As for a 3rd bridge, it is never shown nor mentioned. The section, I believe is Auxillary Control and Fire Control for the ship.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 10:05:51 pm by Pestalence_XC »
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Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2008, 12:08:53 am »
In TOS, the Enterprise had Saucer Separation like TNG does only the recovery and re-attachment was done at a Starbase/Shipyard, not in mid flight.

The TOS Enterprise is the F-CA in the game. She is suppose to have 2 bridges, one in the top of the saucer, and one in the connecting dorsal (emergency bridge).

The saucer is the battle bridge in TOS, the stardrive section (secondary hull with the warp nacells) was suppose to duplicate the saucer. The crew compliment of the ship is 400, but the ship's capacity is 800.

The secondary hull is the Lifeboat and the duplicate rooms are for the ships crew.

In TOS, the Separation option is never used and the Lifeboat part of the ship is mainly used to carry delegations for confrences. The secondary hull is also used for evacuation of colonies is extreme emergencies.

As for a 3rd bridge, it is never shown nor mentioned. The section, I believe is Auxillary Control and Fire Control for the ship.

This seems mostly right but I had gotten slightly different information on some areas.  The bridge we see in TOS is the Main Bridge.  If I remember correctly Auxiliary Control was meant to be somewhere near the center mass of the secondary hull in order to provide protection for the back-up controls.  There was also meant to be availability of basic command functions (navigation, weapons, shields, etc.) in Main Engineering. 

Saucer separation in TOS was meant to be used only in catastrophic situations such as the imminent destruction of the secondary hull--usually because the separation protocol for the warp nacelles had failed.  Separation was carried out by detonating a series of explosive bolts at the interface of the saucer and the connecting dorsal.  The primary (saucer) hull was designed as the lifeboat for the crew and had been designed to be capable of landing on a planet.  If you look closely at the underside of the saucer you'll see four squarish outlines equidistant around the saucer which house the landing gear.  The secondary hull was unsuitable as a lifeboat because it lacked impulse drive and the structure was too unstable and rickety to successfully move at warp speeds.

The saucer section was the primary habitation area for the Constitution class.  The secondary hull was generally given over to ship's machinery and engineering concerns.  However all of the non-luxury features of the saucer had been duplicated in the secondary hull in case of catastrophic damage to the primary hull--crew quarters, sickbay, etc. 

I'm pulling this stuff from memory.  My sources are The Making of Star Trek and half-remembered bits of TOS episodes.  It's entirely possible I'm talking through my hat.   
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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2008, 08:06:40 pm »
A bridge for controlling the fleet is refered to as the "Flag Bridge" in naval parlance.

I always though that the Emergency Bridge was the Auxilary Control in the deck plans, for years.

Also the torpedo launchers were in the wrong place, below the bridge and not under the saucer as on screen.

At least the main engineering was in the right place.

Franz also missed out the aft Phasers, which were only mentioned on the show as a "Tannoy" voice reporting, "Aft Phaser Ready" everytime the ship went to Battle Stations.

Strangely enough the Phaser locations were used in TMP, however in TOS only the Constellation is seen to fire a top right saucer Phaser and then only once.

The "Ray Gun" in the Technical Manual" is used by Kirk as a "Soldering Iron" in the Doomsday Machine" episode as well. He is holding it when he asks Washburn to try the "2G6 circuit again" on the Constellation.

Quite a few inconistancies in the manual but 80% correct in other respects to set layouts.

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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2008, 08:26:53 pm »
Franz also missed out the aft Phasers, which were only mentioned on the show as a "Tannoy" voice reporting, "Aft Phaser Ready" everytime the ship went to Battle Stations

I'm warming to the concept of aft phasers...slowly...I've always seen the lack of aft weapons as a character trait of the ship. My only concern is the only reference seems vague. Did "aft phaser ready" as reported in the episode refer to aft firing weapons or simply a phaser control room aft of the others?

Like I said I'm warming to the idea because I've always looked at the OS and TMP ships as two views of the same ship. It's not a big leap of faith to duplicate every TMP weapon on the TOS hull.
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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2008, 08:56:51 pm »
Of course, those blueprints, are the basis for Star Fleet Battles, which is the basis in turn for our game.  So you might argue that its canon for us.
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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2008, 09:42:31 pm »
They never actually state where the aft Phasers are on the ship but over the hangar bay doors would make sense as this would give better than 270 Degrees lateral and 120 Degrees vertical.

Actually in TMP the Enterprise has maximum firepower when in top view maximum aspect to the target as all Phasers can fire at the target, which would be above the ship. One reason why SFC should have been in 3D!!

Stephen V. Cole went through every TOS episode with a fine toothed comb for SFB and managed to cover all weapons and operating systems in the game. THe 6 shields from "Elan of Troyus", Klingon Drones from "Errand of Mercy", Plasma Torpedo from "Balance of Terror" and countless other tiny details that made SFB as true to TOS as it could be, and now we have SFC.

A lot of the gaps left by the writers of TOS had to be covered, even TOS has incosistncies, vaguries and contradictions.

The SFB game had a "feel" to it and that transfered into SFC as well.

Do you thnk that this forum would exist if it didn't. Not that many 9 year old games have such a large fanbase and active participation, third party patches, thrid party enhancement and supprt software, a vast library of models that grow day by day, etc.

Franz Joseph filled a void and Stephen V. Cole filled a hunger to play at starship captains and pit our wits against various enemies (other players) using cunning and wits, just like James T. Kirk.

At least, with SFC, a game doesn't take all day now. ;D

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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2008, 10:30:56 pm »
They never actually state where the aft Phasers are on the ship but over the hangar bay doors would make sense as this would give better than 270 Degrees lateral and 120 Degrees vertical.

I completely get that, I meant the "report" doesn't necessarily confirm aft firing weapons, it could just as easily refer to a control room for primary hull phasers that's further aft of any other. I wish they'd thought of this ahead of time and made one shot of every weapon arc firing in TOS. Although I doubt they could have ever imagined that people would still be discussing it forty years later.
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Re: Franz Joseph TOS deck plans
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2008, 12:03:25 pm »
As the Constellation only fires a single upper right Phaser from the saucer in  "The Doomsday Machine", there could be just a single weapon point there instead of the two that seem to be the norm now.

Franz Joseph's firing arcs of FH under saucer, RS /LS tip saucer and RH secondary hull aft makes prefect sense as it allows coverage of a complete sphere around the ship from at least one twin Phaser bank. Just having a single twin Phaser bank under the saucer front would leave the ship pretty poorly defended especially if forced to retreat.

As for the secondary hull being jetisoned in an emergency, doesn't this comtain all the Anti-Matter Containment and Warp Core, which would be a good reason for an emergency situation.

The Saucer only has two landing struts and uses the aft rim of the saucer as the third landing pad point. It would sit with the front tilted slightly upwards.

Like the Aft Phasers, seperation is only mentioned when Kirk tells Scotty that if the Entrerprise can't break free of the planetary tractor beam, to "Jeitison the Engineering Section" and escape on Impulse Power in "The Return Of The Archons".

It is also only mentioned in canon only.

Also in some TOS combat episodes, the scene is focused on the Bridge antics of the crew and the Phasers are only heard to be firing, so any Phaser bank could be firing at that time.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!