Topic: starbase assault  (Read 3653 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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starbase assault
« on: January 24, 2008, 01:59:09 pm »
a tactical question

as you see I have to destroyed the romulan starbase, if i get to a distance of 27, I'm too far to damage the shield long enough to next turn i can fire again, if i get to a distance of 25, the plasma torpedo cause damage to my ship, the other ship was (it got destroyed) a carrier but lost the last if its fighter attacking the defending ship, so does anyone know how i can destroyed that starbase?

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 05:35:27 pm »
a tactical question

as you see I have to destroyed the romulan starbase, if i get to a distance of 27, I'm too far to damage the shield long enough to next turn i can fire again, if i get to a distance of 25, the plasma torpedo cause damage to my ship, the other ship was (it got destroyed) a carrier but lost the last if its fighter attacking the defending ship, so does anyone know how i can destroyed that starbase?

What ship/race you flying?  I assume it is a Gorn.
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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2008, 06:52:16 pm »
Not enough info. Need to know race and ship/ships you're using and same for the opfor. Also, it depends on the type of scenario you're playing. The stock Taldren mission is nothing like an Evil Dave starbase assault(IIRC Karnak and Tracey also tinkered with base assault missions).

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2008, 07:41:18 pm »
arrggg the pictures did not upload

so anyway here the info, sfc op regular mission, not evil dave.

race Federation, i have a heavy cruiser and a carrier.

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2008, 08:38:19 pm »
arrggg the pictures did not upload

so anyway here the info, sfc op regular mission, not evil dave.

race Federation, i have a heavy cruiser and a carrier.

Sit at range 26 / 27 .. reinforce front shield.. watch your ECM / ECCM and make sure the attack shift is 0 while trying to keep a defensive shift of 1

arm torps for Proxie and fire on 1 shield facing.. KEEP TRACK of which facing you hit.. fire when that facing comes around.. kick some phasers in with it...

Photons should be able to fire on the facing every 2 revolutions.. phasers every revolution... Do not alpha strike (firing all weapons at once).. you reduce your chance to hit.. Set up your weapons on quick keys.. set key 1 with 1 photon, set key 2 with 1 photon. set key 3 with phasers that have forward and decent side arcs, set key 4 with phasers that have rear and decent side arcs.

when shield facing you are attacking just starts to enter the firing solution.. just do this relatively quickly if you can

1,z,2,z,1,z,2,z,3,z,z You should get this off before the facing moves out of the firing solution.. on next pass just use 3,z,z and give about a 1 second pause between z and z.

you do this for approx 8 to 14 min and the shield face will go down...

Add another 5 to 12 min, fire a probe and see what weapons the base has off line.. if plasma's are down, move in for the kill..

Hope this helps.
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 09:30:17 pm »
i put the energy to 1 for the shield and 1 for the weapons

i put all the shield to max re enforcement, i put the torpedo on proxie

i put the ecm to 3 i think

i keep an eye on one shield that i keep hiting, anyway i will try again and see if i do it right and try to get my tos defiant to see if i can get them

i include a screen shot of hit.

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2008, 11:00:33 pm »
A fed ship with 8 heavy photons should be able to crack the shields, just do as was stated, fire four proxies be revolution of the base, that way each time it comes around it will be hit.  But remember if you fire them in succesion to make sure you watch the revolution of the base and allow the time needed for them to get to the base (photons are alittle slow and even if you fire when one shield is facing you, you might hit the next one)

Patience and the long run, the hard part is that it is a Plasma base and the R torps can mess up your day.  keep the most ecm up you can  and try to use em when not firing, that way you might have a chance of reducing some of the damage of the torps.  Personnally I would not fire the phasers, damage at long range is very low, and the extra points in shields would help against the waves of torps that will come your way.

Check the range brackets of the R's so you can hit from the best position of damage potential, to damage taken (I am at work and do not have my chart with me right now)

And again, patience, patience.  A little wave tears down mountains, if given anough time.
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2008, 08:48:20 am »
if i hade that ship sure <, but i have the heavy cruiser with 6 regular torpedo  :-\

anyway i will try maybe to get enough credit to buy the defiant so i can attack the starbase, a battle station seem to have less firepower that a starbase.

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2008, 04:23:01 pm »
if i hade that ship sure <, but i have the heavy cruiser with 6 regular torpedo  :-\

anyway i will try maybe to get enough credit to buy the defiant so i can attack the starbase, a battle station seem to have less firepower that a starbase.

I have been able to do it with 4 reg torps, but the Rom base keeps you too far away.  You need to do a moving  assualt,  fly in to firing range, turn to outrun the R torps, circle repeat.
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2008, 07:28:16 pm »
The Starbase won't raise shields unless a hostile ship, fighter or shuttle comes within range 50. I've always played this to advantage in AI oponent games in SFC 1, stop all ships dead and fire from range 50.something with just Drones and Torpedoes, the latter will need sensors on deep scan to hit at that range. If you have any ship, such as a scout cruiser, with a special sensor or two, they'll happily fire on impact fusing at range 50 without deep scan, otherwise you'll need proxy fusing.

You should be able to bombard the base without it raising its shields using a bug in the AI logic. I used it all the time in SFC 1.

I figure that they didn't fix the AI bug in SFC 2 either.

Remember that the starbase will raise shields if so much as a shuttle crosses the range 50.00 line.

Try it and see.

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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2008, 07:31:39 pm »
In SFC II EAW and OP, and SFC 3, base raises shields at start of mission and will reach out and hit you at range 99.9 with PH4's
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2008, 08:18:11 pm »
Ah, but PH4s are only capable of a 1 point hit at over range 50 so that's not such a worry.

So they've fixed the AI bug...... damn.

The other option would be to only power up the front shiled, reinforce it, launch all shuttes, fighters, etc. on "protect me" untill all out and then go in en mass for maximum fire power effect. You'lll be surprised at how long a shuttle can survive when the enmy is more interested in firng at starships.... and a Ph3 does 4 points of damage at point blank range, which is a fair contribution to the overall fireplan strategy. Shuttles and Fighter will always go for a downed or weak shield on bases in SFC 1 and maybe they will still do so in SFC 2.

All fire need to be concentrated on a weakened shield as pointed out above. The shuttles and fighters will need the larger starships to divert fire away from them, otherwise they're dead on their own.

I've also used this tactic and it always works, though my ships are usually well battered.

Target the transporters at the top of the hit and run lists as this will prevent the base punting out T-Bombs or doing H&R in return.

This is a do or die tactic, so you can't be half hearted or wimp out half way through.

Move in close in force and hit it with everything that can shoot!!

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2008, 08:29:05 pm »
SFC II EAW and OP, and SFC 3, ships fire for shuttle primarialy now, they try to take them out in the event of SP or Marine or Suicide shuttles.. they also target Fighters to a majority of the time.. but not always...

With Fed ships.. it is best to sit at range 29.9 and just pluck away on 1 shield facing until it collapses.. keep front shield reinforced and ECM at 6. Using Deep Scan has minimal effect on Torp hist, but it does seem to increase the frequency of impact.. however you sacrifice 10 ship power to deep scan, which takes away from shield reinforcement and / or ECM, depending on how you have your power priorities set up and which ship you have.

Also, do not destroy enemy ships.. capture them and set them be canon fodder for you.. you can set them as the lead ship and the base will target them (closest ship).. you can then follow it in and do some heavy damage with Overloads.. however, keep an eye on your captured ship.. it will only be able to take maybe 2 point bland hist before it gets killed.. so you may only get 1 OL round off to weaken / take out a shield facing.. then retreat to 29.9.. then just pluck away through the down shield...

Also, Do Not capture a base.. this introduces a game bug and mission will not end.. you must destroy the base.
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: starbase assault
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2008, 08:48:39 pm »
My son always strips out any spare parts from captured ships.

In SFC 1 they obey SFB rules and automatically desengage, then leave the field. However, the occasional one will join in the fight for a while. I've had this happen a few times.

If sitting at range 29.9 shield chewing then only raising the facing shield does save power, which can be fed into that sheld as reinforcment. My son swears by this and running scanners at deep scan when torpedoing. It is easy to be caught out on the one shield thing though.

I don't subscribe to my son's deep scan targetting though, but do always run ECCM at full tilt.

In SFC 1 having a ship with aspecial sensor box installed has the same effect as running deep scan, but this is destrooyed and lost on the first through shield hit you take and cannot be repaired in the field. This seems to work in accordabnce to SFB rules on special sensors.

Guess what.... no stock ship in SFC 1 uses special sensors yet the system does work.

I've also managed to achieve a torpedo / hellbore lock on at range 50 only on a special sensor equiped vessel on impact fuse torpedoes, which fits with the SFB rules as well.

Now if only Aegis worked in SFC 1 and ADD too!! I have to manually target incoming Drones with Drones.

SFC 2 didn't make it into the UK or Europe so did Klingon Spearfish and Swordfish Drones make it into the game?? Plasma Racks (Plasma D)?? Romulan Sunfish Drones?? (Fires a point blank Pasma D) or a few other nice / nastty weapon systems??

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!